Still no Valor quests



  • Legendary_GattoLegendary_Gatto Member Posts: 83
    Hey all,

    A quick update here. We are pushing a second fix for all users that were affected by a secondary loss of the Test of Valor button. This should be out within the next hour.

    Additionally, we have just sent out a message containing 250 000 Valor to all Summoners as an apology for the Emergency Server Maintenances that occurred over the last week and a bit (if you don't have it yet, give it an hour or so). This is not to correct the Valor or rewards that were missed due to this issue.

    As we have already stated, that will take us some time to research and ensure that we correctly address this for all Alliances affected.

    Any update? Our test of valor ended, in our alliance we claimed valor for a total of more than 400k, no new one started

    How can someone keep his race for top10 if test of valor doesn't start?
    We want an update
  • FingfangfoomfanesFingfangfoomfanes Member Posts: 1,102 ★★★
    Still not triggering.

    Rigged!!! Rigged, I say!
  • Rogue42Rogue42 Member Posts: 1,006 ★★★
    I haven’t triggered one yet, and I’m pretty sure I’ve earned the most valor in my alliance.
  • TecknorockaTecknorocka Member Posts: 35
    Still screwy
  • GryphonGryphon Member Posts: 28
    I've earned well over a million Valor, and have yet to trigger a quest. We haven't had a quest now in 2 days.
  • leerathleerath Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2017
    Hey all,

    A quick update here. We are pushing a second fix for all users that were affected by a secondary loss of the Test of Valor button. This should be out within the next hour.

    Additionally, we have just sent out a message containing 250 000 Valor to all Summoners as an apology for the Emergency Server Maintenances that occurred over the last week and a bit (if you don't have it yet, give it an hour or so). This is not to correct the Valor or rewards that were missed due to this issue.

    As we have already stated, that will take us some time to research and ensure that we correctly address this for all Alliances affected.

    Any update? Our test of valor ended, in our alliance we claimed valor for a total of more than 400k, no new one started

    How can someone keep his race for top10 if test of valor doesn't start?
    We want an update

    exactly what he said!!!!
  • ezzda1ezzda1 Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2017
    It's still broken, I started a valour quest at 1 am about 4 days ago and it didn't get filled because the rest of my alliance was asleep since then about I've not been able to trigger one. 2 million valour later, Now our alliance hasn't had a valour quest all day despite me claiming over 250k valour juat an hour ago.
    Add that to the constant glitches, missed hits, specials not working, sticky controls and 0 chance at any decent new champs on my account its probably time to call it a day.
  • Hambone5000Hambone5000 Member Posts: 10
    We’ve had better success the last 24hrs. Hopefully it will continue.
  • Legendary_GattoLegendary_Gatto Member Posts: 83
    Hey all,

    A quick update here. We are pushing a second fix for all users that were affected by a secondary loss of the Test of Valor button. This should be out within the next hour.

    Additionally, we have just sent out a message containing 250 000 Valor to all Summoners as an apology for the Emergency Server Maintenances that occurred over the last week and a bit (if you don't have it yet, give it an hour or so). This is not to correct the Valor or rewards that were missed due to this issue.

    As we have already stated, that will take us some time to research and ensure that we correctly address this for all Alliances affected.

    Another day, another issue
    From when you "discovered and fixed" the issue, we started having troubles triggering a bounty quest
    Every time several hours between one and another
    I repeat, i'm going for top10, actually i'm #1, but i ranked top3 in 5 of the 10 solo events passed (3rd-3rd-2nd-1st-3rd) and i can't figure out how who is #2 have only 1.4k valor less than me, and he never ranked in top3 of a solo event
    I think there's no need to specify that i did all arenas into the top800
    Please ask me how this is possible? I'm wasting my time grinding for top3 in solo event, cause for me seems yes, if a guy that never rank in top3 have my same amount of valor

    Do something to fix this situation, make the bounty quests scheduled so everyone can have fair opportunities
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    edited November 2017
  • WolfeWolfe Member Posts: 272 ★★
    What is the status of this now?
  • Master_MordoMaster_Mordo Member Posts: 6
    lol I claimed 50k valor from the arena rank rewards today and the bounty mission is not even started. last 2 days I got it from only opening around 5k.
    so it's just a luckiness or depends on the valor earned?
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    Still seems screwy, I finished off heroic and got 450k and nothing happened, I went to the home screen the helm appeared next to stash like it's been doing but not quest until a couple of hours later someone else opened one.

  • Legendary_GattoLegendary_Gatto Member Posts: 83
    Hey all,

    A quick update here. We are pushing a second fix for all users that were affected by a secondary loss of the Test of Valor button. This should be out within the next hour.

    Additionally, we have just sent out a message containing 250 000 Valor to all Summoners as an apology for the Emergency Server Maintenances that occurred over the last week and a bit (if you don't have it yet, give it an hour or so). This is not to correct the Valor or rewards that were missed due to this issue.

    As we have already stated, that will take us some time to research and ensure that we correctly address this for all Alliances affected.

    Another day, more several hours between a bounty mission and another
    Another day, still no answers about this issue
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Hey all,

    A quick update here. We are pushing a second fix for all users that were affected by a secondary loss of the Test of Valor button. This should be out within the next hour.

    Additionally, we have just sent out a message containing 250 000 Valor to all Summoners as an apology for the Emergency Server Maintenances that occurred over the last week and a bit (if you don't have it yet, give it an hour or so). This is not to correct the Valor or rewards that were missed due to this issue.

    As we have already stated, that will take us some time to research and ensure that we correctly address this for all Alliances affected.

    Another day, another issue
    From when you "discovered and fixed" the issue, we started having troubles triggering a bounty quest
    Every time several hours between one and another
    I repeat, i'm going for top10, actually i'm #1, but i ranked top3 in 5 of the 10 solo events passed (3rd-3rd-2nd-1st-3rd) and i can't figure out how who is #2 have only 1.4k valor less than me, and he never ranked in top3 of a solo event
    I think there's no need to specify that i did all arenas into the top800
    Please ask me how this is possible? I'm wasting my time grinding for top3 in solo event, cause for me seems yes, if a guy that never rank in top3 have my same amount of valor

    Do something to fix this situation, make the bounty quests scheduled so everyone can have fair opportunities

    According to Miike you just aren't active enough to trigger a mission.
  • Jack2106Jack2106 Member Posts: 49
    Valor has not triggered all day in my alliance.. It's obviously down again but still no confirmation from any mods? Come on guys get this sorted!!
  • ThaScorpXThaScorpX Member Posts: 17
    any update here?
  • Legendary_GattoLegendary_Gatto Member Posts: 83
    Hey all,

    A quick update here. We are pushing a second fix for all users that were affected by a secondary loss of the Test of Valor button. This should be out within the next hour.

    Additionally, we have just sent out a message containing 250 000 Valor to all Summoners as an apology for the Emergency Server Maintenances that occurred over the last week and a bit (if you don't have it yet, give it an hour or so). This is not to correct the Valor or rewards that were missed due to this issue.

    As we have already stated, that will take us some time to research and ensure that we correctly address this for all Alliances affected.

    I will keep asking for updates every single day, i swear this now in front of all the community
    Still waiting to know how is possible that, for my 6 times top3 solo event, i should have 20-25k more than the guy that is actually #1, but in fact he have 30k more than me, but he never ranked in top3 in any solo event
    the difference is for 4x bounty mission missed, but i've never missed one and my alliance always triggered bounty mission, but from when you sent the 250k valor after "discovering" the issue thing gone broke, always a couple hours between a bounty mission and another
    And there's no way someone can have 55-60k valor more than the amount he should have, and more than people that are ranking in top3 in solo events when he never did it in a single solo event

    I repeat, put those bounty missions scheduled, fix this issue, and give to everyone a fair chance to compete in this leaderboard
    The difference of valor someone get from top3 in solo events and for the different brackets of rank rewards from arena is enough to determine a difference in the total of the valor at the end of the month
  • BoicotaramBoicotaram Member Posts: 32
    Hi can you give a update in this matter? @kabammike or @Kabam Vydious Thx in advance bud
  • TonyStarkTonyStark Member Posts: 354
    Join another alliance :lol:
  • X_KING_XX_KING_X Member Posts: 59
    edited November 2017

    1.4 million valor and I still haven't triggered a bounty myself, my alliance members have though, just wondering is it fully random?
  • NastyEfnNateNastyEfnNate Member Posts: 551 ★★
    Hey Volcoff,

    Taking a look at your Alliance, it doesn't look like you guys have been very active in gathering Valor. A Test of Valor will only trigger when you complete an action that grants you Valor. The more Valor you gain from a single source at once, the more likely you are to trigger a Test of Valor.

    So, if your Alliance is more active, you are more likely to trigger one. If you're in a smaller Alliance, there will be fewer Summoners gathering Valor, and are therefor less likely to trigger them.

    That’s BS. We had no valor quest going and I 100% master and got 600k valor and didn’t trigger a valor quest. In fact 2 people in my alliance have triggered it 4 times and then there’s people that haven’t triggered it once like myself. Just make it so one starts every 6 hours. Like everything else in this game it’s a broken effing system
  • Legendary_GattoLegendary_Gatto Member Posts: 83
    Hey all,

    A quick update here. We are pushing a second fix for all users that were affected by a secondary loss of the Test of Valor button. This should be out within the next hour.

    Additionally, we have just sent out a message containing 250 000 Valor to all Summoners as an apology for the Emergency Server Maintenances that occurred over the last week and a bit (if you don't have it yet, give it an hour or so). This is not to correct the Valor or rewards that were missed due to this issue.

    As we have already stated, that will take us some time to research and ensure that we correctly address this for all Alliances affected.

    I will keep asking for updates every single day, i swear this now in front of all the community
    Still waiting to know how is possible that, for my 6 times top3 solo event, i should have 20-25k more than the guy that is actually #1, but in fact he have 30k more than me, but he never ranked in top3 in any solo event
    the difference is for 4x bounty mission missed, but i've never missed one and my alliance always triggered bounty mission, but from when you sent the 250k valor after "discovering" the issue thing gone broke, always a couple hours between a bounty mission and another
    And there's no way someone can have 55-60k valor more than the amount he should have, and more than people that are ranking in top3 in solo events when he never did it in a single solo event

    I repeat, put those bounty missions scheduled, fix this issue, and give to everyone a fair chance to compete in this leaderboard
    The difference of valor someone get from top3 in solo events and for the different brackets of rank rewards from arena is enough to determine a difference in the total of the valor at the end of the month

    Another update, the guy above me in leaderboard yesterday had 30k more than me, and as i explained that's not possible in any way
    But you know what? today he have 100k more than me
    Where this guys is obtaining more valor than every player that rank in top 3 in solo events?
  • Jackie2CokesJackie2Cokes Member Posts: 207 ★★
    Still waiting on the comp from the missing quests. Are you guys just not replying to this thread anymore?
  • Sn1pes130Sn1pes130 Member Posts: 82
    Is there any issue with these again? Been almost 24 hours now since my alliance has triggered one, and we’re pretty active.
  • leerathleerath Member Posts: 2
    Kabam Miike wrote: »
    Hey all,

    A quick update here. We are pushing a second fix for all users that were affected by a secondary loss of the Test of Valor button. This should be out within the next hour.

    Additionally, we have just sent out a message containing 250 000 Valor to all Summoners as an apology for the Emergency Server Maintenances that occurred over the last week and a bit (if you don't have it yet, give it an hour or so). This is not to correct the Valor or rewards that were missed due to this issue.

    As we have already stated, that will take us some time to research and ensure that we correctly address this for all Alliances affected

    How can someone compete for a top spot when one cannot trigger valor quests!!!! the top spots are too close and those quests will be the tie breakers!!!!! when me and the alliance cant trigger them its obvious that we will fall behind!!!! its an unfair advantage that others get not because they are more active but because for some reason they activate valor and we dont!!!! please give us some feedback the least!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • lglsvnlglsvn Member Posts: 9
    We have a huge problem here. At least I have a huge problem. Let's calculate my valor point. I have 2.538.890 points right now and 1.850.000 points will be added when I finish the god of Arena. The result will be 4.388.890 points. I missed 165.000 points because of maintenance. Final result will be 4.553.890 points. With that poitns I will be in top 3 but look at that rank table. Everyone sees the score of the 1st person. How he did this point 4.722.589 and let's calculate quick 4.722.589-165.000=4.557.589 ta daaaa. His real valor will be 4.557.589 points. Can anybody explain this to me please? 2gi0cllsjs1v.jpg
  • ThaScorpXThaScorpX Member Posts: 17
    @Kabam Miike You said you'll push another update on that this week,... well.. that's been a week now
    I'm still unable to trigger bounties somehow.. some guys trigger them over and over and over and i seemingly cant even though i have the highest valor income in the alliance
  • AliabAliab Member Posts: 138
    The staff response is not helpful. Not one bounty has been trigger in over 12 hours in our alliance! People have been active in finishing the quests and doing arena and vanquishing blow and bounties have not triggered yet. This isn’t just about luck or not there are days where the bounties trigger and there where you’re lucky if you trigger one. Mad Legends is our alliance my tag is Ali Ab for the mods and administrators that want to check. #kabammiike
  • Legendary_GattoLegendary_Gatto Member Posts: 83
    lglsvn wrote: »
    We have a huge problem here. At least I have a huge problem. Let's calculate my valor point. I have 2.538.890 points right now and 1.850.000 points will be added when I finish the god of Arena. The result will be 4.388.890 points. I missed 165.000 points because of maintenance. Final result will be 4.553.890 points. With that poitns I will be in top 3 but look at that rank table. Everyone sees the score of the 1st person. How he did this point 4.722.589 and let's calculate quick 4.722.589-165.000=4.557.589 ta daaaa. His real valor will be 4.557.589 points. Can anybody explain this to me please? 2gi0cllsjs1v.jpg

    Is what about i'm talking, i did 7 times top3 in solo event, that guy cOd3r35 never did a top3 in a solo event, i never missed a bounty quest
    How can he have all that extra valor? FYI i'm the one at #2
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