Battleground Refresh Timers

While I'll start of saying I'm not the biggest fan of the champion refresh timers or the 45 unit cost, I've resigned myself to the thought that they will be a part of this mode in some form. My issue after logging in this morning is that the 6 hour timer only starts when I FULLY deplete my champion of uses. I woke up this morning thinking I would be fully charged and ready to do a few rounds of BG, but instead, several of my champs were only sitting at 1 of 3 energy. If refresh timers and the unit cost are going to stay, please find a better way. As a possible suggestion, just have the champs passively refresh 1 energy every 2 hours. This would allow people to maybe play a little more often, but also stick to a 6 hour timer for a full energy reset.
@Kabam Miike
@Kabam Miike
But the 6 hour cooldown set up is bad, that 100% needs tweaking
If there wasn't an energy cost to playing, I'd consider tanking a match just to get my key folks down into refresh range, but even that isn't practical.
So basically instead of a deck of 30 heroes, you really also need a sideboard (borrowing from CCG) of another 10 or so heroes to swap in, and still try to be competitive.
I think kabam pretty quickly will see no one is spending 45 units for a refresh... and needs to lower that cost to at most 5 units... but ideally, I like the idea of using gold more... may make it 200 gold.
@Kabam Miike this one is quiet constructive.
But I hope in future Kabam instead of inserting new modes. Improve on the existing ones.
I checked this for the first 4-5 refreshes and the only time that I clicked quickly, it was 45 units.
Wtf kabam.
To be fair, I haven’t ran out of stamina with a champion this beta. Have only played 3 matches or so, been too busy with war
Please remember that this is a Beta, and we need to be testing out these Recharge Times and costs as well. It's always easier to take these things down than it is to increase them, especially when the mode is live.
Not sure how I feel about that, I was alright if it was 6 hours per champ. But 18 hours feels like across the reasonable line to me. I’ll keep testing, but I’m not too keen
Regarding how it works, I seem to be seeing the same as you Miike. Checked my deck and some champs I’d used once this morning were back on 3, and some I’d used 2 times were on 2. So it seems to be functioning the right way.
I was going off what I’d heard, hadn’t had enough time to test BGs myself
I understand this is a beta and hopefully you're hearing from the community on this how it is not IS NOT how the majority of us would like it. It is by far the most fun game mode since I've been playing for over 6 years and just want this to be good. Oh, and please find a way to ban the cheaters and catch them early. We as players should not have to report it every time.
If so, ouch…. Huge detriment to the fun that is supposed to be battlegrounds .
My one source of optimism is that Miike says that it’s easier to take things down than up after the beta, which makes sense. But if this goes live at 18, I really won’t be too excited about that aspect
People have been clicking and losing units.
That's just not right. Keep a certain cost, why is it varying ?