Where is the compensation?



  • Derek2k18Derek2k18 Member Posts: 80
    I’ve seen most of your comments and wow. Thanks to some of you who aren’t immature and toxic. We all have an answer now so expect to see it before July he said. Which is fair enough. Should we still be getting alliance stuff? Maybe. But anyway didn’t expect this post to even be recognized much less seen bu this many ppl. Thanks.
  • L0TUS_MANTISL0TUS_MANTIS Member Posts: 221 ★★
    What's hilarious to me that someone mentioned is the idea of someone pushing for Paragon to get better compensation.
  • NoobdaNoobda Member Posts: 787 ★★★

    What's hilarious to me that someone mentioned is the idea of someone pushing for Paragon to get better compensation.

    I suggested that to one of my friends who is still thronebreaker 😂
  • ChompyChompy Member Posts: 55

    Rillian said:

    As I imagine, the compensation will be progression based most likely.
    But my question is, will it cap out at Paragon or Thronebreaker when it comes to the highest point of the compensation?

    I can’t see why it wouldn’t cap out at Paragon. Some players have had 3 r4s for half a year now.
    See, I could see that, but there's one problem.
    Paragon was created right around the point when the input issues were supposedly fixed.
    Thronebreaker has been around since day 1 of the input issues.
    Paragon is too new imo to instantly get their own tier of compensation.
    They've been trying to figure out this compensation for months to put into perspective.
    This would be the point where I'd wish a kabam mod would come in and say whether the input compensation will cap at Thronebreaker or Paragon.
    I'm not sure why "newness" matters. The whole point of making progression tiers is to reward, compensate, etc appropriate to where a player is CURRENTLY at in the game.

    It doesnt matter that it is new. Clearly Kabam felt that thronebreaker had grown to a point where the bottom and the top were completely different. Their needs, wants, and what they place value in are vastly different, and so they divided the group so they could reward, compensate etc each according to where they are game wise.

    It doesnt matter where we were when this issue started. It only matters where we are currently at. A r3 gem probably sounds amazing to a brand new thronebreaker who might double his r3s w this gem. A paragon, on the other hand, wouldnt be so thrilled. Sure, it's still great, but it is much, much more valuable to the thronebreaker. Paragons should get equal value, which can only be done through separate compensation.
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,229 ★★★
    What I find funny is in another thread I mentioned that we start a July 4 boycott and dropped my line id and the same day mike says it will be before July. Lmao. Let’s hope it actually comes.
  • smy168smy168 Member Posts: 215 ★★
    Derek2k18 said:

    I thought we were supposed to be compensated for this broken game being broken for months and months? I’m just curious are we going back on our word or what is happening? I’m not trying to be mean here I just want to know. I’ve even seen some of my buddies get another package dated the 26th of may yet I didn’t get one. Please elaborated on what If anything is happening before I shell out money on July 4th. Thanks.

    uh....it's been broken for 13 months hahaha
  • e_mace_mac Member Posts: 102
    edited June 2022
    So far today i had to spend a lot of resources for 5.2.6 collector's fight (currently exploring act 5). My champs wouldn't dash forward, block, dex, they would stop mid combo... all that with bane as a node, in which I can't get hit. It was a real mess.
    Only to go play arena and lose my streak for the exact same reason.
    And i have input beta on. If not it would be even worse.
    Also every 5 minutes the game would just be stuck saying there was no connection. The game has really become unplayable for many of us.
    Honestly, I would rather have it fixed than get compensation at this point. It's been over a year.
  • firemoon712firemoon712 Member Posts: 546 ★★★
    Chompy said:

    Rillian said:

    As I imagine, the compensation will be progression based most likely.
    But my question is, will it cap out at Paragon or Thronebreaker when it comes to the highest point of the compensation?

    I can’t see why it wouldn’t cap out at Paragon. Some players have had 3 r4s for half a year now.
    See, I could see that, but there's one problem.
    Paragon was created right around the point when the input issues were supposedly fixed.
    Thronebreaker has been around since day 1 of the input issues.
    Paragon is too new imo to instantly get their own tier of compensation.
    They've been trying to figure out this compensation for months to put into perspective.
    This would be the point where I'd wish a kabam mod would come in and say whether the input compensation will cap at Thronebreaker or Paragon.
    I'm not sure why "newness" matters. The whole point of making progression tiers is to reward, compensate, etc appropriate to where a player is CURRENTLY at in the game.

    It doesnt matter that it is new. Clearly Kabam felt that thronebreaker had grown to a point where the bottom and the top were completely different. Their needs, wants, and what they place value in are vastly different, and so they divided the group so they could reward, compensate etc each according to where they are game wise.

    It doesnt matter where we were when this issue started. It only matters where we are currently at. A r3 gem probably sounds amazing to a brand new thronebreaker who might double his r3s w this gem. A paragon, on the other hand, wouldnt be so thrilled. Sure, it's still great, but it is much, much more valuable to the thronebreaker. Paragons should get equal value, which can only be done through separate compensation.
    There isn't a Paragon daily card this month or tmk a "test of the Paragon" yet.
    That's another reason why I personally feel there won't be a tier of compensation for Paragon players.
    Now if I'm proven wrong and there is, then so be it, but I just don't see it happening.
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,294 ★★★★★

    Thank you for your question!

    We're happy to report that our larger, one-time compensation package is nearing completion. It's something we've stated we're hesitant to disclose more information about until our details are set in stone.

    We've been told we will have more information to share with you soon but can say it is likely to be out before July!

    Early June

    Rillian said:

    As I imagine, the compensation will be progression based most likely.
    But my question is, will it cap out at Paragon or Thronebreaker when it comes to the highest point of the compensation?

    I can’t see why it wouldn’t cap out at Paragon. Some players have had 3 r4s for half a year now.
    A year and a half? I could be wrong, but I didn't think anyone did before the December gifting event.
    You are right. Before gifting event I doubt anyone had 3 r4s
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 4,834 ★★★★★

    Rillian said:

    As I imagine, the compensation will be progression based most likely.
    But my question is, will it cap out at Paragon or Thronebreaker when it comes to the highest point of the compensation?

    I can’t see why it wouldn’t cap out at Paragon. Some players have had 3 r4s for half a year now.
    A year and a half? I could be wrong, but I didn't think anyone did before the December gifting event.
    He said half a year, not a year and a half. That would put it at the gifting event.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★

    Rillian said:

    As I imagine, the compensation will be progression based most likely.
    But my question is, will it cap out at Paragon or Thronebreaker when it comes to the highest point of the compensation?

    I can’t see why it wouldn’t cap out at Paragon. Some players have had 3 r4s for half a year now.
    A year and a half? I could be wrong, but I didn't think anyone did before the December gifting event.
    He said half a year, not a year and a half. That would put it at the gifting event.
    You are correct. Don't know how I read that as a year and a half lol
  • NoobdaNoobda Member Posts: 787 ★★★

    In the pocket and pocket is in the socket and socket is in the rocket.

    Time to r3 "rocket" RACOON. He will become happy and give me the compensation.
  • NoobdaNoobda Member Posts: 787 ★★★

    Noobda said:

    In the pocket and pocket is in the socket and socket is in the rocket.

    Time to r3 "rocket" RACOON. He will become happy and give me the compensation.
    Definitely...for better compensation you have to rank3 groot too....
    And what if I say you that he is already r3 😶
  • NoobdaNoobda Member Posts: 787 ★★★

    Thank you for your question!

    We're happy to report that our larger, one-time compensation package is nearing completion. It's something we've stated we're hesitant to disclose more information about until our details are set in stone.

    We've been told we will have more information to share with you soon but can say it is likely to be out before July!

    So June 30th got it.

    I doubt its going to be the same day when we get our AW season rewards.
  • Graves_3Graves_3 Member Posts: 1,411 ★★★★★

    What for sure , it's that we will not receive compensations before the end of EoP.
    Don't wait for free stuff to end EoP, they just want you spend your ressources on it

    Lol you know there are several more EOPs that happen right after this one ends, right? That wouldn’t make sense unless they postpone it until like November.
    I am guessing he is alluding to revives and potions in the compensation. If they come after EoP ends, it won’t be of much use since it will expire before the next iteration begins.
  • Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Member Posts: 831 ★★★★
    I tend to agree I think it will come out during the 1 week break, so that it isn't useful for the last week of EOP. Between holding for last possible moment and overflow, one should be able to use whatever revives that are in it for the first week or two of EOP's 2nd season... and then it likely have items expire right around when 8.1 comes out, or V9, or whatever the next big piece of content is.
  • SandeepSSandeepS Member Posts: 1,236 ★★★★
    It's a but quiet today, so today would be great. Wednesday new content arrives
  • Avi146Avi146 Member Posts: 313 ★★
    SandeepS said:

    It's a but quiet today, so today would be great. Wednesday new content arrives

    Oh I wish
  • Rm1491Rm1491 Member Posts: 14
    Will the compensation vary for Paragon players and thronebreaker? @Kabam Miike
  • SamMarquezSamMarquez Member Posts: 220
    Yea compensation was said to be sometime this month an update is needed as to when this happens.
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