does this company have the worst customer service you ever encountered

I have posted about a problem regarding one synergy i have tried that is not working few days ago. I got no feedback and now the thread is closed without any explanation. over the time I have played this game my customer service experience was very bad. what was yours?
does this company have the worst customer service you ever encountered 56 votes
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Pretty sure I sent a customer service complaint and got my reply back 2 years later in broken English.
every hear of tiny co they nuked there sub Reddit when people where complaining
I think there is a lot of room for improvement here. Maybe they can encourage the customer service staff to play the game and give them incentives to do so. As players themselves, they will be more empathetic, and they will know when a certain issue should be escalated. Maybe they can even create their own "customer support" server....
so it's not kabam
it's you
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As this thread does not pertain to a discussion of the game, and the original thread in question was replied to, I am going to close this thread down as well to keep the forums more organized. Please try to keep threads on-topic to game discussion.