This July, are YOU ready to take on the Fight of the Valkyrie!?



  • Madcow911Madcow911 Member Posts: 5
    You didn't mention if we quit the quest that our star mine coordinates wouldn't be refunded??
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,280 Guardian
    Madcow911 said:

    You didn't mention if we quit the quest that our star mine coordinates wouldn't be refunded??

    Think about it. If you entered the fight, did a bunch of fights (in which you earn Star Ore instantly after each fight), and then quit, you would still have the Ore.

    Now if your entry ticket (coordinates) were returned to you upon a quit, and re-use the entry ticket again (and again, and again), you could scam your way to infinite amount of Star Ore.

    Yes, there aren’t infinite amount of stuff in the store in order to buy with it, but you could be a very weak player, and just get by with only doing 1 fight per quest before dying, and you could still max out all available store items available to you within the very first day.
  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,415 ★★★★★
    I am liking this SQ ...good 6* shards and 2 mil gold .. pretty good i'd say
  • iuliy878iuliy878 Member Posts: 7
    Fix the server issue first....... its unplayable... it not fun not skilled
  • lil big aszneelil big asznee Member Posts: 7
    Is there another way to get the event cavs shards? I only found some in the Valkyrie store(the crystals that cost 2,000 shards)
  • TheInkedSurferTheInkedSurfer Member Posts: 2
    Extremely frustrated to find out that after buying EVERY possible reward at my current level, I’m 12,000 short of the top reward… Poor form Kabam. Or poor math; either way, I’d be embarrassed.
  • TheInkedSurferTheInkedSurfer Member Posts: 2
    Above is retracted 🤣🤣
  • LavaeLavae Member Posts: 1
  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,098 ★★★★★
    Lavae said:


  • OllyoxenfreeOllyoxenfree Member Posts: 251
    What happens to excess ore after event ends? Will it get converted to gold? If so, I have like 10 unused tickets and already bought everything so might be worth it for the gold.
  • PoethellPoethell Member Posts: 138
    Probably turn into gold on a 1~1 basis
  • Häins666Häins666 Member Posts: 1
    I bought the shop empty a week ago as far as my level allowed. Now I have 200,000 star ore left. I still haven't found an answer as to what happens to the rest of the ore.
    I hope that you can at least convert it into gold so that the next milestones can still be reached.
    Many would be happy to receive feedback.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,280 Guardian
    Kabam has said they will NOT convert to Gold.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,357 ★★★★★

    Kabam has said they will NOT convert to Gold.

    Where is that post? Been looking for it.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,280 Guardian
    Bugmat78 said:

    Where is that post? Been looking for it.

    Leftover Ore will not be converted.
    So don’t have to bother even doing rest of Side Quest runs once you have bought everything in Store that you are allowed to for your progression. Keep in mind there is still some Ore coming in final 1-2 days of calendars too.

  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,096 ★★★★★
    edited August 2022
    I want to take a moment to point out some design principles I really liked with this event:

    1) choose your rewards / order of rewards. I needed t5b early in the month. I got it. I wanted to gamble on shards late. I did it. If the r4 mats didn’t make a difference between ranking a champ and not, I could wait and get lots of smaller stuff early.

    2) did not require 100% of content. I know people were hoping that ore would be turned to good, but regardless of that decision, I appreciate either not having to run it 28x or being able to run lower difficulties and still get what I want

    3) the difficulty was manageable. I was able to slog through it itemless (but a bit slow) on my Cav account and comfortably complete it with my TB roster. This could’ve been worse depending on champions selected and the blind fights. Kabam avoided a misstep there imo.

    Lots of players who didn’t explore act 7 as it was released are now trying to get it done by cyber weekend so they can reach paragon. A less grindy event (especially alongside the items-only EQ offers) gave a great opportunity to dive into story content.
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