How is it possible that SQUIRREL GIRL hits harder than Nova, THE HUMAN ROCKET?

I just watched Lagacy's CCP video on Nova and he gave out some very good constructive criticism, so go watch it he's always making good videos. Anyway, as it turns out, Nova is a defender... In the past we've seen kabam try to make defenders useable, like Thing, Sentinel, Darkhawk or Havok. It seems Nova is just a defender that is 100 steps down in my opinion even from Silver Surfer. His build up, as Lagacy says, is too difficult and the pay off not worth it. Seeing the numbers I agree. I believe I haven't seen such bad numbers since Korg and Diablo. I would also like to point out that his signature ability is imperative and he is hardly useable without it. The bonuses you get from building nova charges are not good. To demonstrate this: you get a 2.5 second unblockable buff for building up to max, which also drains all your charges.
There is a silver lining though. All he needs are potency and duration buffs. His fury should be way stronger, his unblockable way longer and his specials should hit way way way waaaaaaay harder. I hope I do not sound inpolite, I am merely trying to help kabam find a solution to make Nova a better more desirable champion, since iconic champions are not as prized by mcoc. "@Kabam Miike" are the numbers displayed by the champion in order or is it just a bug? Because if it is, then I stand corrected. I'm almost certain they are though, because no champion in 2020 could possibly be released with such a low attack potential.
There is a silver lining though. All he needs are potency and duration buffs. His fury should be way stronger, his unblockable way longer and his specials should hit way way way waaaaaaay harder. I hope I do not sound inpolite, I am merely trying to help kabam find a solution to make Nova a better more desirable champion, since iconic champions are not as prized by mcoc. "@Kabam Miike" are the numbers displayed by the champion in order or is it just a bug? Because if it is, then I stand corrected. I'm almost certain they are though, because no champion in 2020 could possibly be released with such a low attack potential.
2) Building fury was bugged.
3) That wasn’t the rotation you want to use.
4) His signature ability is increased buff duration.
5) Being able to readily gain power and potential wasn’t fully realized in the video.
Squirrel Girl has more attack than Nova, without adding base abilities. Nova has abilities that increase his attack mid fight and Squirrel Girl has DoT to damage the opponent
Probably the absolute objectively worst miss in history was Magik's revamp. Not only was she undervalued initially, she was actually considered worse than she started off as until quite a bit later, when power control became more generally accepted as a valuable game mechanic.
I think the majority got it wrong on Venom when he was updated, although that opinion has been steadily reversing over time. Venom is the most recent example of an initial opinion being one thing and then slowly but dramatically changing incrementally over time as more people get experience playing him. So it does happen.
Invisible Woman was extremely underrated at release, specifically due to the perception she did anemic damage. I practically read every single post about her, as I pulled her early and was studying her as a candidate for the community boss challenge.
As to Venom, the average evaluation was that both he and Carnage would be more useful than before but there was no agreement that he was extremely strong. Not only was he underrated at release (of the update), he's still underrated *now*. And very specifically, when both Venom and Carnage were first updated, there was significant debate about which one was better after the buff: there was a strong argument that Carnage got the much better damage buff while Venom got the better utility.
Can’t speak to IW. I never cared enough about her to follow her trajectory.
Venom is properly rated to me. He’s had his cheerleaders and the Variant content only helped his shine. Carnage did get the better damage buff and is still underrated as a damage dealer.
She is a gag character like impossible man.
For a while they had her more streamline and she even babysit for Luke Cage.
When they made unbeatable squirrel girl that made it clear she was a gag character.
i admit She could likely beat Thanos in hand to hand and has via extreme plot armour. Much like Batman beating Darkseid in hand to hand combat. It can happen because the writer says so.
Thanos is well over 100 ton and squirrel girl maybe 5 tons. She can hit Thanos all day and it should do nothing. Like a toddler hitting an adult.
“Squirrel Girl's defeat of Thanos is an ambiguous one. Uatu the Watcher was present at the battle and claimed Squirrel Girl defeated the genuine Thanos and not a clone or copy. Thanos has since claimed he has perfected a means of creating clones of himself that could fool even "the most cosmic of beings." Adding to the ambiguity is the fact that the reveal comes from the mind of a clone whose memory had been altered.“
There is no need for an excuse to make her deal more damage than other champions.
I don't think you understand what's even happening here. Kabam isn't - and has no obligation to - try to prove that the comic books logically define how the character should appear in the game. Most comic book characters have a huge range of stories that depict them in different ways and Squirrel Girl is no exception. MCOC takes inspiration from the comic book sources, but inevitably that inspiration comes from a subset of the totality of the characters' existence.
Which means they can show inspiration references, but you can't pick any one story and say that because of this one story Drax or Deadpool should be this or that in the game. The game has no obligation to pick your references as the basis for the champions.
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