YoMoves ★★★★
Re: Gwenmaster for unskilled players
In order: Emma Frost phase: Every time you make her exit Diamond Form, she'll gain prowess based on the power you had when she exited it (so if you throw an L2 and the act of doing so puts her out of… (View Post)9 -
Re: Magic Thief - NEEDS NERF ASAP
Hey, Kabam. Been playing eight long years, spent way more than I probably should have. You're making me want to quit outright. AQ? Boring, but passable and entertaining. BGs? Not a fan, but some peop… (View Post)22 -
Wartime feedback-an old vet's perspective
Okay, this one's been a lil' time coming, but now that I have a week's wars in the new meta and have listened to what my alliance mates and fellow players have been saying, I think it's time to give … (View Post)7 -
Re: How was EOP Scorpion?
Omega Sentinel cheese for Robot, X-23 cheese for Thunderbolt/DOT. Pretty braindead, just very, very long. Can't wait to gauntlet through this nonsense. (View Post)1 -
Re: Compensation for issues 9.2022
Making comments that contribute nothing and clearly aggravate the community is optional, but you still did it. (View Post)11