Dr. Strange issues in the 26.0 update

Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
The changelog had the following change listed for Dr. Strange for the 26.0 update:

DOCTOR STRANGE - Fixed an issue where Hoggoth’s Wisdom was not providing the correct Power Gain Potency. Summoners should notice an increase in Power gained when Hoggoth’s Wisdom is active.

For some reason, Dr. Strange's PI changed pretty dramatically once the update went live. Here's a shot from before the update:

Here's a shot from after the update:

For a maxed out 5* Dr. Strange with no mastery change, his PI went from 13,189 to 12,500.

Additionally, Hoggoth's wisdom has been changed from a Passive icon to a Buff icon, meaning it can now be nullified when it couldn't before.

Please look into this.


  • Steel_Ball_RunSteel_Ball_Run Member Posts: 535 ★★★
    I’m pretty sure Hoggoth’s Wisdom was a passive power gain last month, this month it turned into a buff like the older days, even got nullified by Sym Supreme, is it a bug or what ?

  • RotcéRotcé Member Posts: 11
    They also reduce significantly his PI with last update.
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    yeh my R4 undupe is lower then lot of R3 dupe 5*s! he just keeps on getting worse and worse!! man he is simply trash why do they have to make so bad!! why cant he have actual numbers on his fury,increased critical rate and such!!
  • NuclekerrNuclekerr Member Posts: 213 ★★
    I just got him six star and am now even more bummed
  • Pirate1Pirate1 Member Posts: 5
    Same, and PI drop as stated above

    Hey guys about that PI drop could that have anything to do with the Parry Mastery Change?
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    Before the update:

    After the update:

    What gives?
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, we've passed this along to the rest of the team to ask about.
  • Pirate1Pirate1 Member Posts: 5
    I don’t recall reading the passive buff for Hoggoth’s Wisdom would become a buff in the 26.0 notes. Maybe the change log needs changes because this sort of thing doesn’t fly under the radar.

    Thanks for the response.
  • Snipe713Snipe713 Member Posts: 13

    … while it can be Nullified, it will also be allowing him to gain Power faster than he used to with this Blessing active, both from his passive Power gain and from outside sources like nodes.

    Faster than he used to as in two weeks ago? Or faster than he used to when it was only 7 seconds for 33% of full power?

  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★

    Hey there, I checked with the team and the change making Hoggoth's Wisdom into a Buff was necessary both to make it consistent with the Buffs granted by his other Blessings and to make sure the fix worked properly. So while it can be Nullified, it will also be allowing him to gain Power faster than he used to with this Blessing active, both from his passive Power gain and from outside sources like nodes. As for the change in PI, the team is working on resolving that and returning it to normal as soon as possible.

    Has there been any update on his PI change?
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    I updated the app last night and it appears that Dr. Strange's PI is back to normal.
  • RotcéRotcé Member Posts: 11
    The PI is normal again but I see no difference on the power gains. He gain the same amount of power as other blessings.
  • OkaythenOkaythen Member Posts: 590 ★★★
    Y’all should just revert him back the way he was 12.0
    What’s the issue with him pre12.0?
    Too much regen?
    Gained a bar of power to fast
    Was too tanky?
    Does he have immunities?

    He’s play style is very passive compared to most champs so he’s not making legends runs anytime soon
    Honestly what’s the issue?
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