Phillip14233 ★★★
Same here. Was on killmonger, first I couldn’t do any damage or gain power, then I could, then he went back to full health
Happening to me too. Thought I was road blocked on killmonger cuz I couldn’t do damage. Then it worked again and did some damage, then didn’t do any damage again. And now suddenly he’s back to full health. Wasted revives
My only other cosmics are red goblin and gladiator
Great summary
If I buy anything it’s the $50 deal with the 3 T6 cat selectors. Only for aegon for necro
Better to save for banquet
Agreed. Underwhelming indeed
Agreed. The $50 deal with the 3 T6 cats is a solid one imo though.
Aegon can do almost all of the fights in there, though he is not the best for some. That being said there are a handful that if you use aegon you will suffer at. You will need a counter to a few specific ones. I’d say the average skilled person should expect to use around 80-100 revives per path
I’m going in with aegon soon, I sure hope it doesn’t take 128 revives lol
I’d like to know how many those who have a R4 aegon used. Have tons of boosts but mine is still R4
The 7* requirement being 5 for full explanation on the last 2 quests is kinda dumb. I feel 3 would of been the sweet spot
I don’t
It’s suppose to refresh every 24 hours for a week I think.
I’m sure it’s alright to keep doing them, it’s not like they’re taking them away. It’s just iso and gold too
Same. Would be my 3rd refresh
Wondering the same thing. Did them all, collected milestone rewards and now they’re about to refresh again. Also, will we get the same rewards from the solo objectives and milestones again?
They are pretty good considering this is only 8.2.
Issue has not been resolved. Just did 2 in a row with no buffs, 15 second fights
I was thinking of replacing guardian with sassy for ikaris. Think that’s my best bet
He is R5 awakened but only sig 40 right now. I’ve never used him before, is that sig ability needed high?
yall think the full R4 mats are worth thr 4500 units?
Thats what im planning on, just doing left side with herc an power through
Legacy took the right size for the challenges
I’m not gonna do those that way, I don’t think I’d be able to. I did my first challenge the dimensional being with Cgr and used 50 revives. Mostly because I didn’t have many health pots to heal each fight
Good point. I’m thinking the #dimensional being first because I have Cgr and magik, and apparently they’re both great for it
Herc, Knull, kitty. Knull was only used for warlock, herc did mostly everything else
I used herc for all but warlock. 20 lvl 1 revives total
Makes since. I only did it once and got 2 keys. So a total of 3. Thanks for the info