Still no Valor quests

Since this started Nov 1, no one in my alliance including myself, have triggered a bounty mission. what's up with that ?


  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    volcoff66 wrote: »
    Since this started Nov 1, no one in my alliance including myself, have triggered a bounty mission. what's up with that ?

    According to @Kabam Miike you are just that unlucky. Don’t bother asking top alliances how many they get. You wouldn’t be surprised.
  • Sobo102Sobo102 Member Posts: 31
    Our alliance has plenty of very active members playing the featured arenas and event quests. It seems weird that we havent seen a single valor event quest after the maintenance while we had at least 2 everyday before, with the same players and same game play hours. It seems some other alliances are having a similar issue so naturally it makes us think that this is an issue with the game after the update. I hope Kabam can provide more details how the events work rather than simply saying its random and we just lost our luck somehow after the update.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Agree @Sobo102 we've had pretty constant valor events and not one today.
  • Arus25Arus25 Member Posts: 158
    I just open one 1hr ago
    While I achieved final milestone for 4* featured arena
  • PsychoChrisPsychoChris Member Posts: 18
    Arus25 wrote: »
    I just open one 1hr ago
    While I achieved final milestone for 4* featured arena

    Let me guess. You have the Test of Valor icon on the main screen under the banner, do you?
  • RayRayRayRay Member Posts: 4
    No valor test triggered in my alliance since update as well. Previously it was triggered pretty much one after another. Several ppl including myself completed heroic and still didnt trigger. Either the tests were triggered too frequently before or its not functioning properly now. Too drastic of a difference to be a coincidence imo.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    Here are things I've found out.

    You CANNOT start a test of valor by stock piling and claiming milestone rewards. You can only proc tests of valor as you cross the milestone.

    You can proc a test of valor by claiming ranked rewards from vanquishing blows. Once you claim the valor from your ingame mail you can proc a test of valor.

    Since maintenance we have been unable to proc a new test of valor until the person who started the previous test of valor has claimed their reward. Miike says this is just coincidence, but I think not and as I am going for top 100 will not risk it.
  • Sobo102Sobo102 Member Posts: 31
    edited November 2017
    Hey Volcoff,

    Taking a look at your Alliance, it doesn't look like you guys have been very active in gathering Valor. A Test of Valor will only trigger when you complete an action that grants you Valor. The more Valor you gain from a single source at once, the more likely you are to trigger a Test of Valor.

    So, if your Alliance is more active, you are more likely to trigger one. If you're in a smaller Alliance, there will be fewer Summoners gathering Valor, and are therefor less likely to trigger them.

    Hey Miike can you confirm that my alliance’s activity is just not enough to trigger an event? Because we are completing more event quests than before and our hard core arena grinders continue to play a same level of arenas and yet we had 0 valor event quests after the maintenance. We used to get 2 valor events before. It doesn’t make sense. You’ve got to take us seriously....... We’ve talked with our friend alliances which have similar level of game activity, and they already had 2 valor events while we had none......

    We dont even see the valor event helmet in the main page.
  • Sobo102Sobo102 Member Posts: 31
    No helmet in the front page. This has been the case for everyone in our alliance post update.
  • NaikkonNaikkon Member Posts: 18
    I'am the leader of a top 100 AW and top 200 AQ alliance.
    Since maintenance we was not able to start a single quest also the button is missing. We earned millions of valor and nothing happens.
    Even worse 2 members tried for double 5* Thor and where both Top 10 before maintenance, now they have no change to keep up.
    Support says well its random but we had no problem bevor maintenance to start the missions pretty fast.
    Also creating a challenge with high rewards (double thor) who is based on a random system is totaly ridiculous because the players spent units for energy and champ refills!

    Please check our alliance it's impossible that randomness is the cause.

  • GruftyGrufty Member Posts: 187
    Riegel wrote: »
    Here are things I've found out.

    You CANNOT start a test of valor by stock piling and claiming milestone rewards. You can only proc tests of valor as you cross the milestone.

    You can proc a test of valor by claiming ranked rewards from vanquishing blows. Once you claim the valor from your ingame mail you can proc a test of valor.

    Since maintenance we have been unable to proc a new test of valor until the person who started the previous test of valor has claimed their reward. Miike says this is just coincidence, but I think not and as I am going for top 100 will not risk it.

    This is not correct (about the stock Piling).

    I have started multiple tests of valor missions by not claiming my milestones until the current mission finishes.

    Once the current mission finishes I claim my milestones and sometimes I start another one, it is just completely random.
  • BoicotaramBoicotaram Member Posts: 32
    My alliance members don't have the icon on main screen since the maintenance ([TUGAC]) this is totally unfair we were going for top placement (Thor 4★) and now it's impossible, I told suport they didn't help or understand my complain. We opened 1 valor mission after the other and now not even have the icon
    Seriously its just sad
  • BoicotaramBoicotaram Member Posts: 32
    Totally unfair
  • italian_treeitalian_tree Member Posts: 79
    my alliance triggers those bounty mission every day and we are not a top alliance.
  • TsunaniTsunani Member Posts: 173
    This is not happening on MMXIV, ISO8A , CØRE, Just FYI.
  • Slux83Slux83 Member Posts: 357 ★★
    Works as intended
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    My alliance triggered 8 ToV before the maintenance
    After the maintenance, my alliance triggered 0 ToV till now .... zero
    however, I may not be allowed to talk much about this topics as I may receive warning and get banned, I saw someone mentioned his post about missing Test of Valor being deleted, and he was warned for posting this topic
  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    Still getting 3 a day here in my alliance.
  • Sobo102Sobo102 Member Posts: 31
    Still getting none
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,592 ★★★★★
    We have been "very active" claiming valor and still nothing since maintenance.
  • Dark_WolfDark_Wolf Member Posts: 6
    у нас тоже не запускаются миссии, хотя до этого каждые шесть часов могли запускать. когда уже начнете решать эту проблему?
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    Seems like any alliance missing the icon on their start page hasn't been able to trigger the event. I know Kabam looked into one players and said they didn't play that much but not sure why they haven't been actively looking into all alliances posting the problem.
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,592 ★★★★★
    This is what happens when they call something "random". They can just claim it's operating as intended, even if it painfully obvious that it is not.
  • Dark_WolfDark_Wolf Member Posts: 6
    this shows the true attitude of the company to the players...
  • Dark_WolfDark_Wolf Member Posts: 6
    with such an attitude, the desire to enter the game(((
  • MEŦAPħҰSMEŦAPħҰS Member Posts: 340 ★★

    no offense, but your team has done very little to handle this issue.

    numerous alliances are missing the valor icon. it is no coincidence that these alliances have not been able to proc a valor event.

    its not an issue of RNG, yall broke something. please fix it and then consider some sort of compensationfor the alliances affected as we are now a day and a half behind in the valor race
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