Happy 2024 - Time to Party with "Champions of Fortune"

Champions of Fortune
Mercenaries are running wild in the Champion of Fortune Side Quest. Deadpool and company promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Battlerealm underground. Lurking in back streets and alleyways, these Champions fight for whomever has the money to afford them. Today, still wanted, they survive as Champions of Fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help and if you can find them, maybe you can assemble The D-Team.
Start Date: 01/10/2024 @ 18:00 UTC
End Date: 02/07/2024 @ 18:00 UTC
- 5 Threat Levels
- Threat Levels are not progression locked
- 4 gated paths lead to 2 paths
- One has 4 encounters, the other has 5 encounters, plus a final Boss
- 8 total paths
- 8 Back Alley paths
- 8 Ambushes (one off of each back alley path)
- 4 Total final bosses
- Weekly gated paths
- Key To City used to unlock each gated path
- In-game message sent out each week to open one additional path
- Each key opens the path for all threat levels
- Reward on each path
- Chest can only be collected once
- Completion Rewards and Exploration Rewards
- Additional rewards in Solo Objectives and Solo Event
- 1 energy per node
Completion/Exploration Rewards

Solo Event
Fully clear this Solo Event to earn the "Freelance Assassin" title!

Solo Objectives
Champions of Fortune
Complete all objectives for any threat level to earn a "I Love it When a Plan Comes Together" title!

Click/tap to enlarge

Click/Tap to enlarge
Bad Attitude Crystals
Open Bad Attitude Crystals for your opportunity to add the following Champions to your roster:Domino, Namor, Quicksilver, Absorbing Man, Nebula, Kingpin, Human Torch, Rocket Raccoon, Wolverine, Black Widow (Deadly Origin), Crossbones, Gwenpool, Hit-Monkey, Karnak, Luke Cage, Sabretooth, Daredevil (Hell’s Kitchen), Ghost Rider, Valkyrie, Professor X, Venompool, Black Widow, Elektra, Massacre, Misty Knight, Howard The Duck, Doctor Strange, Deadpool (X-Force), Taskmaster, Winter Soldier, Yondu, Cable, Moon Knight, Daredevil (Classic), Iron Fist, Punisher
Post edited by Kabam Jax on
Edit: nvm, its in the barely readable objectives table 😄
Each key opens the path for all threat levels
Does this mean we can do all threat levels per key or we restricted to doing the highest threat level we can do?
But @Kabam Miike one question I am Paragon can I play all the threats level and grab all the threat level rewards? As per description I think i can.
I'll do the SQ only for titles, 7* shards and t2 dust. Looks better than the last month sq atleast.
When exactly is the revamp of side quest again? Looks like another month you basically skip except the dust….
Thanks (I dont want to be too negative)
Also, why only 100 t2 dust at top level?
That’s one ascension every two months.
With this rate 6*s will be dead sooner than expected/intended, since players unable to ascend 6*s at a descent rate, will shift their focus completely to r2ing 7*s.
Rest of rewards are mid at best if you are a Valiant player.
Another disappointing SQ month.
That’s the 3rd in a row, but at least the other two months were other things that players could offset the rewards (CW and Necropolis), this month there is not 🙁
Adjusted it so you should be able to tap/click to see the full table!
While I agree that we should be seeing a Threat Level 6 within the next few months, we have to be patient. We didn’t get Paragon level difficulty until early last year I believe. Let more players become Valiant, and then they can allocate resources to creating that level of SQ!
This is the type of SQ I like to see. Balanced, with decent rewards. We’ll see how difficult/grindy it is here in a few days! This info gives me hope we might start the year off with a bearable SQ!
But there isn't much more to be happy about tbh