Gladiator being subpar, disappointed in how underwhelming he is for a SUMMONER'S CHOICE CHAMPION

Needs a complete rework. I was looking forward to pulling him for so long, ever since he was announced in the summoner's choice. Compared to the other 2023 champions and champions in the contest overall, he is not great. Is my opinion on Gladiator shared among other summoners?
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
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1) People who didn’t vote Gladiator need to stop touchdown dancing over him being mediocre. Why are you happy? He’s in your game too. I didn’t vote for him either, but I still want him to be good and fun to play.
2) I think people are missing that Gladiator has an extremely unique playstyle that Kabam had never attempted before. It’s a very cool idea behind his kit, and I like Kabam taking big swings like that in their champ design. It may have missed the mark here, but I don’t believe it missed as widely as people are claiming.
The most populous class in the game is Cosmic. By far. The player base voted to add another Cosmic champ. A big swing was needed in his design.
3) Community Choice does not and should not equal overpowered champ. That’s bad design. Every champ should be good, every champ should be fun. That’s the goal. And that’s why the tuning program exists. So let’s just catch our breath until his tuning pass happens, yeah?
Let us hope that Gladiator gets the Summoner's choice treatment he deserves because right now it looks like Onslaught is our Summoner's choice
There are 250-plus champs in the game. Don't like Gladiator? Use someone else.
Just like every other Champion that's been released lately, he will be undergoing the Balance pass, and is subject to change like many Champs before him have.
Since there are other threads on this topic that we have already addressed, we are going to close this one down.