App won't open is sits on loading [MERGED]



  • DangerousMughalDangerousMughal Member Posts: 9
    Kabam help us all, we r facing issues and we all are addicted to this game
  • StarSmasher2001StarSmasher2001 Member Posts: 234 ★★
    WeiC said:

    @Kabam Miike yeah I also had incomplete incursions, could that be the issue?

    Yo same
  • SoyhrSoyhr Member Posts: 1
    I, too, am unable to login.
  • Darkknight_94Darkknight_94 Member Posts: 459 ★★★
    edited March 2023
    My alliance member unable to login whole day till now after the update .. & might not able to & that might cause us this war.. (currently we are ahead) but due to this issue.. might not able to explore the map
    Incase you ask backup, backup already used on other path & this will really cost us war which is most likely a win..
    PS : give us a solution atleast for this to counter this situation otherwise it will cost us not only war.. but tier & multiplier bonus as well.. which can effect on overall aw season rewards eligibility.
    Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on

    I can't log in either, I get an "Unknown error"
  • DrPandaDrPanda Member Posts: 9
    Can we get a response from kabam!? What do we do about all this

    10 hours...
  • WizOfAhhsWizOfAhhs Member Posts: 11
    This is outright unacceptable
    12 + hours and little to no information from any of the team
    How do you expect us to have respect for you when you can't return the slightest bit of respect
  • Flowetic77Flowetic77 Member Posts: 1
    Just adding in my 2 cents, but I haven’t been able to log in as well and I was also stuck in incursions. Please Kabam send help
  • Darkknight_94Darkknight_94 Member Posts: 459 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike We need a immediate fix before war ends otherwise this will cost us ₹ many other alliances ( whose mates are not able to login in the game) this is not fair at all of us ..
    @Kabam Miike
  • Btee303Btee303 Member Posts: 28
    Same here. Been trying for the whole day and still doesnt work. Tried multiple devices, reinstalling, changing passwords. Nothing works. Kabam mustve banned accounts from logging in for investigation or something
  • kiwiheekiwihee Member Posts: 1
    just the same as you all day
  • Darkknight_94Darkknight_94 Member Posts: 459 ★★★
    Where t fish is the disagreements coming from?
  • DrPandaDrPanda Member Posts: 9
    This is ridiculous. We spend money on this game. We give all our time to this game we can’t even get a response. This is just dumb. We better get some hefty compensation. We’re costing our alliance costing our livelihood wasting time trying to log into a game that’s froze.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    We're continuing to pass this info along to the rest of the team to look into. Would you be able to provide the info requested in the bug report template? This can help us to look into the issue and rule out certain possibilities.
  • Believer_97Believer_97 Member Posts: 3
    Its been more than 16 hrs I can’t log in my account. They aly is suffering since 3 members can’t join attack because of this. I have event quest and side quest to complete which are gonna expire real soon. And kabam is not responding to anything…great job guys
  • DangerousMughalDangerousMughal Member Posts: 9
    Plz help us kabam, we r waiting for ur reply, mailed u also raised ticket also what else u want and 16+ hrs, no reply
  • Silver_RaiderSilver_Raider Member Posts: 7
    It has been more than 18 hours of frustration. Can kabam give an update please. This issue had caused us to miss alliance war which impacted our alliance. We have missed precious time to clear our monthly, side quests as well as battlegrounds.. items may also be expiring in our inventory overflow..I look forward to a decent compensation but please solve our problem of logging in game..
  • Tiago_TorresTiago_Torres Member Posts: 6

    The issue has been escalated internally by one of our moderators, so the necessary people will see it. At present I have no other information available and no time frame on when the issue will be resolved.

    Now The AW is Lost, and the monthly event is almost over..
    Can u help us @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra anyone?
  • DangerousMughalDangerousMughal Member Posts: 9
    See this reply from kabam, we all did this whole day
  • Kabam JaxKabam Jax Member, Moderator Posts: 1,718 ★★★★★
    We are investigating this issue right now!

    We're chasing a theory: were you by chance playing incursions before you encountered this issue?
  • Kabam JaxKabam Jax Member, Moderator Posts: 1,718 ★★★★★
    Additionally, we have pushed a potential temporary fix.

    Can anyone who was having issue please let us know if this resolved the problem!
  • Tiago_TorresTiago_Torres Member Posts: 6
    Could log in now.

    Probably the early end of incursions messed UP the ones inside it
  • DangerousMughalDangerousMughal Member Posts: 9
    Yes can login, but we lost AW
  • DrPandaDrPanda Member Posts: 9
    Im back in thanks for ruining my night and hurting my ally
  • WizOfAhhsWizOfAhhs Member Posts: 11
    @kabam Jax i was indeed playing incrusions
  • Russle_3Russle_3 Member Posts: 5
    Kabam Jax said:

    Additionally, we have pushed a potential temporary fix.

    Can anyone who was having issue please let us know if this resolved the problem!

    I can confirm this fix has work, thank you guys and your team

  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    So my app was fine, i was able to connect without any issues..
    After they "pushed" a fix.. im stuck on the main screen with the loading wheel just rotating and not able to navigate with any button...
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