Mistake in Offer?

I just completed this quest.. and received the following offer.. I don't have an issue with the price listed.. my question.. the price that is listed as original price with the strike though.. is that accurate?
I realize it might be different for digital goods.. but know it's illegal irl to raise the price of a product and then display a "sale" price which is actually the initial price of the product. I know this used to be common by retailers.. but after the class action lawsuit in 2013 retailers that get caught now.. usually have a hefty fine to pay.

I realize it might be different for digital goods.. but know it's illegal irl to raise the price of a product and then display a "sale" price which is actually the initial price of the product. I know this used to be common by retailers.. but after the class action lawsuit in 2013 retailers that get caught now.. usually have a hefty fine to pay.
That's at the sale price.. i have no issue with that.. or whatever amount they want to list it for.. my question was what they have as the original price.. which would bring a 5* to 37,500 units... even that is fine.. my question was about jacking up the "original" price to an amount which is not accurate.. in order to make the sale price even more appealing..
Thanks for clarifying. Also, good to know the considered value of 1k 5* shards and 15k gold.
That’s a little over $1000 for a basic. Still insane
There are very specific rules (in Canada anyway) about what can be legally considered “regular price” and I seriously doubt this meets those criteria.
“unless these suppliers have sold a substantial volume of the product at the represented ordinary price, or alternatively, these suppliers have offered the product for sale in good faith at the represented ordinary price, this price can not be referenced as the ordinary price, and an issue is raised under subsection”.
So the question is, has Kabam ever sold 1,000 - 5* shards for 3750 units or the equivalent dollar value? Have they sold enough for this to qualify as the “ordinary price”? I highly doubt it. Seemingly this offer would be false or misleading advertising by Canada standards.
Thanks for that.. you made the point i was trying to in more words but easier to understand.. I'm in Canada as well.. so maybe the lawsuit I saw a while back is only relevant in Canada..
I believe if players not uncollected are actually getting that pop up offer at that price (I don't know, I've been uncollected for a long time and I've never seen it myself) that would qualify as a good faith offer at that price.
And I know this seems unbelievable to some, but every offer we see that we see more than once is being bought by someone. Lots of someones, or they wouldn't keep popping the offer. I know someone that bought a Ducati that still lives with his parents. It is unfathomable, but it happens.
To be honest I was wondering about those offers myself, because they looked like an error to me as well. Maybe if someone that is still not uncollected can post a picture of the undiscounted offer for confirmation.
This is the only regular offer for 5* shards which would make the offer they are giving highly inflated at the reduced price. Of course a grand master crystal sells for 300 units in the crystal tab so it makes it very hard to calculate the true value of this offer
It depends, auto manufacturers have a MSRP, and the dealerships can apply any deal or reduction in order to move units. Is the MSRP the correct price? Or is it a ploy to mislead the purchaser by allowing the dealership to lost it’s own price? Many retailers use the same Suggested Retail Price as a way to show how much the consumer is saving.
Your statement suggests that what Kabam is doing is illegal, but is it? The 3000+ units would have been about right when 5* were first introduced and people had very limited ways of getting shards. People were paying $100 for a 4* champ when I first started. Prices since have dropped, but it is not so far off as to what the price was.
Now, is it a good deal? No. But as my Alliance Leader @QuikPik said, they are for players that can’t wait (like ones that are 1k shy of a 5*).
Buyer beware is more than a motto.
That was my initial question and the title of the thread.. however according to the response from Kabam.. the amount listed with the strike through it, is the actual price.