High prestige survey was badly thought out.

As some of you are already aware; Kaboom set out a survey asking us what you think about Content. I think the survey missed the point because it just asked us which contact do you like better? Obviously that’s a summary.
This survey is obviously designed to form everybody’s answers into a single distilled statement like “act six sucks and do stuff closer to act 7”. Or whatever short form answer comes from it.
The real question should’ve been why do you like specific content over other content?
So I wanted to give people an opportunity to positively state what they do and don’t like about the game’s content forms.
This is not an opportunity to bash Kabam, they were very hard to provide us a game that we all enjoy (I hope) and not everything they do is going to be perfect but it was good for them to ask but sometimes you have to ask the right question.
So below I’m gonna paste my long response to Kabam of what they should consider and I hope others do the same positively. Maybe some good ideas for content structure can come from this discussion.
Thank you all.
This survey does not accurately ask the proper questions. The issue with requiring skill use to complete content is due to the false inputs and buggy state of the game it makes depending on skill almost impossible. How can if be fun to use skill If the game bugs out on me. I cant tell you how many times my characters dash the wrong way or throw the wrong attack; or i just stop blocking in the middle of a being acted. By this i mean i block the first 2 hits and the third somehow gets through. This has been an ongoing problem for well over 2 yrs even if its only been a focus for the past 9 months or so. How is someone supposed to “depend on skill” in that situation?
Furthermore, longer permanent contact is good and so is the shorter however the fights have to feel beatable or clearly advertise that they are not supposed to be beatable in one go. This is why abyss is bad. You have content that is directly designed to be a resource sink but not advertised in such away. Anytime you have content that turns into a resource sink it makes you feel like a failure unless it was clearly upfront that you are supposed to revive 1 million times. Since the game is relatively stingy with (free) revives, this means that the entire purpose of the this content is to drain units from people. That’s bad content. Act 6 is worse in this manner. At least abyss has high life totals that Dissuade most people; act 6 does not. This makes it a trap for a-lot of people who then have to abandon the run or spend unit. Most people don't want to save up resources for months just expend them all and need more.
Monthly event quests and act 7 is much more enjoyable content IMO because while you may spend potions, revives, or units; you usually don’t feel like it was DESIGNED for you to do so.
This is even more annoying when you have to use 3 or 4 different potions like your trying to assemble Voltron. (Power rangers for the kids). I think i just dated myself. AND even different potions if im in AQ or WAR. So now the shiny New champ i just spent all my time a resources to acquire and rank up wasn’t good enough and i have to spend more.
Much of this just feels like Kabam trying to get money out of our wallets with giving us anything. When there are packages with the unit offers at least it feels like you getting something other than “pay extra for the privilege of playing the game”.
Some of these things will fix themselves over time. As higher rank champs become available act 6 and the abyss will become much easier. Carina’s challenges will always be a resource dump for most ppl and thats ok.
Coming out with better potions just started and thats step in the proper direction.
But stop creating the next “test you skill” event unless you are limiting item use. Its not a “skill event”, its a “test your wallet event”.
If you want a true “test your skill event”
Try this.
6 fights. One 2*; 3*; 4* 5* 6* and 1 boss.
The attacker has to match the star rank of the defender. (Except for the boss)So if the defender is a 2* you have to attack with a 2*.
Now here is the twist, the defenders are chosen at random, blind, which some random buffs. There should be some set buff also, like + attack and health.
And you only start with ONE ITEM USE but you get 1 each time you defeat a defender.
Give a prize for defeating a defender and a way to eject and keep the prize if you don’t want to go on. Prolly a random potion to start so farming isn’t to big a thing.
That i want to see some youtubers beat. And that is content that Kabam is trying to test me, not milk me.
This survey is obviously designed to form everybody’s answers into a single distilled statement like “act six sucks and do stuff closer to act 7”. Or whatever short form answer comes from it.
The real question should’ve been why do you like specific content over other content?
So I wanted to give people an opportunity to positively state what they do and don’t like about the game’s content forms.
This is not an opportunity to bash Kabam, they were very hard to provide us a game that we all enjoy (I hope) and not everything they do is going to be perfect but it was good for them to ask but sometimes you have to ask the right question.
So below I’m gonna paste my long response to Kabam of what they should consider and I hope others do the same positively. Maybe some good ideas for content structure can come from this discussion.
Thank you all.
This survey does not accurately ask the proper questions. The issue with requiring skill use to complete content is due to the false inputs and buggy state of the game it makes depending on skill almost impossible. How can if be fun to use skill If the game bugs out on me. I cant tell you how many times my characters dash the wrong way or throw the wrong attack; or i just stop blocking in the middle of a being acted. By this i mean i block the first 2 hits and the third somehow gets through. This has been an ongoing problem for well over 2 yrs even if its only been a focus for the past 9 months or so. How is someone supposed to “depend on skill” in that situation?
Furthermore, longer permanent contact is good and so is the shorter however the fights have to feel beatable or clearly advertise that they are not supposed to be beatable in one go. This is why abyss is bad. You have content that is directly designed to be a resource sink but not advertised in such away. Anytime you have content that turns into a resource sink it makes you feel like a failure unless it was clearly upfront that you are supposed to revive 1 million times. Since the game is relatively stingy with (free) revives, this means that the entire purpose of the this content is to drain units from people. That’s bad content. Act 6 is worse in this manner. At least abyss has high life totals that Dissuade most people; act 6 does not. This makes it a trap for a-lot of people who then have to abandon the run or spend unit. Most people don't want to save up resources for months just expend them all and need more.
Monthly event quests and act 7 is much more enjoyable content IMO because while you may spend potions, revives, or units; you usually don’t feel like it was DESIGNED for you to do so.
This is even more annoying when you have to use 3 or 4 different potions like your trying to assemble Voltron. (Power rangers for the kids). I think i just dated myself. AND even different potions if im in AQ or WAR. So now the shiny New champ i just spent all my time a resources to acquire and rank up wasn’t good enough and i have to spend more.
Much of this just feels like Kabam trying to get money out of our wallets with giving us anything. When there are packages with the unit offers at least it feels like you getting something other than “pay extra for the privilege of playing the game”.
Some of these things will fix themselves over time. As higher rank champs become available act 6 and the abyss will become much easier. Carina’s challenges will always be a resource dump for most ppl and thats ok.
Coming out with better potions just started and thats step in the proper direction.
But stop creating the next “test you skill” event unless you are limiting item use. Its not a “skill event”, its a “test your wallet event”.
If you want a true “test your skill event”
Try this.
6 fights. One 2*; 3*; 4* 5* 6* and 1 boss.
The attacker has to match the star rank of the defender. (Except for the boss)So if the defender is a 2* you have to attack with a 2*.
Now here is the twist, the defenders are chosen at random, blind, which some random buffs. There should be some set buff also, like + attack and health.
And you only start with ONE ITEM USE but you get 1 each time you defeat a defender.
Give a prize for defeating a defender and a way to eject and keep the prize if you don’t want to go on. Prolly a random potion to start so farming isn’t to big a thing.
That i want to see some youtubers beat. And that is content that Kabam is trying to test me, not milk me.
For me the two best pieces of content were SoP and the Gauntlet. SoP because it required perfection to get through without using revives etc. and it rewarded the difficulty handsomely. The Gauntlet was a slog that I dare say very few people escaped unscathed, and it wasn't BS, it was just difficult: you had to prioritise certain fights to get through and plan very carefully, and again, the rewards were balanced.
I'm not going to talk about Act 6 much because that's a kettle of fish that'll derail this thread, likewise Act 7 with its debate of it being end game content or not.
I think that the real miss were the Carina's Challenges; they could have been so much more than they were. KK, Crossbones and Loki were well thought out challenges. Miike's revenge was amusing in its own way though was a bit hideous.
The real piece of BS was the 3 LoL challenges which require revives to get through, and a lot of them, there's no way that you can get through them without sinking a huge amount of resources into it because of the nature of the content. Now the content itself isn't exactly difficult beyond its duration, it's just extremely tedious and expensive. In terms of roster requirements, they're virtually nil, which for something so endgame in terms of reward structure feels a bit odd and out of place. The other issue is that you're never going to outpace this content in the way eventually your champions could outpace LoL/AoL if you left it until you had a R4 Aegon for example, which means it's going to be an eternal unit sink.
You consistently have one opinion on Kabam and that is “Kabam bad”. Same way I won’t ever trust someone’s opinion if they consistently praise kabam on everything, I won’t trust someone’s opinion when the constantly attack Kabam.
Feedback gets taken to the team and they read it and respond accordingly, we know that and have seen it before. That’s what Miike said here, but I guess you read what you wanna read.
For example, when it asked about Act 7, I felt like 7.1 and 7.2 we're pretty fun. The paradox charges in 7.3 however we're awful. So when they asked me to rate the content, and I said Act 7 was the most enjoyable, I probably unknowingly endorsed having them back in 7.4.
Carina's Challenges...well, some were pretty fun, and skill based. Even Super Punchout wasn't awful, and someone better than me probably could have done it in way less revives. But then the ones forcing the use of 4* champs in LoL and 3* against the GM are just ridiculous. Nothing about them is skill based, just a test of how many revives or units you farmed ahead of time, or how deep your wallet is.
I guess there was only one piece of content that I pretty universally hated, and that was Act 6. Everything else (that I've done at least...that excludes AoL for me) had good an bad aspects, so simply asking high level thoughts doesn't really convey the appropriate message.
Figure out how to implement attacker diversity without adding more laborious planning for officers. More points the more diverse a battle groups’ attackers are at the risk of potentially dying more.
Ex: 10 Apocalypses on attack will take down defenders/nodes easier but reward less points.
Whereas 1 Apocalypse and 9 other diverse attacker options would likely present more of a challenge but reward more points overall. The risk is that the chance of a KO increases as well. Have to balance the diversity.
Increase the banned champ number. 3 is good, let’s go 5.
Carina challenge was terrible. Everyone I’ve chatted with loathed it. No more of that. 4* champ quests challenges is a great idea, but not like Carina.
@MarcusUnread : Hold my beer... I'm sendin' it!
Personally, we need more Act 6 style content that provide a challenge, requires roster progression and takes more than 2 days to complete.
Act 7 has been a walk through. Can be down without even thinking!
I’d love to see gated paths return if they could do them right. With 200+ champs there’s more options than ever and if they just did 1-2 gates per quest it would be fine. They could gate by class or tag but I’d suggest not doing “need 4/5 of this specific class/tag” and stick to 1/2/3 unless it’s something more broad like #hero or #villain or something similar
I do think that if that's going to be the case though that we still need more regular difficult side stuff like Gauntlet and SoP to an extent that still gives people a reason to build a genuinely wide roster. I've been ranking champs for solo comp ever since I saw Showdown and that's been the only thing keeping me interested in acquiring and ranking champs for months.
I wouldn’t have minded if Carina’s Challenges had one Labyrinth run, I actually think that could have been fun. But three all at once was excessive. It makes it hard to work up the motivation to do it when you know you’re just going to have to do it again and again.
I don’t *completely* hate the paradox nodes. I do think the punishment for overloading on them should be different though. Rather than direct damage, maybe consider the opponent going passively indestructible or unblockable or something for a brief period. Something that is still very difficult to deal with so it feels like a consequence to poor fight management, but that still allows a skillful player to recover from.
I can’t really speak for the current state of Act 6, as I explored it fairly well in advance of the changes going live. It was definitely difficult at the time when I did it, but I remember a mix of it being genuinely enjoyable and wanting to throw my phone into the sea. Act 6 is what made me really start thinking about who I ranked up and when, made me start looking at my roster and think “do I have the utility to counter this specific node and champion combination? What atypical champions could handle this fight since I don’t have the top option?” That’s a good mindset to promote in this game. It’s not all about who is most meta, there are always multiple ways to attack a fight and Act 6 is what showed me that.