Season Rewards/AQ Week/Gifting Event

So season rewards are still not out….AQ starts today and now players are stuck in their current alliance due to AQ especially those who do the higher AQ maps until end of AQ week. This is really bad because it makes them wait to get gifting rewards if they can still even get them at by the time this AQ week ends. Horrible timing with Season Rewards/AQ week/Gifting Event. The amount of time should be decreased to at least 7 days now with how this is all adding up not in the favor of any summoner ready to spend their hard earns units or real money spent on units to participate if that’s what they do. I completely understand Kabam making rules and guidelines for gifting with all the cheating and scams that have happened in the past and we all want a fair and legit event and game. We all agree on that. But this timing along with these issues all year is really putting a bad taste in all of the summoners mouths. We want the game to work correctly and want to enjoy its as we all have. I’ve played this game from the start, I’m an end game player who’s completed everything and belong to an end game alliance who pushes high bracket War and Map 8 AQ. So trust me I want this all to work out as much as many of us. Please take this into consideration and lower the time a summoner is required to be in an alliance because none of these circumstances is our fault and we shouldn’t be punished for them. Thanks for listening.
Sincerely, A loyal long term player who only wants what’s best and fair for our community…… S_Blue
Sincerely, A loyal long term player who only wants what’s best and fair for our community…… S_Blue
If the season had gone its full length all of these AQ/Gifting Event timers would have been "messed" up anyway.
There is still plenty of time to get all the Gifting rewards even if AW rewards don't come out until Wednesday.
People are so reluctant to join in fear of the fact that they wouldn't be able to participate in gifting. Its tough to make people understand that u just need to stay 14 days in total to be eligible even when that gifting is going on that can be achieved.
But i guess some alliances will have a very very hard time to recruit if members left after season rewards. Many alliances may even fall cause of all this confusion.
You’re complaining about the gifting event and clearly don’t understand how it works even though there’s a huge friggin announcement explaining it on this forum.
request is simple. if the war season has ended early send the rewards without waiting this much. and it’s been 3 days already.
All I want to know is this -
If a person joins the alliance on 10th Dec they won't be eligible for rewards until the 24th. That's fine.
But if the alliance earned first 5 milestones while the new joinee was ineligible, would they still be able to claim ALL milestone rewards?
The 14 days is a specific amount put in place to avoid some unsavory behaviour that we have seen in the past and do not want to see a repeat of. This is not going to change.
When the Alliance was not set to end early, there was still going to be an overlap, and we tried our best to explain that situation in this post here:
We are working to remove the added point values from the final war before we are able to send out Alliance War Season rewards. This is not like other Seasons that have ended early, because there is still work to be done before the season can be finalized.
We are working to get this done on the original Season schedule, or faster if we possibly can.
All I want to know is this -
If a person joins the alliance on 10th Dec they won't be eligible for rewards until the 24th. That's fine.
But if the alliance earned first 5 milestones while the new joinee was ineligible, would they still be able to claim ALL milestone rewards?
The ally rewards will be tiny fraction of what solo offers
Forgive me if I don’t think this logic holds up to more than a scintilla of scrutiny. Cheating is bad. 7 day cooldown allows cheating. 14 days doesn’t.
No hope of getting this game fixed (not only the parry/dex/dropped inputs/lag bugs, also champions bugs like ghost/hood synergy broken for months)
No hope of following Dev Diary
We are getting used of disappointment in the last months
unless money magically can change what days and dates are, nothing kabam can really do, lol
What am I missing? You’re saying people cheat when the guidelines aren’t there, but you’re saying because we’ve had a bad year with bugs, and the timing is bad Kabam should get rid of the guidelines allowing people to cheat.
Which part would you like to set the record straight on.