mbrace ★★★
Re: Why is luke cage in the titan pool?
I can win rounds in BG using LC for fights that he shouldn’t even be good for. I think that you are living in the pre-buff past. (View Post)15 -
Re: Opinions on Mr Sinister buff
The opponent doesn’t, and I see the counter icon isn’t incrementing after the first one either. I can put 100 debuffs on KP, and he never stops shrugging them. (View Post)3 -
Re: Sandman just got nerfed
Since Sandman is not very good to begin with, I don’t think that he was intentionally nerfed. This is probably an unintended change that came with the new update. (View Post)2 -
Re: IronHeart
This is not even close to true. She’s the only tech that can keep incinerate up indefinitely and therefore can get pauses from the Sentinel relic at all times. Don’t tell me that OS does this, becaus… (View Post)13 -
Re: Romance potions/revives for units
This actually makes the units for money deal worth it. The 7* crystals are not bad, but these crystals romance potions/revives are timeless and have a high stack limit. It’s nice to keep some in the … (View Post)2