Kabam, you've gone too far - The champions clash

Burnsy97Burnsy97 Member Posts: 6

I wouldn't normally put the effort into complaining on a forum, however after what I've just been through, I'm so mad that i'm gonna do it anyway.

I had just made it to the final boss of the champions clash event quest against the champion. Long story short, I got my ass handed to me. I brought some of the best champions in the game: Blade, Corvus, Void, Ghost Rider and Magik; and still couldn't bring the champion below 80% health.

Magik's nullify doesn't work, void can't petrify, neither Blade nor Corvus could get him below the 80% mark because of Primal fury and his insane regen. After spending well over 1000 units worth of potions and revives I gave up. Losing all my progress in the quest.

ANYWAY, could a representative from Kabam please be so kind as to tell me how the hell this is supposed to be fun or interactive? I wasted the equivalent of £30 and 4 hours of my time on broken content whose sole purpose is to milk players of every last penny.

Additionally, why is it that some players are able to fight the champion in the same quest without him having the persistent charge feature (e.g. Dork Lessons livestream The champion has no persistent charge feature) however for me he does?

I swear to god i'm so done with this game.


  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    Magik with MD should’ve worked. All you had to do was use L1 to nullify his fury every time it came up and you would’ve been fine.
  • Supremeguy95Supremeguy95 Member Posts: 447 ★★
    Your team is all god-tier champs. Tryco is like the Anti god-tier champion. Go figure.
  • belli300belli300 Member Posts: 704 ★★★
    If it makes you feel better same thing happened to me just had the wrong team didn’t realize his regen would be that strong as I took him out easily in eq
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  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,687 ★★★★
    edited November 2018
  • Spidey983Spidey983 Member Posts: 93
    Cap IW is one of the best counters out there. He can instantly remove his primal fury, thus stopping him from regenerating health.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    User error.
  • TwmRTwmR Member Posts: 662 ★★★
    Voodoo just destroys him sp1 on even combo stack the poisons job done.
    The only way to reduce his regen is with poison
  • HaminHamin Member Posts: 2,444 ★★★★★
    edited November 2018
    Can I have your stuff?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,410 Guardian
    Burnsy97 wrote: »

    I wouldn't normally put the effort into complaining on a forum, however after what I've just been through, I'm so mad that i'm gonna do it anyway.

    I had just made it to the final boss of the champions clash event quest against the champion. Long story short, I got my ass handed to me. I brought some of the best champions in the game: Blade, Corvus, Void, Ghost Rider and Magik; and still couldn't bring the champion below 80% health.

    Magik's nullify doesn't work, void can't petrify, neither Blade nor Corvus could get him below the 80% mark because of Primal fury and his insane regen. After spending well over 1000 units worth of potions and revives I gave up. Losing all my progress in the quest.

    ANYWAY, could a representative from Kabam please be so kind as to tell me how the hell this is supposed to be fun or interactive? I wasted the equivalent of £30 and 4 hours of my time on broken content whose sole purpose is to milk players of every last penny.

    Additionally, why is it that some players are able to fight the champion in the same quest without him having the persistent charge feature (e.g. Dork Lessons livestream The champion has no persistent charge feature) however for me he does?

    I swear to god i'm so done with this game.

    I bought my sig 99 5/50 scarlet witch. She handed the champ a shamefully easy defeat. Turns out that if everything gets nullified, the champ turns into a slower, blue version of colossus. I watched him flail about with his sp1 and slapped him with 2 sp2s and was done with him. She's a 4 star...

    Edit: her sig allows crit hits from her or opponent to add buffs/debuffs/nullify at an 85% clip, which is essentially the same 85% as gambits sp1 stun. This means no furies to build, which means no silly shenanigans, which means easy win. See, she crit hits A LOT. Just wanted to make sure everyone understands...

    I think awakened Loki is an even better option. He steals buffs 100% of the time with SP1, and awakened Loki gains power faster up to the first bar. So he can cycle SP1 faster than the Champion can cycle up to his buffs, keeping him basically permanently nullified. As a bonus, you get all of the buffs you steal except for unstoppable which can't be transferred (but it can be nullified when SP1 steals buffs). In terms of this fight, Loki is a more predictable SW.
  • G0311G0311 Member Posts: 913 ★★★
    What??? He to me was the easiest part of this, that Hyperion with the 50% power gain was a pain. I used a combo of magjic, Blade and finally Domino, all with about half life. I am by no means the best and he to me was a relief to fight after that Hyperion and that final Void, rng kicked my butt with him keep getting life degen put on me.
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  • edited November 2018
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  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Champion is where Hood shines through and makes himself truly one of the best, available, stagger champions in the game, his crits almost always grant a stagger and it will always remove unstoppable first, along with hex, Hood is literally the ultimate counter
  • Strikerrx8Strikerrx8 Member Posts: 1,090 ★★★
    @klobberintyme. I have a dupe scarlet 4 star i have not even rank her up should i?
  • teekqteekq Member Posts: 190
    I don’t know domino made him so easy!
    Champion is where Hood shines through and makes himself truly one of the best, available, stagger champions in the game, his crits almost always grant a stagger and it will always remove unstoppable first, along with hex, Hood is literally the ultimate counter

  • Strikerrx8Strikerrx8 Member Posts: 1,090 ★★★
  • VulcanMVulcanM Member Posts: 664 ★★
    edited November 2018
    Champion is where Hood shines through and makes himself truly one of the best, available, stagger champions in the game, his crits almost always grant a stagger and it will always remove unstoppable first, along with hex, Hood is literally the ultimate counter

    you are wrong, its quake. quake can finish the fight with almost no block damage, no hits, she evade basics, no power gain if you play her right and most importantly completely prevents primordial fury.
  • DrPepper_75DrPepper_75 Member Posts: 126
    Mephisto I used...didn’t used him till I got to the champion. He is a 4 star rank 4 dupped. His soul imprisonment is a life saver. I didn’t die once against him in master or in last tile of lightweight. You have 3 when you start quest. When about to run out Sp1 him to keep it going. I too had no luck with the champs you mention. Good luck.
  • JakearoundJakearound Member Posts: 434 ★★★
    I used Medusa. She walked right through him. glad she isn’t one of the champs in his sig ability.
  • WiMakWiMak Member Posts: 359 ★★
    I’m on the hood bandwagon! All-star
  • AdiMukh555AdiMukh555 Member Posts: 756 ★★★
    There's a champ called Archangel, hope you have heard about him
  • DragonFire2DragonFire2 Member Posts: 181
    I used Blade, Sparky, GR, Cap IW and Mephisto. The Champion was definitely a pain, but if you start with Sparky and Blade, you can get a lot of health off before his regen gets you. At tbhat point, quit the fight, then go all in with mephisto for a bit while his buffs are blocked. Then finish him off with Cap. Definitely hard but doable.
  • Kenny292Kenny292 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    edited November 2018
    Man, I just facepalmed as soon as I read the team the OP chose to bring in. Every single one being on the Champions of the Universe list.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    @Strikerrx8 you should rank her, although she really needs a higher signature to be great.
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