mbrace ★★★
Re: Who is the new best addition in tomorrow’s new titan crystal?
I have a duped 7* Count Nefaria, and I’m not impressed enough to say that he’s the best addition. He’s good, but I still like my other top science champs slightly more. Shathra and Enchantress are th… (View Post)6 -
Re: Raid map bug
Ok, do what you want. I just don’t think that swearing at the staff will get you the response that you desire. I personally believe that full Raids compensation and a formal statement from Kabam, own… (View Post)1 -
Re: Is it worth taking toad up just for SOS?
Don’t stop at R3. He’s at least R4 worthy. Actually, if you are that strapped for resources, it seems like Toad could do you some good in BG fights as well. (View Post)1 -
Re: Brag Post New R3
TBH, that’s pretty nice. I don’t blame you. (View Post)3 -
Re: Warlock or Shuri ? Who to 7* R3
These two perform very differently, and Shuri is not really for killing any meta mutant defenders, besides Domino. She isn’t viable for Onslaught, Dust, Bishop, Weapon X, or Havok. Warlock destroys a… (View Post)2