New AW rewards appeared, and then reverted back to the last iteration

Prior to matchmaking commencement, the AW rewards looked like this.

Now that we've been matched, they look like this.

I closed out, reset the app, came back, and nothing changed. I do see that Defense Tactics has been added, so that seems all good. The rewards got updated, and then reverted back to the last iteration once matched. Is this strictly a visual glitch, or is there an issue?
Also noticed, as we're in Tier 4, the War rating numbers are there. Are they supposed to be there? Or is that another issue considering war ratings for T5+ have been locked? Looking forward to seeing how Defense Tactics works in a full swing war. Just figured these issues should be addressed before Attack Phase kicks off.

Now that we've been matched, they look like this.

I closed out, reset the app, came back, and nothing changed. I do see that Defense Tactics has been added, so that seems all good. The rewards got updated, and then reverted back to the last iteration once matched. Is this strictly a visual glitch, or is there an issue?
Also noticed, as we're in Tier 4, the War rating numbers are there. Are they supposed to be there? Or is that another issue considering war ratings for T5+ have been locked? Looking forward to seeing how Defense Tactics works in a full swing war. Just figured these issues should be addressed before Attack Phase kicks off.
This is odd, and we can't reproduce it in house. Could you let me know if anybody else in your Alliance is also seeing this, or if it's just you?
Also, it would appear it's happening elsewhere according to the previous reply. It does seem odd indeed since they were updated pre-matchmaking. I'll check with the rest of my Alliance to see if anyone is seeing the updated rewards post Matchmaking.
Although we knew a free week was coming in July and Sept we had no idea exactly when. could I suggest next time the exact timing be announced with a weeks notice minimum? Cheers