Phillip14233 ★★★
Re: Take 7* Maestro to R3?
My only other cosmics are red goblin and gladiator (View Post)4 -
Re: Great units deals.
Better to save for banquet (View Post)15 -
Re: Super underwhelming deals?
Agreed. The $50 deal with the 3 T6 cats is a solid one imo though. (View Post)7 -
Re: Shooting stars quest
The 7* requirement being 5 for full explanation on the last 2 quests is kinda dumb. I feel 3 would of been the sweet spot (View Post)6 -
Re: One of my BG matches didn't have nodes on it
Issue has not been resolved. Just did 2 in a row with no buffs, 15 second fights (View Post)2