Changes coming to the next AQ Raid Week!

Hey Summoners!
With one week of AQ Raids officially in the books, we know there were things that went well and things that didn't! We wanted to work to address as many pain points, as quickly as possible and will be making changes before the next Raid week. We have been listening to feedback from the community as well as evaluating internal data and, as more Raid weeks come and go, we will continue to develop and adapt the game mode to make it a challenging and fun event many Alliances will be excited to tackle!
We’re coming at you with a list of all the changes we’ll be making to Raids for Round 2!
Core Mode Changes:
- Revives in the store will change from 2 every 24 hours to 7 every 3.5 days.
- Expiration is also increased to 3.5 days.
- Choice Nodes now match the same order as the Edit team screen
- Link Nodes attached to Ultron now live on the first fight in each path
- Removing Exclusivity for Champs in Raids
- Summoners will be able to use Raid-selected Champions in other content. This will share the same settings as maps 1 and 2.
Overall, we saw players getting blocked and stuck waiting for others quite a bit. Whether this was from Revives not being enough for you to push hard in one session, or having to wait on others to clear the Ultron link, we hope these changes lead to a smoother overall experience. The change to exclusivity should also let summoners more freely choose whichever champ’s they feel they can perform best with in raids as they will no longer be locked out of other content.
Boss Node Tuning
We want to make the bosses a bit more forgiving and a bit less aggressive with their ramping. We also wanted to even out the missions to make them feel more consistent in terms of difficulty across each of the bosses.
Influence Nodes
- Timer to gain effects increased from 20s to 25s
- Puncture Pierce lowered from 20% to 5%
- Puncture Stun immunity change to -100% Stun Duration
- Strength's Fury reduced from 100% Attack -> 75%
- Dire’s Precision reduced from 60%->30%
Thanos’ Sayeth
- Intercept mission changed to Strike with a light attack while Defender is not stunned
- Block mission changed to Knockdown the opponent
Boss Boosts HP threshold increased from 10% -> 12%
Role Boost Tuning
- Role Force now grants all attacks True damage while active.
- Null Break armor break increased from 18% -> 25%
- Super Buffs intensify increased 5% -> 10% total from 50% -> 100%
- Prowess Ender now grants 25% critical rating for each prowess active during Special Attacks
We want to even out the Role boosts some more as well as give all champs in the mode some more consistent damage with True Damage. This won’t suddenly make everyone do as much damage as Iron Man with Critical Armor, or let you make clips with Hulkbuster like our resident expert Karate Mike, but it should give the weakest performers some needed extra power.
Overall we’re pretty happy with how Raids have gone so far, and love seeing you folks wishing for more of it! We’ll be keeping a close eye on it and taking in as much feedback as we can. Best of luck in more Raids!
Will role charges still be wiped if a player disconnects?
Charges still wiped on a disconnect?
Dr. Zola
I am really happy with the node changes though and Thanos Sayeth prompts. Those changes are greatly appreciated.
We will just be able to buy 3.5 day's worth all at once instead of waiting for the store to reset each morning.
Personally I had no problem in any fight, Hit 10% consistently.
Guess I'll just keep winning them 10 paragons and 1500 7* shrds...
I liked the game mode it was just incredibly unbalanced.
Another change that would be nice is the chance to change your boost for each boss, since each boost interacts differently with each mission.
Hopefully the new ORDER (left to right) will ALSO be the same order of which Roles provide charges to which other Role ??
So you can better tell while you’re on the Map, as to (Left to Right, 1 -> 2 -> 3) that is the direction that your Role will provide charges to the Next Role over to your Right (or rightmost #3 thus provides looped around to the leftmost Role #1).
And (for @Cat_Murdock ) to maybe arrange the next updated Infographic to match that same 1/2/3 Role order, for people using that as a guide, so it would match what the new order is in the game itself.
1. Please change the 10% damage cap to 15 or 20%. With a 10% cap there's too much opportunity to be stuck by other players and this fun game mode becomes hurry up and wait.
2. Drop the 60% revive cost from 200 to 50, or there's no incentive to play the mode ( 1 revive or a paragon crystal?!)
3. Cut Maestro's Degen on the Sp1 in half OR fix game inputs so it can be consistently dexed. I had multiple attemps where'd I'd see 4 dexs on the screen and I'd still get hit with Degen.