Bans for Exploiting Bugs [MERGED THREADS]



  • bdawg923bdawg923 Member Posts: 764 ★★★★

    Habstrakt said:

    So many ignorant commenters one here, bunch of sheep. “you break terms of service” blah blah.... show me where it says not to run a quest more than once.ill wait

    It says abusing an exploit (Which getting the same reward more than once is) will result in a 1 week ban
    Never run a daily cat quest more than once and gotten a chest on a path that you already completed?
    They already said the path would stay open and they set a president for chests staying on completed paths to be collected again but now they've decided to ban people without explaining when that is OK to do and when it isn't and hidden behind VERY loose 'see out ToS' explination.
    Lmao getting a few catalysts and getting a boatloads of 5 star awakening gems is not remotely similar😂
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,764 ★★★★★
    Arsoz said:

    Nakuul said:

    Bro I was legit ready to actually spend some of my money on some Prof X/Apoc cav crystals (my 2 favorite ever champs released in 1 month, 2nd was doom and mr fantastic but I wasn’t playing at the time) but nah not anymore, not after how Kabam handled this situation. And I’m sure many others are gonna become ftp after this just like me. Not worth giving Kabam my money. I feel bad for the people banned who had the sigil because they’re losing value from it every second.

    I don't feel bad for anyone that exploited. If they played by the rules, they wouldn't be "losing value" from anything.
    I feel bad for them because they have a 1 week ban, their alliances are being massively affected, and rightfully, their rewards are being removed. And if they’ve given money to Kabam before that must hurt even more. I just think that’s too much. The way Kabam handled this situation tells me that I can’t trust them enough with my money. That’s a different decision for everyone else to make but I’ve made up my mind.
    Lol yes evil Kabam for banning for exploits. I bet you think shoplifters and bank robbers shouldn't be arrested and charged either.

    Let the cheaters in the game. Kabam evil, cheaters good.
    Stop comparing crimes to abusing a bug they are not similar at all
    They break rules. They are the same..
  • No_Ægon_clubNo_Ægon_club Member Posts: 150 ★★
    So since y’all are done banning people, the quest must be up right?
  • E_Rich423E_Rich423 Member Posts: 121 ★★
    I was hyping this up to quite possibly be Kabam's best month ever. We should have known better lol
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,764 ★★★★★

    Habstrakt said:

    So many ignorant commenters one here, bunch of sheep. “you break terms of service” blah blah.... show me where it says not to run a quest more than once.ill wait

    It says abusing an exploit (Which getting the same reward more than once is) will result in a 1 week ban
    Never run a daily cat quest more than once and gotten a chest on a path that you already completed?
    They already said the path would stay open and they set a president for chests staying on completed paths to be collected again but now they've decided to ban people without explaining when that is OK to do and when it isn't and hidden behind VERY loose 'see out ToS' explination.
    Very loose? This is very loose?

  • BogOlimpaBogOlimpa Member Posts: 25
    @Kabam Miike Bans affect not only the players who used the bug. They also reflect on players who play fair and innocent. Cancel two wars and let alliances recruit players. This shouldn't affect Season Rewards !!!
  • oMegaPashaoMegaPasha Member Posts: 8

  • HabstraktHabstrakt Member Posts: 29

    That’s literally like putting the blame on someone else because you’re not strong enough to take it yourself. Just remove the goddamn extra rewards off everyone’s accounts. It was your bug. Take responsibility for it and fix it.

    Kabam one of your employees literally said on the side event quest thread that you could go back on that path after you went on it the first time and unlocked it with a key. Your lack of communication is a MASSIVE issue and has caused all these bans to happen. It is YOUR bug, so instead of fixing it, you went ahead and banned thousands of players for going back on that open path that we were told you could go back on. Why are you banning people for a week AND removing their rewards? Just remove their rewards. It’s your fault the bug existed. The rewards SHOULD be removed 100% but a 1 week ban is SO unjust. That affects alliances and many other things in game, and it all originated from your bug. Just remove the rewards! We all agree with that! No need to ban! That’s way too compromising!

    That is completely out of context and taking some huge liberties in the explanation. The path remains open, yes, but that doesn't mean that you can get the rewards again. The Path remained open so that if you fail to complete the path, you can try it again, and so that you don't make a mistake and take a path where there is no rewards, wasting a key.

    We reserve the right to take any action we see fit on accounts that have violated the TOS. You agreed to abide by that when you started playing the game.
    Answer me this.. U can ban them indeed, but what about the alliances that they are in? How all of those alliances find replacements? After this a lot of alliances will searching for recruits, not all of them will

    And what if couple ppl got banned for their mistake of judgment? Does that mean that they have to be kicked for this?.. Or do alliances have to find a replacement and kick them after a week when the original members come back

    I didn't get banned,neither I want to discuss if they should be banned or not. Not my decision.. But this affect a lot of ppl that done no harm, aside those that actually exploit the ban
    Leave them alone for now, you can bug them tomorrow. We're most likely going to get a compensation for the delay in the side quest and the banning on teammate that can help you get rewards. So be happy the they produced a free game you dont have to spend a dime to play it, if its a free game expect bugs and micro transactions. We don't know if they are Rich, Poor, Barely getting by, or have average amount of money. They try there best, to some there best is enough for them, but to some getting to play a free game is enough.
  • oMegaPashaoMegaPasha Member Posts: 8
    Even story mode chests giving some stuff always. how they pushing players only take once this rewards and calls it a bug. It's absolutely designer fail in this adventure.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,764 ★★★★★

    Even story mode chests giving some stuff always. how they pushing players only take once this rewards and calls it a bug. It's absolutely designer fail in this adventure.

    Chests are programmed to be there. Come on. You can't be that absent minded to compare path chests to this? The path chests are randomly placed each time you enter. Use common sense.
  • MrR0b0tMrR0b0t Member Posts: 234
    BogOlimpa said:

    @Kabam Miike Bans affect not only the players who used the bug. They also reflect on players who play fair and innocent. Cancel two wars and let alliances recruit players. This shouldn't affect Season Rewards !!!

    If you make a bed with cheaters you must deal with the conciquenses. Kick them and move on. They did not care when they stole and were ranking defenders for war placement to cheat other players you fought. They cheated and you prospered from it.
  • bdawg923bdawg923 Member Posts: 764 ★★★★
    edited September 2020
    Mcord117 said:

    Mcord117 said:

    Absurd to ban people because they don’t quality test their game. Doesn’t impact me in any way, still a bunch of bs

    Is it absurd to ban hackers because they found a way to mod the game because Kabam didn't have protection against it?
    Not even remotely the same thing. Is the burden on the players to decipher when a screw up is a bug or intended? Where is their accountability in this? It’s just ok, cause we’ll our expectations should be that they don’t bother quality testing so if something feels too good we should stop and as if it’s ok?
    So youre saying they intended for people to farm unlimited 5 star awakened gems this month? That's cute
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Mcord117 said:

    Whatever it’s not my issue I was waiting for the map to come out so I have not run a single path. The burden is on the multi million dollar company to make sure when they release something it’s right. Man would it be great if I got to blame my customers for taking advantage of every time my company messed up. It doesn’t happen that way in business, you own your mistake and you move on

    So if you mess up and someone steals from your company you are going to just say “oh well, we massed up, that 20k theft should not be reported to the cops?”
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Meh. It was patently obvious that it was bugged if you could keep going into a one time entry quest. Unlucky, you’ll know next time not to take the mick.
  • Eternity0Eternity0 Member Posts: 112 ★★
    The Problem is Kabam was nice Enough to acknowledge That not everyone has counter to WeaponX or Iceman bosses.. So if they Fail one time or doesn’t have UNITMAN on there side they wouldn’t have to lose the 5* AG because of that.. You can Try again later with better preparation when you REENTER the key you used before

    They should have been Jerks to say use one key one time you cant defeat WeaponX Boss onetime? Dont have unitman? Booooo... Not getting it
  • Scopeotoe987Scopeotoe987 Member Posts: 1,552 ★★★★★

    I don't even need a gifting event this year. This thread keeps on giving and giving.

    I’m enjoying this thread as well.
  • bm3eppsbm3epps Member Posts: 1,157 ★★★
    😂say goodbye to the summoner appreciation calendar as well
  • MalchaeisMalchaeis Member Posts: 207 ★★
    There comes a time, if you've been playing this game awhile, when you know kabam wouldn't give out these type of rewards easily. Personally I never really read the descriptions of the new events thoroughly. Just skim. So banning people for doing multiple runs shouldn't happen. Maybe they never read the description and didn't know they needed keys. Banning people for doing ludicrous amount of runs for great rewards.. probably... cause there has to come a time when they know its too good to be true and they should stop. But they don't. Its just plain frustrating for their fellow alliance members to suffer cause of their greed. Then people that didn't get a chance to do a couple free runs are mad cause they missed it understandably so. There is no easy answer to this.
  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,351 ★★★★★
    There are people here, who's rosters are capable of beating tier 4, that simultaneously claim they had no idea getting so many rewards was not intended. It's quite frankly insulting to other players intelligence. You don't get to be able to beat tier 4 without learning along the way that giving out rewards of this magnitude would never happen.
  • bdawg923bdawg923 Member Posts: 764 ★★★★
    dirt13jr said:

    A week ban?! I got banned for something i didn’t even know was not right. I was doing the event and the second i saw global talking about it i stopped immediately. Yes in a way it’s my fault but i feel bad for alliances and the people in it who did nothing. i deserve the ban but a week is excessive. Maybe postpone or add a week onto AW.

    I don't know whether to agree that you know you deserve the ban or disagree with your silly suggestion to delay the war season.
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