Where is the compensation?

I thought we were supposed to be compensated for this broken game being broken for months and months? I’m just curious are we going back on our word or what is happening? I’m not trying to be mean here I just want to know. I’ve even seen some of my buddies get another package dated the 26th of may yet I didn’t get one. Please elaborated on what If anything is happening before I shell out money on July 4th. Thanks.
Bear in mind SoP ran its entirety starting at the onset of the controls problems.
Dr. Zola
My game is worse since the refactor. Timings are off which they've said may happen when using champs, but timings being off for the AI is a different matter (stand-up intercepts, throwing a special from a Mr Negative/Elsa intercept mechanic etc). I've obviously reported these bugs into the void of the bug report form but don't hold out much hope as with that and compensation - communication hasn't been great.
I'd prefer some blunt honestly over what we've got. If they said the game isn't fixed yet, but we don't want to give out compensation due to it hitting our bottom line and the final compensation was a miscommunication I'd be fine with that as at least it acknowledges that the game is still bust
Also, Kabam is choosing to focus more on the 10% player base that generate 90% of their revenue. So they will look for data points from such players more to make sure their gameplay works good.
We're happy to report that our larger, one-time compensation package is nearing completion. It's something we've stated we're hesitant to disclose more information about until our details are set in stone.
We've been told we will have more information to share with you soon but can say it is likely to be out before July!