Still no Valor quests



  • MannysmokerMannysmoker Member Posts: 327
    @strikeforcetim They work on a fix for an issue and screws ppl who where fine...
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  • Firethumb_1Firethumb_1 Member Posts: 64
    If you've been fine for the last 3 days I'm happy for you but up until 3 days ago I was hitting every valour quest I could and would still be doing so. The only fair compensation is to assume everyone effected would of hit every quest and compensate them accordingly and perhaps a nice little gift of some energy refills to the whole community to say sorry we mucked up.
  • hb65hb65 Member Posts: 5
    Before Mikes announcement we had a volor quest running. I as the initiator made sure we had 15 participants. Just as mike was here in the forums alerting us of this push fix for some our quest ended but no one recieved an email saying it was done nor did i get an email saying there was rewards or no rewards for me. Up until then we had been having no issues at all. my support ticket was answered simply sorry you didnt qualify. No explination why there were no notification emails it ended or anything. Now no one in the alliance even has the valor display on the front page even despite many restarts.
    Just wondering if we are alone in this or has it effected others this way since the fix push?
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    hb65 wrote: »
    Before Mikes announcement we had a volor quest running. I as the initiator made sure we had 15 participants. Just as mike was here in the forums alerting us of this push fix for some our quest ended but no one recieved an email saying it was done nor did i get an email saying there was rewards or no rewards for me. Up until then we had been having no issues at all. my support ticket was answered simply sorry you didnt qualify. No explination why there were no notification emails it ended or anything. Now no one in the alliance even has the valor display on the front page even despite many restarts.
    Just wondering if we are alone in this or has it effected others this way since the fix push?

    Wow. Maybe the compensation is the people who could do the quests now can't for 3 days lol. Obviously that's a joke but what a mess.
  • MannysmokerMannysmoker Member Posts: 327
    @hb65 I had the icon and suddenly is gone, that's gonna mess me up big time I'm in the first 100 but I'm sure when the icon is back imma be 800 or something....
  • hb65hb65 Member Posts: 5
    Im hopeful its an easy and swift fix for all.
    @Mannysmoker ill hope the best for you to stay in the 100
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    @Kabam Miike URGENT - after the push fix no notifications went out for the completion of the previous event. We are now unable to see the valor icon at home screen and are yet to open another mission. The fix made this worse?
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    hb65 wrote: »
    Before Mikes announcement we had a volor quest running. I as the initiator made sure we had 15 participants. Just as mike was here in the forums alerting us of this push fix for some our quest ended but no one recieved an email saying it was done nor did i get an email saying there was rewards or no rewards for me. Up until then we had been having no issues at all. my support ticket was answered simply sorry you didnt qualify. No explination why there were no notification emails it ended or anything. Now no one in the alliance even has the valor display on the front page even despite many restarts.
    Just wondering if we are alone in this or has it effected others this way since the fix push?

    We know what the issue is and are working on fixing that right now. Please hold tight, and we'll have this fixed for you all ASAP.
  • KarimRagabKarimRagab Member Posts: 62
    Riegel wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike URGENT - after the push fix no notifications went out for the completion of the previous event. We are now unable to see the valor icon at home screen and are yet to open another mission. The fix made this worse?

    @Kabam Miike I am facing the same issue with my alliance didn't get the mail for the last event rewards and didn't have the icon on home screen ...
    IGN: masterofkimo
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  • TsunaniTsunani Member Posts: 173
    Kabam just sent everyone 250k valor, including the ones not affected by the bug. I hope we have another compensation, just for us.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Hey all,

    A quick update here. We are pushing a second fix for all users that were affected by a secondary loss of the Test of Valor button. This should be out within the next hour.

    Additionally, we have just sent out a message containing 250 000 Valor to all Summoners as an apology for the Emergency Server Maintenances that occurred over the last week and a bit (if you don't have it yet, give it an hour or so). This is not to correct the Valor or rewards that were missed due to this issue.

    As we have already stated, that will take us some time to research and ensure that we correctly address this for all Alliances affected.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    @Kabam Miike can we proc the test of valor off the compensation rewards? B)
  • ThaScorpXThaScorpX Member Posts: 17
    Riegel wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike can we proc the test of valor off the compensation rewards? B)

    lets test as soon as ToV is over ^^
  • Legendary_GattoLegendary_Gatto Member Posts: 83
    edited November 2017
    Hey all,

    A quick update here. We are pushing a second fix for all users that were affected by a secondary loss of the Test of Valor button. This should be out within the next hour.

    Additionally, we have just sent out a message containing 250 000 Valor to all Summoners as an apology for the Emergency Server Maintenances that occurred over the last week and a bit (if you don't have it yet, give it an hour or so). This is not to correct the Valor or rewards that were missed due to this issue.

    As we have already stated, that will take us some time to research and ensure that we correctly address this for all Alliances affected.

    So, we didn't had that huge problem of more than 1 day without bounty quest, but had that problem fro several hours, in fact we missed for sure one, maybe two bounty quests
    I'm going for top10 in leaderboard, ranked in top3 for 5 events on a total of 9 solo events already passed, and a guy that never ranked in top3 in solo events is alway over or close to my valor

    i opened a post too about this issue

    You will give us compensation for the 1-2 bounty quests missed?
    You can PM me Miike i can prove everything of what i sai with screenshots

    UPDATE: Our bounty quests button just disappeared, resolve it asap please
  • Dark_WolfDark_Wolf Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2017
    thanks for 250,000 valor)))
  • RedRoosterRedRooster Member Posts: 337 ★★
    @Legendary_Gatto This is probably the first time I've ever read a post and thought... this guy actually does deserve compensation for all his hard work, getting screwed over by a Kabam mistake and not RNG.

    We can all complain about RNG e.g. X for X from featured, no 4*s from PHCs etc etc.

    Players can go for a legends run and down time will ruin that attempt... that's probably 1-4 hours wasted, then they can try again next month. This is a once off event.

    Lots of people are getting affected by the missing valor quests, but their losses probably only amount to a few hundred 5* shards in the scheme of things.

    You've basically put up your hand and said... I"m going to dedicate this month to MCoC. It's an effort for me to break out of the bottom 50% in the rank rewards of the solo events let alone get top 3.

    I sincerely applaud you and hope you get rewarded for your efforts. Anyone else in the same boat, I hope Kabam looks at your issues and resolves them with fair compensation.
  • WolfeWolfe Member Posts: 272 ★★
    So do we have an ETA for alliances that are affected?
  • RayRayRayRay Member Posts: 4
    part of first grp that couldnt proc a tov after maintenance. Just want to confirm that icon is back and first tov initiated. Sorry to hear that other grps r now affected. Hope it gets resolved soon for u guys

  • WolfeWolfe Member Posts: 272 ★★
    Any updates guys?
  • BoicotaramBoicotaram Member Posts: 32
    So the valor mission is back thx for that, now no compensation is in order? No valor or fragments for the days we couldn't open valor mission, i think it's in order some compensation don't you?
    @Kabam Miike @kabamwhoever
    Thx in advance
    Have a good one
  • BoicotaramBoicotaram Member Posts: 32
    Apologies I see that its on the works I guess after spending ~1000 in fut crystals and getting all 2★ messed up my joy for the day :D
  • LycanthropeLycanthrope Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2017
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  • WolfeWolfe Member Posts: 272 ★★
    INTEGRAL wrote: »
    Hey all,

    A quick update here. We are pushing a second fix for all users that were affected by a secondary loss of the Test of Valor button. This should be out within the next hour.

    Additionally, we have just sent out a message containing 250 000 Valor to all Summoners as an apology for the Emergency Server Maintenances that occurred over the last week and a bit (if you don't have it yet, give it an hour or so). This is not to correct the Valor or rewards that were missed due to this issue.

    As we have already stated, that will take us some time to research and ensure that we correctly address this for all Alliances affected.

    What about the 5* shards? You should also send 10k 5* shards

    Really mate? 10k? That’s akin to robbery during a fire ain’t it?
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    10k shards???
    maxed missed tests is like 6.
    6 x 150 assuming you opened them all is 900
    You might see 500-1000 shards at best.
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    edited November 2017
    It took the Mods many days to continuously DENY our findings and proofs and PUT BLAMES on players saying they are not active enough to trigger the ToV, and after so long they finally admitted there's a problem? So now they just sent 250,000 to everyone, many whom are still able to trigger ToV in past many days in the expense of those we suffered 0 ToV in 3-4 days? This is precious!

    While seeing them to finally admit their fault and compensate is a good things, but fundamentally there are problems:-
    1) They always like to arrogantly deny players complains and proofs and put blames back on players, instead of quickly recognize their problem, proactively take actions to help players.
    2) They always create a truck load of new problems. Honestly, if they don't create new problems, there's nothing for players to complain about to begin with.
    3) They have struggle to keep the event they organized to run in a fair manner. They started ToV idea, they started the leadership board idea, and they cursed some alliances with the missing ToV buttons, then they accused them for being not active enough to trigger new ToV, then it took them almost a week to finally admit their mistake (perhaps reluctantly), then they simply reward everyone 250k valors, including those lucky alliances that have been milking the ToV over the past few days where many others suffered?

  • Hambone5000Hambone5000 Member Posts: 10
    shchong2 wrote: »
    It took the Mods many days to continuously DENY our findings and proofs and PUT BLAMES on players saying they are not active enough to trigger the ToV, and after so long they finally admitted there's a problem? So now they just sent 250,000 to everyone, many whom are still able to trigger ToV in past many days in the expense of those we suffered 0 ToV in 3-4 days? This is precious!

    While seeing them to finally admit their fault and compensate is a good things, but fundamentally there are problems:-
    1) They always like to arrogantly deny players complains and proofs and put blames back on players, instead of quickly recognize their problem, proactively take actions to help players.
    2) They always create a truck load of new problems. Honestly, if they don't create new problems, there's nothing for players to complain about to begin with.
    3) They have struggle to keep the event they organized to run in a fair manner. They started ToV idea, they started the leadership board idea, and they cursed some alliances with the missing ToV buttons, then they accused them for being not active enough to trigger new ToV, then it took them almost a week to finally admit their mistake (perhaps reluctantly), then they simply reward everyone 250k valors, including those lucky alliances that have been milking the ToV over the past few days where many others suffered?

    I try to keep a positive spin on things, but I have to agree with this. When players started posting about bounty missions problems after maintenance, Mike was not empathetic at all. Told us we weren’t active enough, and if we were active that it’s a random event and we may never trigger it. Then we heard nothing for a couple more days and then finally, they admit something wasn’t right. Maybe it was working too well before maintenance? We were getting them regularly. But since then we’re lucky to trigger 1 in a 24hr period. I hate that 😆 I want the valor. Doing everything I can to trigger it. No dice 😭
  • misscapamerica8misscapamerica8 Member Posts: 14
    Yeah for our alliance it's been 12-14 hours without any bounty mission triggered!
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