Is Carnage a "bad" champion?

SuskanutSuskanut Member Posts: 113
edited July 2017 in General Discussion

Is Carnage a "bad" champion? 142 votes

Yes, he is the worst
Etaki_LirakoiDraco2199AegonTVdh2008OngellDalBotRB6942SnakeEyes69JOHNOSA1995DeathBringer77Yelin547RafitasHarada78Mr_PlatypusDrOctavius2_2Haji_SaabA_Noob_Is1j00mBAOGHeRRoTimone147 67 votes
Yes, but he has potential
DARKLOKIWhododo872LocoMotivesCrusherKevinFF1961TripleD_Fenrirjeyrey2000CuteshelfTheLazyKingGarbagePandaSpity68GhengisHanShinyshinnyNanoDroidLegoCrafter517TSquared26ScorpionsKryptLuismarquez131KromestoneiSenberg 41 votes
No, he's moderate
CoatHang3rKronos987654321Alfa_PigeonFuzzylumpsDoctorAntManEinsammlermum_m2SulaimanYellsomeBazingoOllyoxenfreeJoey0480DocMcShottiekeysareGhost_BlaZeApocalypse189NumanDusky_Dawnege999menBUNGALNGAL 25 votes
Wtf are you talking about he's a GOD
RaganatorAfridPrimmer79Username819273943SpiritF4k3_GaM3rTheMageHunterSungjNiall_The_Gun 9 votes


  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Wtf are you talking about he's a GOD
    Lol almost as godly as luke cage and iron patriot
  • IdontinksoIdontinkso Member Posts: 156
    Yes, he is the worst
    I let him hit me on purpose with his heavy on starks assignment master level, the bleed is so weak it makes me regenerate with willpower and recovery. That's not just bad, that's broken.
  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    Wtf are you talking about he's a GOD
    Carnage is God tier

    Jokes aside he is barely playable with maxed deep wounds. If u ain't got that he is Carbage
  • FAL7ENFAL7EN Member Posts: 297
    He's a beast when you play against 2* lol
  • A4_AwesomeA4_Awesome Member Posts: 73
    why is this even a poll it is already established he is trash possibly worse than IP and LC and definetly worse than Netflix Daredevil
  • GrinderGrinder Member Posts: 242
    edited July 2017
    Carnage is easily the worst champion in the game by a very long shot. And that's with a maxed out carnage with maxed out "potential". They did him wrong, this has been said countless times over and over on the forums. There's no need to make another thread, let's all just forget carnage exists in MCOC, it's for the best. If you get him as a champ just grit your teeth and move on. I wouldn't even use him for arena fodder because he takes 3x longer to kill something in the best situations compared to even the 2nd worst champ.
  • Tmasters1984Tmasters1984 Member Posts: 451
    Him and vulture make for easy bosses.

    Easy bosses=good.
  • CrusherCrusher Member Posts: 305
    Yes, but he has potential
    .. He has really good potential... Some people complaints for no reason..
    4* rank 5 carnage is really good to complete act 3 and catalyst quests without any revives..
    And he is really useful for those who wants to try LOL ... Just use him against any higher champs and it will takes more then 100 hits ..... And his BP is **** so u have to intercept... So that will really help u to learn intercepting and building combos..
    Last and not the least... He is great arena champ against 3* champs .... Carnage is god..
  • nebneb Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    Yes, he is the worst
    When does he come back around as a featured 5 star again? Maybe he'll be usable by then. $$$
  • WreakingHavocWreakingHavoc Member Posts: 253 ★★
    edited July 2017
    Yes, but he has potential
    Not the worst, but not good, I can tell you that. I'd rather have him than my Luke Cage or Spidergwen, but Ant-Man is probably better when duped.
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    edited July 2017
    Yes, but he has potential
    He has potential in that a couple small tweaks to his package could make him a solid champ.
  • RafitasRafitas Member Posts: 65
    edited July 2017
    Yes, he is the worst
    I think Carnage will beat an record on 5* Feature Crystal.
    0 Purchases.
    Maybe after that, Kabam should do something.
  • nebneb Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    Yes, he is the worst
    After that they'll have no reason 2
  • GrinderGrinder Member Posts: 242
    Cuteshelf wrote: »
    Grinder wrote: »
    Carnage is easily the worst champion in the game by a very long shot. And that's with a maxed out carnage with maxed out "potential". They did him wrong, this has been said countless times over and over on the forums. There's no need to make another thread, let's all just forget carnage exists in MCOC, it's for the best. If you get him as a champ just grit your teeth and move on. I wouldn't even use him for arena fodder because he takes 3x longer to kill something in the best situations compared to even the 2nd worst champ.

    I disagree.
    Bring on the posts.

    The last thing miiike said was that they know 'how we feel' but they 'can't drop their schedule' to fix him yet.

    The more posts, the more they'll realize how bad he is and how much people are rooting for him to be fixed and usable.

    If we just forget about it, it could be 6,12 even 18 months before they do anything about him.

    At the very least, all of the constant posts might make them realise their mistakes and the inevitable community backlash from releasing such undertested champs and put in the proper time and effort into creating new champs.

    Half of the champs that have been around for years aren't even working right or fixed. If you honestly think it'll be anywhere even in the distant future that he gets changed you're sadly mistaken. If you're new, I understand why you may be hopeful but if you've been around for a while you're just being oblivious to reality when it comes to kabam.
  • nebneb Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    Yes, he is the worst
    Carnages best chance of not being worthless is in a few years when he gets a reskin release :)
  • Awesomeness44Awesomeness44 Member Posts: 139
    Yes, but he has potential
    Carnage is the worst release of 2017 for sure, but maybe if he was given an open wound like punisher he could be better
  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    Yes, but he has potential
    Grinder wrote: »
    Cuteshelf wrote: »
    Grinder wrote: »
    Carnage is easily the worst champion in the game by a very long shot. And that's with a maxed out carnage with maxed out "potential". They did him wrong, this has been said countless times over and over on the forums. There's no need to make another thread, let's all just forget carnage exists in MCOC, it's for the best. If you get him as a champ just grit your teeth and move on. I wouldn't even use him for arena fodder because he takes 3x longer to kill something in the best situations compared to even the 2nd worst champ.

    I disagree.
    Bring on the posts.

    The last thing miiike said was that they know 'how we feel' but they 'can't drop their schedule' to fix him yet.

    The more posts, the more they'll realize how bad he is and how much people are rooting for him to be fixed and usable.

    If we just forget about it, it could be 6,12 even 18 months before they do anything about him.

    At the very least, all of the constant posts might make them realise their mistakes and the inevitable community backlash from releasing such undertested champs and put in the proper time and effort into creating new champs.

    Half of the champs that have been around for years aren't even working right or fixed. If you honestly think it'll be anywhere even in the distant future that he gets changed you're sadly mistaken. If you're new, I understand why you may be hopeful but if you've been around for a while you're just being oblivious to reality when it comes to kabam.

    You Might be right, but no other champ was released this bad before, and no other champ has had this response from the community.

    If kabam is struggling so hard releasing decent champs, perhaps they need another team to look at 'balancing' which focuses on updating older/underpowered champs.
  • DocMcShottieDocMcShottie Member Posts: 45
    No, he's moderate
    I'll admit that he is not the best champ. But in the right hands he can do some very good damage. I use him (5/50 sig 39) as an alternate when my top champs are all in AW and AQ, and I have no issues clearing the harder content with him. I'll say it like I have many times in the past, there are no bad champs only players that don't know how to properly use them. Yes, this included LC and Spider-gwen.
  • nebneb Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    Yes, he is the worst
    It kinda reminds me of league of legends, they are always doing full reworks of outdated champs so the characters don't become too stale
  • LegoCrafter517LegoCrafter517 Member Posts: 52
    Yes, but he has potential
    The way I feel about carnage is just disappointment. He was one of the most anticipated champions but came out completely garbage. But I'm pretty sure he'll get a major boost in the future. All he really needs is a bleed boost and to be able to bleed on regular hits like venom. Even tho he's not a great champion, he is still a pretty cool grab. His animations are great and his model is amazing, and with (I hope) some added bleed buffs, he'll be really good.
  • LegoCrafter517LegoCrafter517 Member Posts: 52
    Yes, but he has potential
    I'll admit that he is not the best champ. But in the right hands he can do some very good damage. I use him (5/50 sig 39) as an alternate when my top champs are all in AW and AQ, and I have no issues clearing the harder content with him. I'll say it like I have many times in the past, there are no bad champs only players that don't know how to properly use them. Yes, this included LC and Spider-gwen.

    Dude! Finally! someone like me! I hate it when players bash champs like iron patriot or spider gwen.
  • RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,018 ★★★

    Dude! Finally! someone like me! I hate it when players bash champs like iron patriot or spider gwen. [/quote]

    Spider Gwen is totally awesome. I can't see why all the hate for her. not very many people must know how to use her properly.
  • GrinderGrinder Member Posts: 242
    edited August 2017
    I'll admit that he is not the best champ. But in the right hands he can do some very good damage. I use him (5/50 sig 39) as an alternate when my top champs are all in AW and AQ, and I have no issues clearing the harder content with him. I'll say it like I have many times in the past, there are no bad champs only players that don't know how to properly use them. Yes, this included LC and Spider-gwen.

    The one and only reason you may use him is because you rushed to get him then r5'd thinking he'd be great, now you're stuck with a r5 champ that does less damage in his best moments as 90% of r4's do at their worst.... You're trying to find gold in a dumpster of dead fish. I don't hate on champs in general, in fact you can probably search through some of my past posts and find that I heavily defend champs like iron patriot because I don't think they're bad in any way just inferior to their counterparts. But when a r5 carnage averages below 500 damage per hit in a typical fight and only a few K at his prime damage, and the champ has zero utility or defense you are looking at, by far, the worst champ in the game on every single level. He's strictly a prestige champ.
  • Kronos987654321Kronos987654321 Member Posts: 584 ★★★
    No, he's moderate
    I would take carnage over:
    Luke cage
    Ant man
    She Hulk.

  • DeathBringer77DeathBringer77 Member Posts: 159
    Yes, he is the worst
    Carnage is one of my biggest disappointments in this game and I've had major disappointments with this game. There is many of us that feel this way and we need to continue to put pressure on in order to get change. Honestly, if they just raised his health and attack to normal level, he would be better. But again we are talking carnage and he should have the bleed of gwenpool, regen as a buff and way shorter timer. I can keep going but I'll stop there.

    Miike and the team know he is garbage and hopefully they will fit him into their schedule.
  • nebneb Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    Yes, he is the worst
    Some people clearly haven't tested or used Carnage enough yet. It isn't till after 4 special attacks that his damage passes shehulk. Or you can go the defensive route. Now it isn't till after 4 specials will he pass Luke cage. In both cases this is leaving either his offense or his defense at lower then a r3 4 stars average amount. If you build balanced and go 1 of each buff then after 5 special attacks you'll still be weaker then all other characters in the game with zero utility to make up for it.
  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
    Don't worry, they're comiing out with multiple new champs every month's a race to the bottom in terms of utility. I can guarantee you they'll find a way to release an even more unappealing champ, then we'll stop **** about carnage and **** about the new guy instead, problem solved!
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Hey All,

    There are already multiple threads on this subject, and as we have said, we will look into this situation when we have the chance. There is no more to add at this time, but as soon as there is, we will let you know.

    Closing this thread down now.
This discussion has been closed.