Missing Persistant Charges? Help find the Cause of the Bug!

Greetings Summoners,
Some of you have recently reported that you've had issues where your Champions seem to be missing their Persistant Charges. This is a strange bug that seems to affect each user differently. Most Summoners were completely unaffected, but some had lost charges on all of their Champions.
We're looking to get to the bottom of this and could use your help. If you encountered these issues, can you please provide us with the following information:
Some of you have recently reported that you've had issues where your Champions seem to be missing their Persistant Charges. This is a strange bug that seems to affect each user differently. Most Summoners were completely unaffected, but some had lost charges on all of their Champions.
We're looking to get to the bottom of this and could use your help. If you encountered these issues, can you please provide us with the following information:
- Username
- Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue
- Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus)
- Opponent Champion
- Game Mode
- Quest Node (if applicable)
- Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game)
- Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges?
- Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance)
- Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly?
- Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share.
2/2/2021 around 8:00 AM
Captain Marvel 5 star awakened and Nick Fury 4 star awakened
Opponent was Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Iceman, Psylocke, Rogue, Wolverine X-23, Unstoppable Colossus, Deadpool X-Force, Longshot
Side Quest (the X-men one)
Legendary Side Quest nodes (the X-men one)
Yes, it did happen multiple times.
Yes, multiple champions were missing persistent charges
Yes, this did happen after updating.
No, restarting the game did not cause the Persistent charges to return normally.
Additionally, Captain Marvel was missing the persistent charge icon and the number, but they appeared in-game like normal. Her Binary Charges carried on from fight-to-fight. Nick Fury on the other hand started the fight with his LMD destroyed. Also, this happened in the morning in the side quest, but then I entered an Alliance Quest around 9:30 AM and the persistent charges were working like normal with both Captain Marvel and Nick Fury
Username: DemonzFyre
Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue 2/2/2021- 8am Central
Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus)- First noticed it with my 6* awakened Corvus in Map 7 AQ. He was missing the icon but still was able to timeout and not die.
Opponent Champion- Started with Ultron in section 3 Path C portal.
Game Mode- AQ
Quest Node (if applicable)- Last 3 fights on spectre path.
Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game)- For AQ yes. I dueled my 5* awakened Nick Fury and both mine and the 6* defender did not have its persistent charge and started in real NF phase.
I entered into a monthly EQ to test 5 champs with charges- Cull 5*, Corvus 5*, Aegon 6*, HT 5* and G2099 5* all awakened.
Did one fight will Cull and on the next fight he had 3 thanos' favors like he should have had.
Human Torch can still activate pre-fight.
Aegon seems to get his prompts but I haven't tested him enough yet.
Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? yes, all mentioned above.
Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance)- Yes after update.
Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly? No, I have restarted several times.
Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share-
Before Bishop was like the others and couldn't use his persistent charges but recently he gained the ability to do so somehow.
As u can see here the persistent charge icon isn't present. This screenshot from a video published a year ago
Now Abyss Bishop does have the persistent charge icon. Video was published 3 weeks ago
Hope this helps in some capacity
Date and Time: Feb 2 2021 @ 2:30pm PST
Champion: Nick Fury Sig level 78
It happened in Story mode Act 5.2.2
Opponent: Wolverine (X-23)
Once the first fight for Nick Fury started, I noticed that Nick Fury was losing health without getting hit until he had 30 percent health. I also noticed that his persistent charge number was not being shown during the fight. His Life Model Decoy was destroyed when the fight began. I tried restarting the game and checked Google Play Store for updates, but that did not resolve the issue. I haven't tried using other champions with persistent charges.
Time/Date: 4:00 at GMT 10:30+ on 3rd Feb
Champion: Nick Fury 4* maxed, 1 sig level
Opponent: All (but first found out on 6* Joe Fixit)
Happened during Quests 1 & 2 of the first section in uncollected Jubilee event quest.
- It did happen multiple times per session
- I only had nick fury as someone with persistent charges
- it happened on the most recent update for Android
- restarting the game did fix it
The image is of the very start of the fight, not having used nick before this fight
Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: Around 3:30, Feb 1, 2021
Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus): 5 star sig 200 aegon, and other champs on team. 5 r5 magneto, 5r3 wasp, 5r4 ghost, 5r4 gwenpool.
Opponent Champion: Deadpool-X Force
Game Mode: Story 6.4.1
Quest Node (if applicable): Do You Bleed, Bleed Vulnerability, Redoubled Determination
For my information, just go to this link. https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/248664/aegon-bug-again#latest (It includes screenshots)
Parries weren't working, aegon was doing like 30 on a hit, unfortunately I don't have any pictures of the aegon. I do have pictures of the parry though and aegon missing his persistent combo outside the screen. I used wasp and magneto and they couldn't parry so I quit out the quest and took a different path. I did not redo the quest with the same champion; I took a different path because I was not sure if the aegon issue would occur again.
Basicallly aegon was working fine. But I died on the dpx at one point. Then I found out that tI could update my game. So I updated my game and then used a revive on aegon. And then the problems started. Aegon was the only character on my team with persistent charges.
Date/Time: 2/2/2021 10AM CST
Champions involved Morningstar 5*
4/55 Sig 141 , Captain Marvel (movie) 5* 4/55 Sig 43, and Guillotine 2099 5* 5/65 Sig 125
It didn’t matter who the opponent was.
AQ Map5
Nodes didn’t affect it.
This happened after I updated the game that morning as well.
The persistent charges seemed to come and go.
I noticed the persistent charges were just missing altogether and so I checked to see if it was just a bug. Morningstar couldn’t gain any charges nor could she benefit from them other than the Sp1 doing more damage from them. She didn’t get her perfect block chance or life steal. CMM’s didn’t show up but I didn’t use her to find out since we were at the very end of AQ. Guillotine 2099 didn’t show up either and I didn’t notice what went wrong with her’s since she isn’t as dependent on her persistent charges. Morningstar was at 4 charges when I used an Sp3 to attempt to get the 5th for life steal, but I was unable to get 5th even after beating my opponent with an Sp3. The next fight I attempted to do the same but the counter never showed up to allow me to gain the charge as well.
18:12 approx, GMT
5* Awakened Nick Fury
First noticed issue on first node of first quest of the Deadpool Valentines event quest.
All champions with persistent charges seem to be affected.
Restarting the app does not fix the issue, did not ever happen in my personal experience whilst playing the game before updating. Nick Fury in particular is affected by starting immediately in his second awakened phase, immediately degenerating from full health down to 30%. No art of persistent charge shows on any champion icon.
Playing on iPhone 11
2/2/2021 around 12:00 AM IST
Professor x 5 star awakened and Nick Fury 5 star awakened
Opponent was Black panther, Deadpool,hela, pshyco man.
Epic Side Quest (Love as battlerealm)
Yes, it did happen multiple times.
Yes, multiple champions were missing persistent charges
Yes, this did happen after updating.(particularly after completing ROL for the 1st time during ROL run my champions had persistent change after that they don't)
Yes, restarting the game did cause the Persistent charges return to normally.
Username: Pran2510
Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: 2:20 am IST
Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus): duped 5* NF
Opponent Champion: the hood
Game Mode: side quest - love is a battlerealm 4 one (legendary difficulty) chapter 1 quest 1.
Quest Node (if applicable).
Happened once with duped corvus 5* in aq on the 4th day as well, but overlooked it.
Date : 2/1/2021 - Pretty much from 10am-12pm (PST) --- worked fine since then
Champs - NIck Fury (starting in LMD), Corvus (not gaining charges), Apocalypse (not gaining charges)
Opponents - NIck Fury was against Colossus first, then again against Spider Gwen. Corvus was in AQ, I don't remember each opponent, but he didn't gain a charge against the Tech Bot or Doc Oc, but did against Hulkbuster and Spiderman. He didn't get the mutant charge either, but I don't remember that exact defender. Apocalypse didn't get charges in v6 after beating Annihilus or Ultron, but did start with 4 against Storm X (which is in his kit)
Game Mode - Nick was in chapter 5. Corvus was AQ and Apoc was in v6
Apoc (henchmen, poison, blood in the water); Corvus (mutany, heroic mod was role reversal and i don't recall the node on HB or Spiderman); Nick was Bane
NO - sorry, don't normally take screenshots during gameplay
Approx Date:- 2:42am 4th Feb 2021 IST
Champions involved:- Nick Fury, Venom the Duck, Captain marvel movie etc all champions persistent charge icon missing but Nick lost LMD.
Against all opponents and in all game modes
More information:-
It is happening always even if I restarted my device still issue exists.
Not immediately happened after updating but yes after monthly quest started then onwards this issue came into picture.
Starting of Alliance war season this gonna make huge trouble.
I urge Kabam to check and fix remotely or else we are ready for compensation
So annoying. Started yesterday doing 5.3.3
Username: crogs
Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: 2/2, afternoon est
Champion Involved: max 5* Fury and Corvus, duped.
Opponent Champion: all
Game Mode: quest. 5.3.3 yesterday and today's EQ. Pic is fury's first fight on uncollected.
Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? Yes. Fury and corvus
Did this happen after updating to v30.0? Yes. Post latest update
Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly? No. Same yesterday and today.
Luckily made it through 5.3.3 by the skin of my teeth. But want to be able to complete uncollected and cavalier this week so won't be happy if I have to burn trugh pots or units or use less than ideal Champs.
And can I ask why chat still stinks? 5+ years and I still send messages that don't appear in chat. 5+ years... How does a company consistently screw up simple chat? Note 20 and iPhone 12. Today, can't send messages in game on either. Abysmal.
Android (LG G7 thinQ)
NONE of my champions who rely on them have them anymore.
Time: Feb 04 6:30 am (GMT6+)
Champ: nick fury Awakened
Against : Torch (new side quest 1.1)
Node : power alternator
Multiple times happened, multiple Champs ( i had apoc with me), after the Version 30.0 & didnt return during the quest on the next quest returned
Feb 3, 7:15 (GMT -7)
3 runs in Love is a Battlerealm over
5 fights. 6* r3 Sig 20 Nick Fury
No persistent charge, no life model decoy.
Enters fight in second Life.
Have videos.
Between February 3rd and 4th about 8pm on the 3rd and 3 am on the 4th
Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus)
5 star awakened Corvus and Nick Fury. Corvus isn't counting charges after fights, and Nick Fury has already lost his clone.
Opponent Champion
Howard the Duck and Spiderman
Game Mode
Special quest for valentine's
Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game)
Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges?
Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance)
Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly?
Username: sparrky01
Date and Time: Feb 4th 2021 @ 10:00
Champion: Nick Fury Sig level 40
It happened in Monthly Quest all chapters so far
Opponent: various
Once the first fight for Nick Fury started, I noticed that Nick Fury was losing health without getting hit until he had 30 percent health. I also noticed that his persistent charge number was not being shown during the fight. His Life Model Decoy was destroyed when the fight began. I tried restarting the game and updated to latest version of the game but problem still persists.
Date and Time: Feb 4th 2021 @ 16:00
Champion: 5 stars Nick Fury Sig level 20
Opponent: various
-Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game)
Restart the game, the phone and still happen... try on my older phone and its ok... so this is some problem with my Xiaomi 11
Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges?
Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance)
Yes. Only after upgrade
Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly?
No. No.
Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share.
Put one video and screenshots...
Date and Time: Feb 4th 2021 @ 16:00
Champion: 5 stars Nick Fury Sig level 20
Opponent: various
-Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game)
Restart the game, the phone and still happen... try on my older phone and its ok... so this is some problem with my Xiaomi 11
Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges?
Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance)
Yes. Only after upgrade
Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly?
No. No.
Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share.
Try to put one video, but its not allowed to upload in this category... screenshots ok...
As I posted, I had this issue 2 days ago. It also disappeared on its own after approximately 8 hours since it appeared.
Username: Amms90
Time date: I found out on February 2nd, around 6:00 am (gmt +1). The issue disappeared at around 2 pm that same day.
Champions involved: all the persistent charge champions duped and unduped. Really all of them. I know it affected my 5star corvus and guilly99 which were both in aq, but I also ran arena pretty much all morning using my entire 5star, 6star and 4 star roster. I noticed some champions were more affected than others. For example my 5star corvus didn't show his persistent charge in aq but I had gotten 2 charges on a vision the previous evening. When I took corvus against hulkbuster that morning, even though he didn't show the persistent charge, he had the 2 cruelty buffs and he also had the 30 glaive charges (since I was fighting an avenger and had the avenger charge). Also I was armor breaking on parries and the sp2 was indeed unblockable. What I'm saying is in his case it was more of a visual bug but the champion himself was unaffected as everything worked. When I'm saying other champions were more affected I'm thinking about nick fury who was starting a fight already in his second life... (and I clarify in the arena grind this issue appeared on both MY nick fury (5s r5 and 4s r5) as well as on any other nick fury I matched in the arena. Fight start, he was degenning and had his fury buff. No first life). Guilly99 had an issue which was very weird. So not only she didn't have her persistent charge, but she also wouldn't get her armor up buff. And she also wouldn't power drain with her sp1. In other words her abilities were simply broken. These issues were like I said affecting champions of all rarities. 5s r5 duped guilly 99 as much as 4s r5 duped guilly99. Another weird one: white magneto. Used my 6s r1 unduped white magneto in the arena and he was never gaining prowess buffs.
This issue was persistent all morning for those 8 hours no matter how many times I restarted the game and how many minutes I played without taking breaks.
The issue was not consequential to me updating the game to the new version. I updated the game the previous evening at around 7 pm. And when aq started at 9 pm everything worked. In fact I took the charges for my corvus and guilly and everything was fine. Later I went to bed and the next morning boom everything was broken.
Game mode: aq, eq, arena... everywhere. With or without nodes.
I'll also add that I'm playing on my Oppo Reno 2 and the os is Android 10.
Link to the forum post where I posted pics from that day: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/1651600#Comment_1651600
Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue right now
Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus) unawakened 6 star fury, 5 star duped
Opponent Champion 6 star unduped havoc
Game Mode alliance war
Quest Node (if applicable first global mini
Now that I lost a champion for no good reason how are you going to make up for it?