SonOfArgu16 Guardian
Re: Champs with useless SP1 or even SP2 attacks
I would say Spider-Gwen's original SP1 which just changed her mode from hunter to trap and vice versa, but luckily they changed it with her new update (View Post)16 -
Re: Game could honestly use some more Captain America characters
Ian Rogers as Nomad for family, USAgent as Rival, Diamondback/Sharon/Peggy for love interest, and Old Man Rogers for Old Man Logan (View Post)2 -
Re: BG Season 9: What was your Solo Event Score?
I was actually winning so I pushed through, didn't realize I ran out of milestone rewards so I stopped (View Post)1 -
Re: Why Do You Still Play This Game?
For me, it has always been the character releases with monthly events second pulling me back in. (View Post)1 -
Re: Have recent events altered the way you will chase "new" champs moving forward
I just open up crystals hoping for new champs, don't particularly care when they came out or if they get buffed or nerfed. (View Post)4