mbrace ★★★
Re: Initial Thoughts On Jack O' Lantern
Not true. When the plasma detonates, you get 15 stacks of inflamed passives, making Jack almost immune to the detonations via energy resists. (View Post)5 -
Re: Initial Thoughts On Jack O' Lantern
He’s taking down Onslaught, Dust, Sinister, Havok, Domino, Weapon X, and Bishop pretty easily. His SP2 is a massive nuke, and his animations are cool. What more could you ask for? Also, the 7* seems … (View Post)2 -
Re: Super Event, what's next ?
Yep. Kind of like going back to a job you hated after you quit it. It’s so painful now. (View Post)7 -
Re: Ironheart is underpowered and boring. Change my mind.
She’s the only tech that can keep incinerate up indefinitely and therefore can get pauses from the Sentinel relic at all times. Don’t tell me that OS does this, because the incinerates take a while t… (View Post)15 -
Re: Why is luke cage in the titan pool?
I can win rounds in BG using LC for fights that he shouldn’t even be good for. I think that you are living in the pre-buff past. (View Post)15