Can we get some insight/clarity on this

Saw this video and now my mind is racing, and the finish line doesn't look like a good place, please provide some insight

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2. Kabam has already stated that the champion requirement buttons were added to place restrictions on how the October special symbiote can be used: it is restricted to only certain content. This has been mooted already.
3. To be blunt, the people guessing that this feature hinted at Act 6 restrictions to lower ranked champions were completely off their rocker. Maybe it makes sense if you know nothing about game development and think game developers sit around a conference table and discuss how much money the content they released last month made, but that is an imaginary fantasy. It seems straight forward obvious to me that the permanent content like the Acts are designed to allow players to level up relative to their difficulty, because this is a variable incentive to roster progress. You wouldn't change that: there's plenty of room to make exotic difficulty changes in the monthly content that refreshes constantly, and it makes more sense for such content to have fixed time horizons for completion. This theory only makes sense from a greedy conspiracy theory perspective. It makes zero sense from a game development perspective.