Is the permanent ban fair for all?

Hi, I am writing this only because of one thing - this game is or was a part of my life. Firstly let me admit I messed up by sharing my account details with another person to complete certain quests in the game, not because I didn't want to but because I did not have time and got saw an easy way out. Before I did this I had already completed 5.1 (100%) and completed 5.2 all by myself, I have been a level 60 player for a while and have played this game over for two years now. I was banned for 160 hours and with 2 hours remaining it said banned permanently. Before we got the ban in game message I never even knew about this, never saw any videos or forums etc so I thought 160 hours serves me right. My point is I'd love to have my account back obviously, this is the first and last time Ive done this, I believe anyone who has cheated or been an idiot to try it should get atleast one more chance especially if it's the first offence and they've been playing forever. Anyhow thanks, please contact me if you need information on the person who used my account which has probably happened to a lot of other impatient people like me. If not, this is a hard way to learn the art of patience.
In game: minkl3
In game: minkl3
This discussion has been closed.
The problem with account sharing in this context is that it is an impossible to disprove excuse for all cheating. Whatever Kabam catches you doing, you can just say it wasn't me, it was this other guy I shared with. That's probably the main reason why account sharing is a bannable offense: if it wasn't, then who wouldn't claim it and get a lesser punishment for cheating.
I also have some sympathy for the OP and other people who were banned. I don't condone cheating and I do think it is detrimental to the game, but I'm not completely heartless about it. But the reason why the punishment is so harsh is because the punishment is not just intended to punish the offender, it is also intended to be a deterrent from cheating in the first place. No cheat detection is perfect: some people will always get away with it. If cheaters believe that they will always get a second chance, it can encourage people to take a shot at cheating knowing they get one free pass if they are caught, and they might not even be caught. The punishment must be strong enough that the risk is not worth it at all, and the only punishment high enough to make the risk not worth taking is permanent bans.
I feel that man I understand what you are saying;
Sharing your account is dangerous for a number of reasons, a major one being that when you use a service to complete difficult content, it is undoubtedly using a Modification to complete the game, but this is still your responsibility because it was a choice that you made. Your account, all actions taken by it, and its security is solely your responsibility.
I'm sorry that you no longer have access to this account that you've spent a lot of time on. You are always welcome to start a new one and progress through the game again without breaking the terms of service, but it's highly unlikely that this decision will be reversed.
Since we do not discuss actions taken on individual accounts in the forums, we're going to close this thread down now.