The_enlightened ★★★
Since his crits and dug ability say “guarantee” and “cannot die” they won’t be affected. Maybe his curtly charge might fail to apply depending on which activates first. His well timed block abilites … (View Post)1 -
Re: Post your free 5 star crystal here.
title made me think they have one out in the mail Now I feel dumb (View Post)20 -
Re: What is your simple tweak to take a champ from zero to hero?
Drax knocking down his opponent refreshes his buffs (View Post)9 -
Re: HERALD difficulty: Easiest option [Dr. Doom or Dr. Dud?]
I just used NF Deadpool She hulk, wasp and quake (View Post)1 -
Re: Who did you use to beat SS?
Doctor doom plus MF i found to be a better counter even with suicides Do the first cycle as normal but after you trigger your sp3 do MLM MLLLL parry LMLLH usually that’s enough for another sp3 no sp1… (View Post)1