mbrace ★★★
Re: Initial Thoughts On Jack O' Lantern
He’s taking down Onslaught, Dust, Sinister, Havok, Domino, Weapon X, and Bishop pretty easily. His SP2 is a massive nuke, and his animations are cool. What more could you ask for? Also, the 7* seems … (View Post)2 -
Re: Who is the new best addition in tomorrow’s new titan crystal?
I have a duped 7* Count Nefaria, and I’m not impressed enough to say that he’s the best addition. He’s good, but I still like my other top science champs slightly more. Shathra and Enchantress are th… (View Post)6 -
Re: Silver Sable buff soon?
For the love, Kabam needs to update this champ. I also duped her and never felt so screwed over by a Titan crystal. I tried so hard to like her, but she’s just not doing it for me. (View Post)1 -
Re: Racism in global
I think we have all concurred in the past that it’s best to avoid global chat like the Plague. (View Post)3 -
Re: Invisible woman Raids
The shield won’t go down until you complete enough missions to start the damage phase. Then she’s toast. Best part about her is being able to come in with low health and then heal back to full using … (View Post)2