Huge bug - Parry Timer is not correct vs generic quest NPCs



  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    It just seems like parry mastery is broken, wonder if they fix it we might see issue like Kang again, pure permanstun
  • SCZSCZ Member Posts: 191 ★★
    When parry was redone the wording changed but function didn’t. I think the old wording was correct how it functioned, not sure why it changed. I think the math is .02 sec per Pb chance or something similar.

    Max is 2 secs
  • MadcatMadcat Member Posts: 385 ★★★
    SCZ said:

    When parry was redone the wording changed but function didn’t. I think the old wording was correct how it functioned, not sure why it changed. I think the math is .02 sec per Pb chance or something similar.

    Max is 2 secs

    Max base Parry is 2 seconds with 3 points invested. As it currently works, it gives 1.5 seconds. With high PB champions, you can get that extended a tenth or two. Presently, if you have 1/3 in Parry or 3/3 in Parry, the base stun time is 1.5 seconds. There is no "maybe" about this being a bug.

    Stupefy adds 0.5 at 3/3 points. This is why people have not noticed that Parry is not giving the proper stun time as this actually does extend the time to 2.0 seconds (it should be extending it to 2.5 seconds, but because of Parry being bugged, it does not).

    The only reason I noticed it was like I said - I took off Stupefy as I figured 3/3 in Parry yields 2.0 seconds at 3 points invested, instead of the old setup of 1/3 in Parry, and 3/3 in Stupefy to get 2.0 seconds of stun time. I could (or should have) been able to get the same stun time for 1 less mastery point. Not true due to Parry NOT extending the stun time beyond the base 1.5 seconds, even though it states that it should be extended to 1.7 seconds or 2.0 seconds for 2 pts or 3 pts respectively.

    Everyone - drop the Stupefy mastery to 0. Try fighting at 1/3 in Parry and 3/3 in Parry - you can confirm that the stun time is exactly the same for 1, 2, or 3 points in Parry.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    SCZ said:

    When parry was redone the wording changed but function didn’t. I think the old wording was correct how it functioned, not sure why it changed. I think the math is .02 sec per Pb chance or something similar.

    Max is 2 secs

    Seconded, wording changed from “stun attackers for up to x seconds. Stun duration increases with perfect block chance.”

  • MadcatMadcat Member Posts: 385 ★★★

    SCZ said:

    When parry was redone the wording changed but function didn’t. I think the old wording was correct how it functioned, not sure why it changed. I think the math is .02 sec per Pb chance or something similar.

    Max is 2 secs

    Seconded, wording changed from “stun attackers for up to x seconds. Stun duration increases with perfect block chance.”

    This is incorrect as the base Parry stun time starts at 1.5 and is supposed to go to 2.0, PLUS time for high Perfect Block. If the bug was a "description error" - there would be a difference in the base stun time still. The Parry mastery never was a flat stun time plus only an increased stun cap time from PB that increased with PB once you had 2 or 3 points invested in it, it has always scaled in base stun time with more points invested.

    Kabam - the ACTUAL Parry stun time is 1.5 seconds at 1 point invested, 2 points invested, or 3 points invested, which is 100% a bug and in contradiction to the Mastery description for each of those additional points.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Madcat said:

    SCZ said:

    When parry was redone the wording changed but function didn’t. I think the old wording was correct how it functioned, not sure why it changed. I think the math is .02 sec per Pb chance or something similar.

    Max is 2 secs

    Seconded, wording changed from “stun attackers for up to x seconds. Stun duration increases with perfect block chance.”

    This is incorrect as the base Parry stun time starts at 1.5 and is supposed to go to 2.0, PLUS time for high Perfect Block. If the bug was a "description error" - there would be a difference in the base stun time still. The Parry mastery never was a flat stun time plus only an increased stun cap time from PB that increased with PB once you had 2 or 3 points invested in it, it has always scaled in base stun time with more points invested.

    Kabam - the ACTUAL Parry stun time is 1.5 seconds at 1 point invested, 2 points invested, or 3 points invested, which is 100% a bug and in contradiction to the Mastery description for each of those additional points.
    It’s actually correct. Not surprisingly people have recorded and posted the parry mastery in the past to sites like youtube.

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  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    It was changed sometime after 12/18 which is the last published record I found. I suspect the description was changed along with parry being moved to earlier in the tree. Could have been later than that though as some other mastery description have been updated well after that time.
  • Billie90Billie90 Member Posts: 17
    Madcat said:

    The fact of the matter is that the Parry Mastery clearly states 1 pt = 1.5 second stun, 2 pt = 1.7 second stun, 3 pt = 2.0 second stun. If you guys don't mind having to spend an extra 3 mastery points to get the same stun time that is clearly stated in 3 different tiers of a mastery (not a mistake), go right ahead.

    As it stands today, 1, 2, or 3 pts in Parry results in the stun time being 1.5 seconds long.

    @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos

    I have taken significant time out of my free time to document and post this obvious bug. I have provided the videos you requested that show the stun length is the same for 1 pt and 3 pts of parry when the rest of the masteries stay the same. I have provided the following examples:

    1/3 in Parry, 3/3 in Stupefy = 2.0 sec stun, which is correct
    3/3 in Parry, 3/3 in Stupefy = 2.0 sec stun, which is incorrect
    3/3 in Parry, 0/3 in Stupefy = 1.5 sec stun, which is incorrect

    Can I get an official response that adds this to the list of bugs or if you guys need more information?

    Hey Madcat,
    I've seen exactly what you perfectly described. For me it was very obvious that something was off when using domino in synergy with masacre. Before I could chain two combos with domino after stun thanks to the +1 second that masacre gives, now I simply cannot anymore, the lasts significantly less. I digged into the forum and found your very descriptive post, thank you for the time you invested in documenting it! For the records, I have parry 3/3 and stupefy 3/3
  • SCZSCZ Member Posts: 191 ★★
    It’s negligible difference because the amount of increase is small per chance of Pb and most champs have zero Pb.

    I agree the wording is misleading and no idea why it was changed. Trying to give you insight on why you’re seeing what you are.

    If a champ has zero Pb there is no additional stun time on 3/3 parry just decreased damage taken.
  • SCZSCZ Member Posts: 191 ★★
    Additionally try testing with a champ like OG CA and also with 0/4 Pb or 4/4 PB mastery. I think you will see exactly what I’m saying. It’s already been tested in the past to show this is how it works. There was a post ages ago with the .02sec value(memory) that pencils out to what you’ll see if recording.
  • SCZSCZ Member Posts: 191 ★★
    You can also look up infinity parry teams for lol also. It shows the same function of stun duration increase based on amount of Pb between mastery and synergy.
  • MadcatMadcat Member Posts: 385 ★★★
    I do not care about the PB time, PB teams from pre 12.0, etc. This is about the Parry mastery not extending the stun time as explicitly stated in the description for points 2 and 3. Please keep this on topic so the community can actually get a clear bug fixed for once that was discovered by the community.

    Kabam team:

    The following clear examples showing this bug/error have been provided:

    1/3 in Parry, 3/3 in Stupefy = 2.0 sec stun, which is correct
    3/3 in Parry, 3/3 in Stupefy = 2.0 sec stun, which is incorrect
    3/3 in Parry, 0/3 in Stupefy = 1.5 sec stun, which is incorrect

    The Parry Mastery does not extend the stun time from 1.5 to 2.0 seconds as literally stated in the Mastery. Please provide an update if you can. Thank you!
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  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    edited September 2019
    Odd how it still functions today how it did 3 years ago. Believers in this “bug” beware as this explains what is going on and shows how the text update removing “up to” allowed for this further misinterpretation.

    Treat the following two excerpts as a tl;dr answer to this thread.

    Unfortunately, a lot of people dismiss the last phrase and read it as "Stun attackers for 2.0 seconds(s)". But that's not what you get when you buy Parry. Not at all.

    Parry (all ranks) gives you a 1 second guaranteed stun duration. In addition, Stupefy 3/3 adds 0.5 seconds to the stun duration, so Parry (any rank) + Stupefy 3/3 give you a 1.5 second guaranteed stun duration.

    The description of the Utility Mastery Parry 3/3 says

    Timing a Block right when attacked reduces damage by 33.0%. If contact is made, Stun attackers for up to 2.0 second(s). Stun duration increases with Perfect Block Chance.

    Unfortunately, a lot of people dismiss the last phrase and read it as "Stun attackers for 2.0 seconds(s)". But that's not what you get when you buy Parry. Not at all.

    In fact, the mechanism of Parry has been explained by a Kabam dev in last October, but that remained somewhat confidential.

    As a result, almost all the players still think that Parry 3/3 gives a 2 seconds stun, and even high-level Mastery guides still make the mistake. But no more!

    I'm going to explain how Parry works, and I'll provide a proof as well. As a bonus, we'll get to reveal a few hidden stats at the same time.

    Parry (all ranks) gives you a 1 second guaranteed stun duration. In addition, Stupefy 3/3 adds 0.5 seconds to the stun duration, so Parry (any rank) + Stupefy 3/3 give you a 1.5 second guaranteed stun duration.

    On top of that, Parry gives you a Bonus Stun Duration. That Bonus Stun Duration is a portion of the Max Bonus Stun Duration. That portion is equal to your Perfect Block Chance.

    at 1/3, the Max Bonus Stun Duration is 0.5 seconds
    at 2/3, the Max Bonus Stun Duration is 0.7 seconds
    at 3/3, the Max Bonus Stun Duration is 1 second
    Remember, this is the Max Bonus Stun Duration. You'll never reach that Max. What you get is a portion of that max equal to your Perfect Block Chance. So if your Perfect Block Chance is 10%, you get 10% of the Max Bonus Stun Duration. At Parry 3/3, that means 10% of 1 second, or 0.1 seconds.

    Every champion has a base, hidden, Perfect Block Chance. There is also a Mastery that can give you up to 4% Perfect Block Chance. And you can also create a team with Perfect Block Chance synergies. But usually, the Perfect Block Chance is pretty low, around 15%. What that means is that your Bonus Stun Duration from Parry 3/3 is around 0.15 seconds. And so, the total Stun Duration is somewhere around 1.65 seconds. Not 2.5 seconds. 1.65 seconds.

    Now, maybe you don't grasp the post from the Kabam dev, or maybe you don't believe it, or you don't believe me. It's ok. I made a video just to convince you (and myself too).

    On that video, you can clearly see Parry Stuns being applied by my champions to RoL Winter Soldier. If you have a good video player, you can note the precise timestamp for each beginning and end of stuns, like I did. Then you can calculate the duration of each Stun. Here they are:

    Gamora: 1637 and 1652 milliseconds (average 1644.5 ms)
    Captain America: 1886, 1816 and 1834 milliseconds (average 1845.3 ms)
    Captain America WWII: 1800 and 1782 milliseconds (average 1791.0 ms)
    Doctor Strange: 1635, 1634, 1636, 1633 and 1633 milliseconds (average 1634.2 ms) (note: from two different phases)
    Daredevil: 1967, 1950 and 1968 milliseconds (average 1962.7 ms)
    Daredevil with +20% PBC: 2166 and 2151 milliseconds (average 2158.5 ms)
    Ok, remember that the Base Stun Duration is 1.5 seconds, and that I have the Mastery giving all my champions an additional 4% PBC? So we can calculate the Base Perfect Block Chance of these 6 champions, rounded to the nearest percent:

    Gamora: 10%
    Captain America: 31%
    Captain America WWII: 25%
    Doctor Strange: 9%
    Daredevil: 42%
    Daredevil + 20% PBC: 62%
    Needless to say, the fact that 62% - 42% is, in fact, equal to the bonus 20% from synergies, is a proof that all these formulas are not a pile of ****.

    One very interesting discovery from this is that the standard base Perfect Block Chance for most champions is 10%. Some champions are above, like Both Caps and Daredevil, and some are below, like Doctor Strange (which also has a lower-than-usual base Armor without his phase 1 buff). But most champions are probably at the same value as Gamora. That would need to be confirmed, though. It would be very interesting to calculate the base Perfect Block Chance of all champions, not just those 5.

    But one point supporting the idea that 10% is the standard PBC is that the description of Captain America clearly states that his PBC is increased by 20% (which would give us 11% before the increase), Captain America WWII states that his PBC is increased by 16% (which would give us 9% before the increase), and finally Daredevil says his PBC is increased by 33% (which would give us 9% before the increase). So all the Perfect Block Chances we see are at 9%, 10% or 11%, and this difference of 1 point is probably caused by the imprecision of the experiment (framerate of the game, of the video and precision of the media player).

    So, assuming that 10% is the norm, for the vast majority of all champions, Parry 3/3 + Stupefy 3/3 give a stun duration of 1.6 seconds, plus 0.01 seconds for each point in the mastery Perfect Block.

    Now get out of my classroom B-)

    edit: my point isn't that Parry 3/3 is not worth its mastery points. Actually, I think Parry 3/3 is still mandatory because it increases your Block Proficiency when you parry.
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  • SCZSCZ Member Posts: 191 ★★
    zeezee57 said:

    SCZ said:

    You can also look up infinity parry teams for lol also. It shows the same function of stun duration increase based on amount of Pb between mastery and synergy.

    What does that have to do with the mastery itself not functioning as stated? The more perfect block the longer stun is an entirely separate thing from this. People investing extra mastery points in parry should receive the extra stun duration as stated.

    How is this any different than for example investing a point in precision mastery to receive and additional 85 crit rating, then investing 2 more and still only recieving an additional 85 crit rating? Nobody would be ok with that and most people wouldn't notice without someone like the OP here doing extensive testing to see there's no difference.

    The fact this has gone almost entirely ignored is quite discouraging from a player standpoint. There's so many bugs that go unfixed or even unacknowledged, look at Medusa's armor shatter still broken, but something like Shulk was made a top priority. Stuff like this shouldn't just linger on with no timeline for a fix or even updates that they care and are doing something.
    If you read my post I acknowledged the wrong mastery language. No idea why it changed.

    I was explaining how it works. No where in the game does it say Pb extends stun any more but that’s how it works and always has. Parry mastery function never changed at all.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,866 Guardian
    @CoatHang3r , (and for those that didn’t realize, the whole portion of your last reply is indeed the Reddit post from 3 years ago, 33% and “up to 2.0sec”)

    What I think the OP, @Madcat , is referring to is an apparent RECENT change to how long Parry is lasting with the 2nd or 3rd level of Parry Mastery.

    Without having done timings, etc, I have noticed a decrease in how many hits I can get in until the stun wears off opponent. Mastery 3 inParry, 3 in Stupify. Particularly noticeable when fighting any of the following (in EQ/AQ, so not against real opponents whose Stun might be reduced by the next Mastery node) of NC, Spidey, Modok, Wasp.. where you are paying attention to when you should end your combo, retreat, and parry them again. Seems like I can barely get in a 3rd hit of Combo now before stun wears off. Thought I remember non-real opponent’s easily being stunned thru a 4th hit in the past.

    Or is this maybe related to the recent issue where opponents are able to do something against up mid Combo (combo into blocks), so maybe it’s not the opponent’s recovery time that has been shortened, maybe it is an increase to the time inbetween our own hits on them (??) that maybe is extending how long it takes us to perform ‘xx’ amount of hits on opponent ?? Although OP timings seem to lead the problem to Parry Mastery itself, as he didn’t see any extra stun duration between level 1 and 3.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    @SummonerNR He’s clearly asserted and proven parry works @ 1.5s for all three levels, the same as it has for the past 3 years. He did not evidence any change, other than that the description has been changed leading to further confusion of how it works.

    “This would mean that 3/3 Parry does NOT have the extended timer of 2.0 seconds but only the base timer of 1.5 seconds.”

    “Parry - this absolutely, 100% shows that at 1/3 points in Parry results in the same Parry length as 3/3 points.”

    “Presently, if you have 1/3 in Parry or 3/3 in Parry, the base stun time is 1.5 seconds. ”

    “As it stands today, 1, 2, or 3 pts in Parry results in the stun time being 1.5 seconds long.”

    “This is about the Parry mastery not extending the stun time as explicitly stated in the description for points 2 and 3.”

    P.S. It is hilarious how this was simply explained in the 2nd reply to this thread which the OP promptly dismissed without consideration or due diligence.

    Interesting, it used to say "up to 2.0 second(s)" and someone tested parry timing extensively before and posted the result on Reddit.

    @Kabam Zibiit The description for parry was changed sometime in the past 8 months to remove the caveat of “up to x seconds” which makes the mastery read like we should have a longer stun than was designed and how parry has functioned since first described by the developers.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    We've passed this report on to the rest of the team. When we have more information, we'll update everyone here.
  • MadcatMadcat Member Posts: 385 ★★★
    edited September 2019
    Coat - 3 years ago with a completely different description, a shorter base time (1.0 seconds), bigger damage reduction (33%), etc. Not relevant. 3 years ago. Are you saying now that since they say the base stun time was 1.0 seconds then, that also applies now? No. They increased the base to 1.5 seconds, and should have scaled it as stated as well. I mean, heck, all of the PB champions referenced then have had their PB chances changed now as well. OG DD is +40% PB, now, for example.

    There is no mistaking the language. It clearly states "Stun for X seconds" at each level. Not "up to X seconds". This is a mistake by Kabam that needs to be rectified, @Kabam Zibiit , and as quickly as the She-Hulk "bug", or else this feeds the mass opinion that bugs which help the community are fixed quickly, while ones that hurt the community are fixed much slower.
  • Billie90Billie90 Member Posts: 17

    @SummonerNR He’s clearly asserted and proven parry works @ 1.5s for all three levels, the same as it has for the past 3 years. He did not evidence any change, other than that the description has been changed leading to further confusion of how it works.

    “This would mean that 3/3 Parry does NOT have the extended timer of 2.0 seconds but only the base timer of 1.5 seconds.”

    “Parry - this absolutely, 100% shows that at 1/3 points in Parry results in the same Parry length as 3/3 points.”

    “Presently, if you have 1/3 in Parry or 3/3 in Parry, the base stun time is 1.5 seconds. ”

    “As it stands today, 1, 2, or 3 pts in Parry results in the stun time being 1.5 seconds long.”

    “This is about the Parry mastery not extending the stun time as explicitly stated in the description for points 2 and 3.”

    P.S. It is hilarious how this was simply explained in the 2nd reply to this thread which the OP promptly dismissed without consideration or due diligence.

    Interesting, it used to say "up to 2.0 second(s)" and someone tested parry timing extensively before and posted the result on Reddit.

    @Kabam Zibiit The description for parry was changed sometime in the past 8 months to remove the caveat of “up to x seconds” which makes the mastery read like we should have a longer stun than was designed and how parry has functioned since first described by the developers.
    If nothing has changed, then please elucidate me why when I use Domino (having Masacre in the team) I literally cannot hit an opponent as long as I was able to do before, as now the stun timer ends during my first combo (and before I could chain two combos). I insist on this because probably if it wouldn't be for that, I wouldn't even had notice that something changed, which is what I think the vast majority of the players are (not) experiencing. This happens in every game mode, arena, story, aq, etc, on non-limber nodes. What I think is happening is that I'm still getting the +1 sec that Masacre grants, but since parry stun duration is reduced, it doesn't last long enough anymore to chain two combos.

    I didn't measured timings etc, I only know that something has changed in the game dynamics and it would be lovely to know what :) as @Madcat pointed out, seems pretty clear that parry stun is the main suspect here!
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  • MadcatMadcat Member Posts: 385 ★★★

    It's a well written reddit post up there, breaking down all the PB numbers, stun formulas, etc. Too bad that it's not how its described anywhere in game. That long beautifully written description is really just an explanation of a malfunction. Just because you can figure out the numbers of how its working, doesn't mean that it's working correctly. The in game mastery description is straight forward, and realistically this is just something that works in a dumb way that kabam hasn't gotten to put on the back burner for a really long time, and now people are going to make them address it sooner than later.

    Too bad it is from 3 years ago, and they have changed it at least twice intentionally since then, before the current iteration.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,866 Guardian
    It’s not that the times are (or aren’t) still as detailed in that 3 year old article. Or that there was a change (somewhere along the way) to the Parry Description in the Mastery Setup.

    It is that people have observed during fights that the stun times from Parry seem the have been reduced fairly recently (don’t know how recent though).
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Billie90 said:

    @SummonerNR He’s clearly asserted and proven parry works @ 1.5s for all three levels, the same as it has for the past 3 years. He did not evidence any change, other than that the description has been changed leading to further confusion of how it works.

    “This would mean that 3/3 Parry does NOT have the extended timer of 2.0 seconds but only the base timer of 1.5 seconds.”

    “Parry - this absolutely, 100% shows that at 1/3 points in Parry results in the same Parry length as 3/3 points.”

    “Presently, if you have 1/3 in Parry or 3/3 in Parry, the base stun time is 1.5 seconds. ”

    “As it stands today, 1, 2, or 3 pts in Parry results in the stun time being 1.5 seconds long.”

    “This is about the Parry mastery not extending the stun time as explicitly stated in the description for points 2 and 3.”

    P.S. It is hilarious how this was simply explained in the 2nd reply to this thread which the OP promptly dismissed without consideration or due diligence.

    Interesting, it used to say "up to 2.0 second(s)" and someone tested parry timing extensively before and posted the result on Reddit.

    @Kabam Zibiit The description for parry was changed sometime in the past 8 months to remove the caveat of “up to x seconds” which makes the mastery read like we should have a longer stun than was designed and how parry has functioned since first described by the developers.
    If nothing has changed, then please elucidate me why when I use Domino (having Masacre in the team) I literally cannot hit an opponent as long as I was able to do before, as now the stun timer ends during my first combo (and before I could chain two combos). I insist on this because probably if it wouldn't be for that, I wouldn't even had notice that something changed, which is what I think the vast majority of the players are (not) experiencing. This happens in every game mode, arena, story, aq, etc, on non-limber nodes. What I think is happening is that I'm still getting the +1 sec that Masacre grants, but since parry stun duration is reduced, it doesn't last long enough anymore to chain two combos.

    I didn't measured timings etc, I only know that something has changed in the game dynamics and it would be lovely to know what :) as @Madcat pointed out, seems pretty clear that parry stun is the main suspect here!
    Glad you brought up Domino as an example for I have periodically uploaded videos of her to youtube. You never could chain two full combos.

    Compare these videos for stun times you’ll find the stun time to be the same from August of 2018 to today. The fights all open with parry medium then heavy and simply looking at the stun timer during that sequence shows no change.

    Your memory changed.

    Domino 8/15/18

    Domino 3/31/19

    Domino 4/18/19

    Domino 9/18/19

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  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Madcat said:

    It's a well written reddit post up there, breaking down all the PB numbers, stun formulas, etc. Too bad that it's not how its described anywhere in game. That long beautifully written description is really just an explanation of a malfunction. Just because you can figure out the numbers of how its working, doesn't mean that it's working correctly. The in game mastery description is straight forward, and realistically this is just something that works in a dumb way that kabam hasn't gotten to put on the back burner for a really long time, and now people are going to make them address it sooner than later.

    Too bad it is from 3 years ago, and they have changed it at least twice intentionally since then, before the current iteration.
    Parry has since day 1 been 1.5/1.7/2.0 with a base of 1s which is increased by PB chance. The only change has been the removal of the words “up to”; this is the error/bug and it occurred sometime in the past 8 months. I’ll link a couple videos at the end for you to verify this. You can also see from the Domino videos I posted the stun time is consistent prior to and after that text change.

    The reason for the change from 33% to 25% was to account for the hurdles they went through to better align pre 12.0 block damage with post 12.0 block damage; it’s also immaterial to stun time.

    Madcat the current description is 8 months old at most. It’s always functioned and currently functions as 1 second base increased by PB chance. The description is in error not the stun time.

    Show me where Kabam stated they increased the base to 1.5s.

    Yes it does need to be corrected; to accurately reflect how the stun time is increased up to x seconds based on PB chance. If they have room add in that the base time is 1s; this level of misconception has not occurred under the opd wording tmk.

    Here’s a screenshot from a video published 1/2/19. It includes the wording “up to” which is describing the max stun time based on PB chance.

    Video @12:42

    Here is a video of Mvincible unlocking parry, published 12/26/15. Same wording as the video published 8 months ago.

    Here’s a video published 6/17/17 showing the same wording.
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