Paragon now or wait for better rank ups

HockeyJonesHockeyJones Member Posts: 9
edited November 2022 in Strategy and Tips
alright, I've got a r3>4 skill and science gem. I can rank up hit monkey and sp2099 and have paragon today. I could also wait to rank up other 6 stars that are worthy of r4 (I have quicksilver, falcon, human torch, black cat). Can't make up my mind so I'm hoping people have points im missing. (Ps. I run recoil masteries)

Paragon now or wait for better rank ups 123 votes

Rank 4 Sp2099 and Hit Monkey now
Madman_marvinDNA3000DL864LeNoirFaineantOKAYGangheruheru511Surya027RobbieRampageDevilktBrandonmballouMhd20034frodo2377flygamerTotal_Domin01kikiFurieuxSgtSlaughter78AustinU823CupidCyborgNinja135pseudosane 108 votes
Wait and rank up another champ (quicksilver,falcon, black cat, HT)
Erza_ScarletMityAntRasiloverJohn757NapaHeroMadEyeMoody_333Sparty6AnlyShaqatacAJ007Matthew950cheese21Superstar_1126Yogesh_123hburns03 15 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • Charlie21540Charlie21540 Member Posts: 948 ★★★★
    Rank 4 Sp2099 and Hit Monkey now
    Both a amazing options. Both are on my radar for r4
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Rank 4 Sp2099 and Hit Monkey now
    It doesn't matter much who you rank to get Paragon. The benefits are worth it, and the attack/health bump from r3-4 isn't that amazing.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★★
    Get Paragon before Cyber Weekend.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,439 ★★★★★
    Black Cat is pretty potent with her AAR. But Monkey would hit super hard at R4. I’ve debated R4 mine but I now have a duped Valk so it’s a hard call.

    SM99 was my first R4 and while I don’t use him nearly as much now, he is very useful on any of the Spite-type nodes (AntiVenom synergy if you have him is terrific). I don’t have QS, so I can’t say about him—but I tend to think you will get more cats once you’ve hit Paragon (especially via EoP) and may have better offers BF/CM if that’s your thing. It’s not like this will be your final R4 for months.

    I’d say rank them up and forget about it.

    Dr. Zola
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,063 Guardian
    Rank 4 Sp2099 and Hit Monkey now
    if you have units for cyber weekend, id advise getting paragon before it.
    If not, yo ucan wait. You arent getting the full benefit of EOP regardless.
  • Pseudo_19Pseudo_19 Member Posts: 396 ★★
    edited November 2022
    Rank 4 Sp2099 and Hit Monkey now
    I have both spidey99 and quicksilver at rank 4. My other 2 rank 4’s are nimrod and apoc. My hit monkey is rank 3 but I’d prefer to take my Shang chi to rank 4 before hit monkey. Although you are running recoil masteries so hit monkey would be a very valuable champ at rank 4 with recoil masteries.
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 681 ★★★★
    Rank 4 Sp2099 and Hit Monkey now
    Do it and get your next R4 even quicker.
  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,641 ★★★★★
    Rank 4 Sp2099 and Hit Monkey now
    Anly said:

    I'd wait sp2099 and hit monkey arent that great

    Being incorrect any% speedrun
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,410 Guardian
    Rank 4 Sp2099 and Hit Monkey now
    Paragon now.

    The relative benefits particularly in regards to the availability of rank up materials is worth it in my opinion. In the time it takes to rank up "perfect" options you could likely re-earn the materials you spent to become Paragon. Especially with the update to AQ coming in season ten and Cyber Weekend both fast approaching, I wouldn't wait.
  • flygamerflygamer Member Posts: 345 ★★
    Rank 4 Sp2099 and Hit Monkey now
    Do it

  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,552 ★★★★★
    Rank 4 Sp2099 and Hit Monkey now
    The only reason to wait would be if you have a very large number of units and want to cash in for both Thronebreaker and Paragon offers on Cyberweekend. Otherwise go for it now.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,069 ★★★★★
    It depends a little on what content you plan on doing, but generally speaking I'm in agreement with those that recommend ranking up those champs for Paragon now rather than later. Once you are Paragon, the resources for future r4s become way more abundant than they ever were as Thronebreaker, which means that the initial rank-ups aren't that important in the grand scheme of things.

    But both of those champions have their uses, definitely. Neither is bad. I don't know how often a high-ranked Hit-Monkey has demolished my defenders in Battlegrounds (he's one of my most-wanted champs due to that), while I've heard that Spider-Man 2099 is a beast for Alliance War.
  • Stebo_79Stebo_79 Member Posts: 642 ★★★
    Rank 4 Sp2099 and Hit Monkey now
    Spidey99 is a great champ IMO. If I had the opportunity to R4 mine, I wouldn’t hesitate.
  • Bvukas11Bvukas11 Member Posts: 85
    Rank 4 Sp2099 and Hit Monkey now
    Personally I would aim for paragon ASAP you unlock way better rewards which is better for you.
  • TrapKill66TrapKill66 Member Posts: 97
    Rank 4 Sp2099 and Hit Monkey now
    Not familiar with Spidey2099, but Hitmonkey routinely kicks my ass, so I say rank him.
    I would.
  • PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Rank 4 Sp2099 and Hit Monkey now
    Just become paragon don't wait
  • Karatemike415Karatemike415 Member, Administrator, Content Creators Posts: 723 Content Creator
    Rank 4 Sp2099 and Hit Monkey now
    It's a no brainer
  • WhatsGoodEnglishWhatsGoodEnglish Member Posts: 116 ★★
    Rank 4 Sp2099 and Hit Monkey now
    Both of your options are good so you should definitely do it. Even if both of your options were bad, you should do it because being at the higher tier will give you better rewards and you’ll get more rank of resources faster and have access to better rewards going forward. Waiting will only make you miss out. Since we’re talking about Paragon here as well, your chances of having **** options to upgrade are also quite slim.
  • AnlyAnly Member Posts: 615 ★★
    Wait and rank up another champ (quicksilver,falcon, black cat, HT)
    Rohit_316 said:

    Anly said:

    I'd wait sp2099 and hit monkey arent that great

    You sure on some stuff .
    I feel like a your first rank 4's should be champs that have a huge impact on your account sp2099 and hiymt monkey are very situational hit monkey lacks utility and is very squishy and there are already champs that can do what sp2099 can do and do it better and do more ontop of that. Im not saying you shouldnt take them up at all but imo thay shouldnt be your first choices
  • Karatemike415Karatemike415 Member, Administrator, Content Creators Posts: 723 Content Creator
    Rank 4 Sp2099 and Hit Monkey now
    Anly said:

    Rohit_316 said:

    Anly said:

    I'd wait sp2099 and hit monkey arent that great

    You sure on some stuff .
    I feel like a your first rank 4's should be champs that have a huge impact on your account sp2099 and hiymt monkey are very situational hit monkey lacks utility and is very squishy and there are already champs that can do what sp2099 can do and do it better and do more ontop of that. Im not saying you shouldnt take them up at all but imo thay shouldnt be your first choices
    @Anly No Champ in the game that handles what Spidey does better than him - Passive Power Control & Buff Immunity are his domain. Two of the tippy top utilities to have in your roster.
    Instant Sasquatch lockdown with a single Heavy attack, as well.

    He's a very easy Rank 4 option.
  • AnlyAnly Member Posts: 615 ★★
    Wait and rank up another champ (quicksilver,falcon, black cat, HT)

    Anly said:

    Rohit_316 said:

    Anly said:

    I'd wait sp2099 and hit monkey arent that great

    You sure on some stuff .
    I feel like a your first rank 4's should be champs that have a huge impact on your account sp2099 and hiymt monkey are very situational hit monkey lacks utility and is very squishy and there are already champs that can do what sp2099 can do and do it better and do more ontop of that. Im not saying you shouldnt take them up at all but imo thay shouldnt be your first choices
    @Anly No Champ in the game that handles what Spidey does better than him - Passive Power Control & Buff Immunity are his domain. Two of the tippy top utilities to have in your roster.
    Instant Sasquatch lockdown with a single Heavy attack, as well.

    He's a very easy Rank 4 option.
    He dosen't have passive power Control? His power control always requires a debuff. Also buff immune is a very rarely useful piece of utility and when it is useful it isn't needed it's more of a luxury than an actual piece of utility.
    I wasn't saying he was a bad champ and that you shouldn't rank him at all, but i think we can all agree that champs exist that are way better than him.
    I think that you can rank him once you start getting r4's more regularly
  • AnlyAnly Member Posts: 615 ★★
    Wait and rank up another champ (quicksilver,falcon, black cat, HT)
    Maratox said:

    Anly said:

    I'd wait sp2099 and hit monkey arent that great

    Being incorrect any% speedrun
    @Maratox im just saying i wouldnt rank him as one of your first rank 4's i would rank him when you start getting r4's more regularly
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