I’m watching seatin review on him right now I guess i got overly hyped on the fact that I like EM and heard buff
I found they’ve made the buff require a high sig level. I just don’t know what the max sig will deliver. My 5* is sig 30 and sitting about 20% degen increase
Part of the problem is ppl keep referring to the balance changes as a buff or nerf. These are simply small changes. At least so far no champ has been drastically changed one way or the other.
Part of the problem is ppl keep referring to the balance changes as a buff or nerf. These are simply small changes. At least so far no champ has been drastically changed one way or the other.
are you sure that your maw has been updated? because mine still has a flat increase instead of a percentage in his sig, and it's strange because all other parts of the ability sheet has changed. maybe he's bugged right now?
Hey guys, there's already a thread HERE for sharing feedback and suggestions about the recent Champion rebalances. To help keep the Forum tidy, I'll go ahead and close this one.
You can’t really have it any other way
If they change a champ