Hey there, as some have already mentioned, we are currently aiming to have it ready in the Fall after we've had time to take it through the full rework process, which will include a beta and time to make adjustments based on results of that beta.
Colossus above and beyond god tier. That would be nice...
I hope they focus on his offense, or he might become a good war defender, only time will tell...
With synergies, his defence is his offence. +20% attack per armour, just needs to be able to stack them a lot more and have them last more than 6 seconds lol
Colossus above and beyond god tier. That would be nice...
I hope they focus on his offense, or he might become a good war defender, only time will tell...
With synergies, his defence is his offence. +20% attack per armour, just needs to be able to stack them a lot more and have them last more than 6 seconds lol
But without synergy he is useless again, so let's wait for the buff I guess, haha
With synergies, his defence is his offence. +20% attack per armour, just needs to be able to stack them a lot more and have them last more than 6 seconds lol