Unable to Block in AQ (Edited by mod for clarity)

So I was doing perfectly fine fighting ant man I got him down to his last few hits then he went into his 2nd special and my champ mysteriously wouldn't block witch took my champ down to quarter health, this is not the first second or third time this has happened and it always happens when I get the champ that I'm fighting right down to its last bit of health. What the fudge cakes is up with that? And no I couldn't evade because I dont have that mastery smfh.
Post edited by Kabam Pertinax on
I've edited your post's title for clarity. To help keep the forums more organized, please remember to title your thread with a topic the thread is about. This helps our teams, as well as other players, to locate specific topics easier and prevents duplicate threads on the same issue.
Is anything going to be done?
As long as an administrator didn't reply
They ain't even aware of this issue.
Moderators just edit ur thread