Has anyone came across revive/refill hotspots while exploring random quests ?

I was recently exploring act 5 when I found that quest 5.3.6 was giving me revives/full energy refills on most of my runs of the quest. After discovering this I re-ran it maybe 20-30 times for free using the energy refills I got. I came away with maybe 5 extra refills and around 20-25 revives.
Has anyone found a random quest in EQ or Story like this ?
Has anyone found a random quest in EQ or Story like this ?
It was called 3.2.6 and now its gone forever
You guys are doing what, where now?!
Im not farming 536 as much as I thought I would need to. I'm sitting on 20 refills without farming. How? idk. The refills are coming in good numbers, thanks to wherever they are coming from.
Revive spawns are pretty bad in 536, rarely lucky to get 2 revives. I skips the revives tho.
I entered 536 just today and was like... 'Naw m8 I don't need these refills. I'll throw my free energy somewhere else.'
It doesn't matter whatever we say, they have the numbers at the end of the day.
“Don’t point out the 1st Rule”
So, was it the chicken or the egg, that not 1, but 2 Mods came-a-looking, lol.
btw, I think I need one of those Gwenpool posters.
If, going forward, the "everest" content is better designed then I'll take back what I said but as it stands they very much want us to revive through this sort of content, only they want us to pay for them with units. How one gets those units is a different story depending upon circumstances
Carina vol 3 is super hard. But does not *require* revives
Maybe there is a handful of players who can do it without revives but I highly doubt that they was designed for a handful of players