Sabretooth and Sasquatch Synergy [Merged Threads]



  • ImranImran Member Posts: 587 ★★★
    Pratham02 said:

    If every quest in act 6 has like 7 to 8 fights , you cant reach 50 furies and so it really isn't a broken synergy . Broken if you're ready to spend in revives , but not if you're playing conservatively .

    Yah, right brothers but youtubers in video saying these broken word very often surprisingly!!!
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,794 ★★★★★
    Cioper said:

    Sorry for double comment, that was a mistake, unfortunately wasn't able to delete previous one.

    Still it would be nice to know if Kabam is going to leave it as it is or nerf it, before people start to rank him up for sole purpose of exploring Abyss of Legends... As currently it's the only mode in which this heavy-revive rank-up makes sense, as normally you'd have to use like 4-6k units per lane anyway, and that way you can spend like 2k units for revives and then solo every fight.
    So yeah, for many people it would be nice to know in which direction Kabam will go with this. So please "Kabam Miike" "Kabam Zibiit" "Kabam Vydious" "Kabam Porthos" "Kabam Lyra" give us some answers.

    Stop tagging the mods. OP did it and now you've done it. The whole synergy is highly impractical and not a good strategy. Plus for Book 2, the paths aren't long enough to get enough furys anyway. The synergy is fine the way it is. You people are over reacting.
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,534 ★★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    I don't see how it is more broken than an Aegon with 999 on the combo meter. Currently Abyss is locked to must-have-Aegon condition. Might as well have a champion to rival him there.

    Actually less so. Sabertooth isn't going to shrug off debuffs because he has a high fury count.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,269
    Haji_Saab said:

    I'm checking on this. Sabretooth's description clearly calls out "Sabretooth cannot convert his passive Fury effects while fighting if he has 15 or more permanent passive Fury effects active.", so I don't know what is happening here.

    LOL .. read his spotlight .. it is specifically mentioned that you can close out a fight with sp3 to go over the 15 fury threshold.
    Good call out, but I don't think it was ever intended for him to get to 50. I might be wrong, but the team is looking into it.
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,077 ★★★★★

    I'm checking on this. Sabretooth's description clearly calls out "Sabretooth cannot convert his passive Fury effects while fighting if he has 15 or more permanent passive Fury effects active.", so I don't know what is happening here.

    wait so this wasn't tested? no one at kabam realized this?
    It doesn’t exist in the game though, so can’t say that unless it’s actually released
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★

    I'm checking on this. Sabretooth's description clearly calls out "Sabretooth cannot convert his passive Fury effects while fighting if he has 15 or more permanent passive Fury effects active.", so I don't know what is happening here.

    wait so this wasn't tested? no one at kabam realized this?
    It doesn’t exist in the game though, so can’t say that unless it’s actually released
    of course, good point. I guess the CCP would be part of testing
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    edited July 2020
    how did the designers intend this synergy to work then, if they didn't think it could do what ccp is doing? was it just a way to keep his damage for the entire quest?
  • Anonymous346Anonymous346 Member Posts: 661 ★★★
    Apparently they never realised he can get more than 15 furies
  • KILLMФИGЕЯKILLMФИGЕЯ Member Posts: 122 ★★

    I'm checking on this. Sabretooth's description clearly calls out "Sabretooth cannot convert his passive Fury effects while fighting if he has 15 or more permanent passive Fury effects active.", so I don't know what is happening here.

    It states you can get an extra fury using sp3 to go over 15 but I do think anything over 50 furies with this synergy is absolutely broken hahah
    If you guys change it to be fair for both sides I’d say cap that **** at no more than 50! Anything more is a waste of units and would wreck the game
  • Stagedear85Stagedear85 Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    I'M sure he's not working as intended or they're going to have to fix his description, should be interested i sure hope they leave it has it is but if not i understand because to be honest this is crazy
  • Anonymous346Anonymous346 Member Posts: 661 ★★★
    I think it would be better to stop the combo furies from stacking when he dies but still allow the sp3 fury to stack. This way, they synergy won’t be completely broken as it would take twice the amount of resources to ramp up a decent amount of furies, making it a lot more impractical for labyrinth or abyss, yet still a decent synergy for building up to maybe around 25-30 furies in a normal quest
  • b3atub3atu Member Posts: 22
    this synergy is obviously not working as intended, broken and brought a bug to light that has been there since ST has released.
    should be fixed to where you can keep up to 15 passive furies through an entire quest with the synergy
  • NightCrackerNightCracker Member Posts: 157
    Mike192 said:

    Sabretooths kit says that he will bring all fury effects - effects are considered passives. Fury buffs are the active ones. Hence it seems its not working as intended. People pointing out to spotlight dont realize that the spotlight says '...bring 11 instead of 10..' but it doesn't say 'cross your fury threshold of 15'

    Would love to have the interaction as is but I think it will be fixed.

    I was re-reading the spotlight several times and could not find it anywhere saying it can go over 15. Most likely will just be fixed to match the intended 15 passive.

    Spotlight - Sabretooth
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    Ebony_Naw said:

    how did the designers intend this synergy to work then, if they didn't think it could do what ccp is doing? was it just a way to keep his damage for the entire quest?

    Tbf, one of his greatest setbacks has always been that you have 4-6 fights of ramp up before starting over. Adding this synergy makes him more practical on a fundamental level before he gets op.

    But the fact that they couldn't see past that is an issue, and the ccp videos should have never seen the light of day if this was never intended. I woukd guess we saw them before Kabam did, but that's part of the problem, not the explanation. If they fix it now, it's a bit of a weak move imo (same as with g2099)
    yeah I think the first paragraph you mentioned was their intention of they didn't realize the insane stuff he could do. honestly, that itself is a pretty good synergy. personally, I think it's fine leaving it in because it's so impractical to build him up like the CCP, but even without it, it makes him much better.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    Donnymeij said:

    Lvernon15 said:

    They crrated the synergy knowing what they were doing. No.

    2 words.
    G2099 synergy
    Not the same. To use this in long game modes you pay with units/revives. It has a downside. G2099 has no downside at all.
    I think they were referring to the sybgery with Ultron and some others where they would get fury/power gain when triggering an immunity, but I could be wrong. @Donnymeij
  • OrdalcaOrdalca Member Posts: 543 ★★★
    Mike192 said:

    Sabretooths kit says that he will bring all fury effects - effects are considered passives.

    The champ says he activates all his previous effects, and effects are passives, buffs, and debuffs, not just passives. Otherwise, the immunities that are "immune to shock effects" would only be for passive shocks, right? Even though it clearly stops both passive and debuff shocks.

    If you have active furies, they get reactivated as passives, not from being converted as you fight, so the 15-fury limit shouldn't be interfering, in my opinion. On the other hand, you only get 2 furies per fight at most once you pass the limit, 1 from s3 and 1 from 10-hits/5-hits against you.
  • OrdalcaOrdalca Member Posts: 543 ★★★
    edited July 2020
    Mike192 said:

    Ordalca said:

    Mike192 said:

    Sabretooths kit says that he will bring all fury effects - effects are considered passives.

    The champ says he activates all his previous effects, and effects are passives, buffs, and debuffs, not just passives. Otherwise, the immunities that are "immune to shock effects" would only be for passive shocks, right? Even though it clearly stops both passive and debuff shocks.

    If you have active furies, they get reactivated as passives, not from being converted as you fight, so the 15-fury limit shouldn't be interfering, in my opinion. On the other hand, you only get 2 furies per fight at most once you pass the limit, 1 from s3 and 1 from 10-hits/5-hits against you.
    Not true. Look at stealth spidey and she hulk. It says Fury 'effects'. Now go look at Hyperion or Hulk, it says Fury 'buffs. In fact, Hulk has a synergy that 'converts buffs into effects'. Now look at Maw SP1 which says nullifies Fury 'buffs'. Try nullifying she hulks Fury 'effects'

    Edit: The immunities are a one-stop thing. If you are immune to bleed, you cant be bled regardless of active/passive.
    She-Hulk: "for each of her personal Passive Fury effects". Specifically calls out the passive effects as the only ones with the extra mechanics.

    Hulk+Surfer: "All of Hulk's Fury Buffs are Passive effects..." once again calling them out as passives.

    Stealth spidey: only ever calls them Fury passives, never effects.

    Re immunities, look at electro. He "takes no damage from Shock effects." Both passive shocks and debuff shocks deal no damage. Look at Thing: "Immune to Bleed, Shock, Armor Break, Armor Shatter, Nullify, Stagger, and Fate Seal effects". Both passives and debuffs are immune.

    Re nullify: Only buffs can be nullified. All buffs are effects, all debuffs are effects, all passives are effects. Not all effects are passives. Not all effects are debuffs. Not all effects are passives.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    Look, by the wording that’s how it should work, his wording for persistent charges clearly states he can convert those he finishes with after 15, and it is clear this synergy hasn’t been properly tested since this hasn’t been found, luckily the ccp have discovered it and hopefully there will be a definitive response before his crystals release, but things really need proper testing by kabam, the ccp shouldn’t be those who are checking for how broken things are, they’re there for content on things, and the hype created here makes this synergy disappointing if it’s nerfed, if kabam tested and changed it pre ccp release then it would simply look like a strong synergy
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,385 ★★★★★
    People that read Sasquatch's spotlight knew this immediately. A bunch of people, including me, commented about it as soon as it was posted. No one that could read needed the CCP hype to figure out where and how it could be put to devastating use. If someone wants to use a ton of units to acquire Sasquatch and then spend a ton of revives to get Sabretooth to Ludicrous Strength™ , I'm sure Kabam fully endorses that spending decision.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Menkent said:

    This would be a pretty classic move for them. A dev tries to give sabertooth a little boost and they end up having to nerf what he could already do because no one at kabam actually knew how he worked in the first place. At least the CCP are doing their job and found this before the sasquatch crystals dropped.

    To be fair it's more than a little boost. I also certainly don't think it needs to be gutted. I could reasonably see a cap added to his fury but I don't think it needs to be capped at 15 for sure. It would still be very good at 30 and far from game breaking I think
  • PaytoPlayPaytoPlay Member Posts: 762 ★★★
    edited July 2020
    The 15 furies limit is for permanent and passive fury during the fight. All active, temporary fury before the fight ends should be outside of this count (after ST reached 15 passive furies, he can only convert the fury gained from a sp3 finisher). Fury gained from sp3 finisher is arguably not during the fight. If it is, I would argue CG should've gained true strike with sp2 finisher after an evade.

    In short, this synergy requires some adjustment to how ST currently work... still a cool one though... I simply didn't want to rank 5 him because of the random persistent charges right out of the gate.. now I have some reassurance that the fury can be maintained...
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