Kabam, I have a question regarding piloting..

So AW piloting is a no no, but piloting for AQ and arena is ok? So much for integrity of the game.
Arena cutoffs, legend runs, AQ top 3, are all messed up from people continuing to pilot with no punishments. Why is this?
Arena cutoffs, legend runs, AQ top 3, are all messed up from people continuing to pilot with no punishments. Why is this?
We will always take action when we find something that is not in the spirit of fair play. We're always implementing new methods of detection and punishment. You can expect more of those in the future, including new actions in the coming months.
It is by definition a kind of account sharing, and thus prohibited by the terms of service of the game.
I've heard more justifications for 'piloting' than I'd care too. At the end of the day, it's cheating. Simple as that. You can justify your actions on this matter all the live long day... doesn't make it right, or ok. Most players work their tails off to get where they are today. All the while there are those that would happily hand another player a stack of cash to finish the content for them. I get not everyone has the time to do everything they'd like too. I get that some lack the skills necessary to complete X content. I get that it blows falling behind as it were due to these circumstances. Just the same, they do not justify 'piloting.' Period.
The ONLY aspect I have a little trouble with is account transfers. I would like to see such become available to the playerbase in a legitimate way. Kabam being the mediator in the transaction, making a percentage of the sale price for said account, and ensuring no one gets burned. That would be nice to see happen. However, I certainly doubt it ever will. While I don't like it, it is what it is. As it currently stands anyway.
There will always be those that are foolish enough to take the risk on the purchase of something that could potentially get banned as a result, or get burned in the transfer process. Knowing this, making a legitimate method, and getting extra money out of it seems like it would be in Kabam's best interest all things considered. I dont know. Maybe there's something I'm missing, and maybe I'm wrong. Just seems like it would benefit everyone in the long run. Obviously with some stipulations and guidelines to prevent hot swaps occurring back and forth to legitimize 'piloting' certain aspects of the game.
Sure, there's the point that someone can pickup a loaded account and they didn't have to invest much to get it. Fact is, all the greatest champs in the world do not replace the skills and experience needed to properly operate them. So yes, they'd be getting something they didn't fully earn, but they'll still need to learn to use everything they've acquired. More than likely they'll be willing to invest more into a solid foundation than if they had to start from scratch. Some don't have the time or patience for that matter. So taking over someone's great work when they're done with it seems more beneficial than it sitting idle collecting digital dust.
Me: “hey sweet defense squad you got there”.
New arrival: “thanks they’re extra strong too because I used their same color iso to rank them up and I turned on a bunch of boosts before I put them on the war map.. I almost messed up and let a boost run out before they were all placed. Whew!”
Me: “oh ok cool man, hey why don’t you be the backup since you have so many good attackers, and we’ll message you if... I mean when we need you”
New arrival: “ok awesome 😊 hey What happens if you have villains and good guys on the same team together”
Me: “ok man we’ll message you soon”
Aw ****, he bought the account. We have no backup this war and likely he’ll randomly join, take some random obscure path, Unknowingly port from the incorrect path he started to another path he shouldn’t be on, due on the first defender (second if we’re lucky) and tell us
New arrival: “Guys this is crazy! Every time I go to block black panther civil WARRIOR, you know the block where he gets stunned, it stuns me instead and I get killed! Is there a glitch happening or something?”
Stopping low level prohibited activity (as in low progress level, not low level of activity) in an F2P game can be very difficult. Veteran accounts have a lot of progress in them, and banning those accounts wipes out all that progress. But banning an account that some shmuck is using to farm stuff in the early game hurts less, because that account can be quickly recreated. In traditional MMOs, it is often the case that many of the features of the game that can be most abused - global chatting, trading, resource farming, etc - get unlocked over time with game progress specifically to increase the penalty for abusing them. The penalty associated with a ban goes up the more valuable the account is, and brand new accounts have almost zero value, so banning them has almost no deterrent effect.
I wonder if Kabam should alter the beginner bracket for the arena so that the arena unlocks at a higher level, say 25 (and by the way, I don't know off the top of my head how the beginner bracket works: it has been way too long for me). Your beginner bracket clock would start at level 25, and anyone trying to create arena bot farms would need to take the extra step of leveling the accounts up to unlock the arena first. This would be a relatively minor change for normal players - it might even be a welcome one because your beginner bracket clock would be starting when you had a more sizeable roster to use in the arena. But it would make life just a little bit more difficult for the farmers, and the goal isn't to stop them completely, but just to make life expensive enough to make it not worth their time.
Was the 'people will bend or break rules' part missed? People do foolish things. Like buying an account on a game with no guarantee that it'll last. If that's not foolish, I don't know what is. Was merely a hypothetical. Such a system will never happen so people will undoubtedly continue to do some foolish stuff in the meantime. The unfortunate truth of the matter.
It's an ugly double edged sword. Both sides of it have nasty aspects. The idea that people are scamming irritates me the most though. More than the idea that someone can get handed years of work for X dollars. Which isn't really right either. But it's the real world effects that bother me more than someone having an edge in a game. Call me crazy.
When legends runs piloting does get hit by TOS penalties, try to make it happen close to the weekend. That way you guys can go all out with a trip to Unibroue for a job well done.
No one would play
Like if two kids couldn’t afford a second device and piloted would they be instabanned