YoMoves ★★★★
Re: Battlegrounds fair scoring
So people should purposely get the tar beat out of them so Real Nick can clear faster when someone with the LMD up takes longer, might not finish, and loses? Nah, fam. Or people who slide by on Herc'… (View Post)1 -
Re: Magic Thief - NEEDS NERF ASAP
It is wild that this thread is still going without some version of Kabam response. I've seen Jax edited someone's post, which means they are definitely watching it...so why no word? Not even a 'we wi… (View Post)4 -
Re: Showcase Strategy
I stand by what I said. When the attack bonuses are gone (which let's face it, some fights are going to be that bad) that is in fact the strategy... (View Post)4 -
Re: Showcase Strategy
Er....have you been in t1 wars lately? That's actually just the strat on some fights... (View Post)4 -
Re: Showcase Strategy
As a fellow T1 player, I can say usually this wasn't really the case around here. You also suspiciously left out Sasquatch in terms of sig problems, as his regen means lower ranked champions simply c… (View Post)10