Introducing The Uncollected Daily Crystal



  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,593 ★★★★★
    This is unfair on the players trying to improve to beat the collector you are cutting out the player base for only end game players totally unfair I think worst idea and totally unfair kabam!!

    Looks like I was took a whole 8 minutes after my post above.
  • superunknown012superunknown012 Member Posts: 413 ★★
    It's unfair rewarding only players who can beat it what about the other 90% of players or what ever it is

    Considering the 5.2 rewards were pretty subpar from the outset this is just helping to properly reward those who can beat it.
  • Xthea9Xthea9 Member Posts: 829 ★★
    Chapter 5.2 , has to be 100% explored or complete?
  • Minion_of_DoomMinion_of_Doom Member Posts: 110
    Glad to hear it. Could have saved yourself some hate had you let us know after releasing the 5.2 "rewards".

    We told you guys that it was something that you'd have to wait and see!

    It's a good change. Does this mean Chapter 3 is coming soon?
  • Etaki_LirakoiEtaki_Lirakoi Member Posts: 480 ★★
    Xthea9 wrote: »
    Chapter 5.2 , has to be 100% explored or complete?
    Just completion.
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    For those complaining...

    Make one run through 5.2 and you get it as well. Treat it like a challenge, don't be afraid to use some pots/revives. You don't have to explore to get the title, stop complaining all the time and go play the game.
  • WatdragonWatdragon Member Posts: 7
    Hi ..i want to ask if i am more then 40 lvl but did not do act 5 yet can i get the daily too
  • WatdragonWatdragon Member Posts: 7
    If i am more then 40 lvl and did not do act 5 yet i get the daily too
  • UrukadevilUrukadevil Member Posts: 1
    It's unfair rewarding only players who can beat it what about the other 90% of players or what ever it is

    Totally agreed.. I've started to play a years ago and I'm still far from 5.2...

  • ForwardForward Member Posts: 115 ★★
    @Watdragon No. It says the requirements for getting the crystal right there in the post

    "This crystal is only available to Summoners that have beaten Act 5: Chapter 2, and are Level 40 or above, and will replace the original Daily Crystal that The Collector created. This is a brand new Crystal, and does not affect any Daily Crystals that may currently be in your possession."
  • ctp1223ctp1223 Member Posts: 290
    Trying to get some clarity @Kabam Miike :

    So I am currently still in the middle of Act 4. I can still get this title after August 2nd right? So for example I finish it on August 15th... I get the title then and I will be able to start collecting this new Grandmaster crystal right?

    There is no sort of time restraint on this correct? I just miss out on the GM crystal until I finish 5.2?
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    ctp1223 wrote: »
    Trying to get some clarity @Kabam Miike :

    So I am currently still in the middle of Act 4. I can still get this title after August 2nd right? So for example I finish it on August 15th... I get the title then and I will be able to start collecting this new Grandmaster crystal right?

    There is no sort of time restraint on this correct? I just miss out on the GM crystal until I finish 5.2?

    That is exactly correct. Take your time, this will still be here when you do beat 5.2
  • TerrorTTerrorT Member Posts: 1
    Awesome news. Can't wait to start collecting.

    For those worried about being to low to beat 5.2, keep grinding like the rest of us have and you'll get there. Believe in the ball and throw yourself!
  • STShortySTShorty Member Posts: 103
    When you say base hero 4 stars does this include all 4 star champs that have been added to the 4 star crystal? So as featured champs are added to the crystals they will also be added to the grandmaster daily crystal? Also, why aren't full tier 1 alphas in there? As a veteran player that plays only map 5 and 6. I have noticed that the items that have become harder to obtain is the tier 1 alpha. Unless we spend all our glory and do the arena every week We are very low on tier 1 alphas. This makes it hard to continually rank up 5 stars because of the amount needed for each.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    @STShorty once a champ is added to the base crystal he is a base champ. A chance at a base 4* would include any champ that fits that description.
  • Rabbit214Rabbit214 Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2017
    So lets say i'm sitting on 200 daily crystals.... What happens to them on August 2nd and I switch over to the new crystals. Will they just stay in my vault, or will they disappear forever?
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    I bet no one will be able to "collect" these crystals
  • MasterMindMasterMind Member Posts: 52
    Urukadevil wrote: »
    It's unfair rewarding only players who can beat it what about the other 90% of players or what ever it is

    Totally agreed.. I've started to play a years ago and I'm still far from 5.2...

    I've been playing since November an I've Beatin everything but 100% on LAB so that's not an excuse, go grind like I did and my ign is Caliphresh go check me out
  • MasterMindMasterMind Member Posts: 52
    you guys make maestro Act 4 boss where he regens and eventually we beat we have the collector who literally Kills without even doing much effort on a fair what next's Abomination threatening to run naked around the battlerealm and we gotta stop him before he scars everyone for life lol

    Hyperion Thor SL Vision and he's dead
  • MillybearMillybear Member Posts: 113
    Those rewards are awesome! Great job kabam. But does this mean we get even more for beating act 5.3 and 5.4?
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