Allaince War Growing Problems

Maaz_Khan4Maaz_Khan4 Member Posts: 56
Im playing in tier 2 allaince war. Our ally is 21 million and we were matched up with an allaince that is 28 million, yes we did have similar war rating. However this does not compensate with the fact that their allaince had much much stronger defenders placed in war where we lost to them because of attack bonus. The 28mil ally is going to have better defenders and attcakers with higher roster this is not fair at all. Match making really feels broken. You just cannot take into the factor that we are matched according to similar war rating. You have to be more pratical here. This is an on going problem that doesnt feel resolved ive always heard its "trying" to be fixed but that feels like a far fetched thing. No matter which posts i read always the same answer. This isnt the response people expect to hear when they play a very hard content which has such terrible loop holes. Even before the war began we already knew the results. Not cool.
Coming to the 2nd problem is the flow tactics which makes certain defenders simply very difficult to fight specially in tiers 1 to 4. The harder fight simply doesnt feel worth the rewards.
These things really build up and get very dissapointing quickly. And because of such existing problems players lose interest in wars and feel discouraged to be competitive.


  • Maaz_Khan4Maaz_Khan4 Member Posts: 56
    Sorry dude but you are wrong and completely missed the point. Its about the match making that happened where we lost to an ally which has a difference of 6 million more than us. Also we have been in tier 2 since whole 2 seasons. So yes it is our buisness:)
  • Maaz_Khan4Maaz_Khan4 Member Posts: 56
    And i think you should give more research to the term "competitive". Its not competitive when an allaince has a clear advantage in defender stregth and attackers.
  • Maaz_Khan4Maaz_Khan4 Member Posts: 56
    Lol just because you think your ally is 40 million so only you can achieve tier 2... grow up dude there are other factors that bring in an ally to that tier mostly skills and weve never got matched up with a lower ally rated that us mostly they are 3 to 4 mil above us so we still manage to win them however if the difference is too high its not possible to win against an ally with jacked up defenders. So please dont place your judgement where who belongs.
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    The should grow up is you. You cry about matchmaking while you brag that you are good enough.

    You have no business with high level war. Man up for next challenge.
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    Kabam flawed matchmaking has created a whole generation of weak and cry babies. Shame.
  • AlphA101AlphA101 Member Posts: 285 ★★★

    Lol just because you think your ally is 40 million so only you can achieve tier 2... grow up dude there are other factors that bring in an ally to that tier mostly skills and weve never got matched up with a lower ally rated that us mostly they are 3 to 4 mil above us so we still manage to win them however if the difference is too high its not possible to win against an ally with jacked up defenders. So please dont place your judgement where who belongs.

    I agree with what xnig said , if you can’t beat them , you need to improve as an alliance

  • Maaz_Khan4Maaz_Khan4 Member Posts: 56
    Again this isnt something thats just happened this whole season we have been getting really bad matchups. I wouldnt have complained if it happened rarely but its getting out of hand and really stresses out most of us.
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★

    Again this isnt something thats just happened this whole season we have been getting really bad matchups. I wouldnt have complained if it happened rarely but its getting out of hand and really stresses out most of us.

    Just a few match up this season for you while stronger alliances had to suffer it many, many season in a row. They got match up each other while weak alliances enjoy easy opponents.

    Yes life is not fair but the suffering is not you. You are the one who got benefits.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    edited April 2020

    Again this isnt something thats just happened this whole season we have been getting really bad matchups. I wouldnt have complained if it happened rarely but its getting out of hand and really stresses out most of us.

    Obviously if it stresses you then you don’t belong there.

    Just stop being in denial and accept the fact that you don’t deserve the Tier 2 War Multiplier at the current stage your alliance is in.
  • Maaz_Khan4Maaz_Khan4 Member Posts: 56
    I dont think we can have a reasonable discussion here both of us arent going to come to a point. Youll be saying the same thing about getting better against same war tier allies (where youve completely decided to ignore that they really out match in base rating). My complain isnt to you guys but to kabam. So please keep scrolling.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    edited April 2020
    Base rating should never be in the consideration for war matchmaking.

    I could sell all my 3/4*s and bring my rating down by a lot, and still put in full 5/65 defenders. It’s so easy to manipulate that it’s a joke you’re even mentioning it.

    Whether a match up is fair or not depends on one thing, and ONE thing only, war ratings. If the ratings are close, it’s a fair matchup. Nothing else should matter.
  • NightMonkeyNightMonkey Member Posts: 97 ★★
    I'm sorry @Maaz_Khan4 but your alliance has nothing to do with T2 and the previous matchmaking system was the worse, it let alliances like yours to get reward that weren't meant to get, and that's a fact: a 20million alliance should never be able to compete for P1 or Master at this level, if you really try and do your best maybe you could achive P4, but it really triggers me to see alliances in Master that are 20 million rating down compare to mine.
    Hopefully Kabam will be able to find a good solution for us all.
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  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    You’re fighting in tier 2, I can only assume that also means you’re fighting for platinum season rewards, therefore you should be matched with anyone else at your war rating as those are the people who you are competing against for those rewards, if you can’t beat the other people in tier 2 then they are better and deserve the rewards.

    The matchmaking in the past few seasons has been heavily leaning on prestige to find your opponents, but the current matchmaking system is basing it on war rating, which is giving you fair matchups as it thinks you’ve got the skill to be in tier 2, therefore it thinks you can handle tier 2 opponents, so go out there and prove the matchmaking system right, or ride out the wave of losses and see where you land.
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  • Chawi79Chawi79 Member Posts: 27
    Guys be civil to eachother. We have a whole generation of allies that only know the matchmaking system from the last couple of seasons and are not aware how flawed that system was.

    AW matchmaking isn't or shouldn't be about fair matchups on prestige or alliance rating and Kabam finally changed that.

    For you guys @Maaz_Khan4 it feels unfair, but thanks Kabam for that, you got into this tier by fighting your peers, not by fighting on war rating.
    It will take some time for the system to return you to the tier where you belong based on skills, want you can place for defence and what you can bring to offence.

    But the days of getting the rewards you are used to are over and that is a good thing for all the alliances that by the previous system where screwed out from.
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    Bottom line is you took advantage of a system that allowed you to get to tier 2, if that is actually true. Now the tables have turned and you are now the nail being pummeled by real tier 2 alliances. Matchmaking deals with war rating not alliance rating, and since you already stated war ratings were close, you have nothing to complain about getting beat up by a better alliance.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Kabam’s matchmaking has been flawed with prestige being one of the main factors in matchmaking hence why your alliance has dodged some of the real big boys to get to T2 - my own alliance is in the same boat, we’re around 28m IIRC and roughly 9.5k prestige- we came up against an alliance with about 10.5k and we lost, it was still fairly close but not as much as we’d have liked.

    This is because war rating is now the main factor, as it should be. If you’re a low overall alliance and manage to keep up with the big boys, fair play - no body on this forum will begrudge that achievement, but I see what everyone is saying - why should I get P1 rewards and not be willing to fight everybody in P1.
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Hey guys, there's already a discussion HERE about Alliance War matchmaking. There's also a discussion HERE about the Flow Global Node. If you wish to discuss either of these topics further, please do so in one of those threads. Thanks!
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