karatemike's challenges recap , i find it actually the most well designed



  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,905 ★★★★★
    Crcrcrc said:

    I can’t wait for the “top forum members” carina challenges where they let me make a challenge that requires everyone to r5, ascend, and sig 200 iHulk

    I'd get on board but everyone will have a ranked up scorp
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,174 ★★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    Polygon said:

    Milan1405 said:

    ChriissR said:

    His challenges were never even that bad. People really just needed someone to complain about. Fintech definitely has the hardest challenges. People really forget how awful Carinas Vol 1 & 2 were 😂

    However, I disagree with design philosophy of his other challenge which requires a highly ranked Zemo. I R5ed and ascended my zemo so hopefully it shouldn't be too bad for me if I skill up with him. But I really don't like challenges that force you to use 1 singular champion, because if you don't like playing them (which is completely understandable in a game with 200+ champions) is it really fair to ask someone to rank them up highly and possibly ascend them to do a challenge that they will do worse at anyway because they don't even like playing them?

    For example, I don't really like playing antman or black widow, so I'll just use them where absolutely necessary and then use iron man, thor and hawkeye for all other possible fights, and I really enjoy playing all of them. That seems fair enough to me. But I don't get KarateMike's reasoning that: "allowing players to bring a team of this champion of x other champion(s) wouldn't fit the theme of carina challenges". Yes, they have always been specific, but I do think there is such a thing as 'too specific'. I really don't see anything wrong with a challenge saying use either a team containing only baron zemo or a team containing some other specific champion.

    Lagacy, you smashed it out the park though mate.
    I agree with you and I think Mike completely missed the mark with his Zemo objective because of how it forces you to invest in one single champ. If it was at least a good champ like Tigra, it wouldn’t be as bad. But most people with common sense would r5 a Kate, Nick, Valkyrie,Aegon (for Necro), Stealthy for (BGs) before a champ that isn’t even close to being the best at anything. Hell, I’d even rank 5 my 6* korg before zemo.

    We get it, the Zemo propaganda has been an ongoing thing, but just because you enjoy the champ, doesnt mean it should be imposed on us. Let us at least be able to use another champ. I’m pretty sure MSDs was high ranked and he still used a lot of revives doing the challenge

    Also, I seriously think people are overstating how easy it is to get r4 mats. I’m valiant and i still need to buy them from BGs shop because I have a lot of champs I need to rank.

    We could’ve at least had r4 mats in the challenges to offset the mandatory ranking of Zemo
    Genuine question: why is it harder to invest in one champ than it is in five? Truly, can somebody answer that? I’ve heard people say they just don’t like Zemo’s playstyle and okay, that’s personal preference, I get it. But why is taking a fight with an r3 Zemo somehow worse than r3 Black Widow or Antman or Thor? Like, if you’re okay with taking fights with an r3 Avenger, why is it suddenly ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to take Zemo any higher?

    Also, this “Zemo propaganda” thing is deranged. What? Why? What kind of conspiracy theory is this? The original Zemogate thing was a theory that some people had gotten advance notice that Zemo would excel in Necropolis and so they ranked him in advance. Welp, Necropolis has been out now since November. Soooooo what’s the conspiracy now? It feels like you just saw a YouTuber get angry about Zemo once and decided to make it a personality trait.

    I don’t know why people seem to *want* to be mad about this. There are genuine issues that could be brought up around this content that could be used to tune future challenges, but instead the forums are inundated with this drivel about zEmO pRoPaGaNdA.

    I’m sorry I’m going off on you specifically here. You probably don’t deserve it, and this is a frustration about the discourse around these challenges generally boiling over. But good god this is just an unabashedly bad take.
    If you’re serious about this question then i suggest trying to give the answer a shot yourself. To me personally, I think its a retoracle question. I'll just give you the answer regardless.

    With 5 champions, the load is distributed amongst those 5, making the need to rank any one of those particular champs less important.

    For the Avengers challenge, I've heard that even a team of 6* rank 3 can get the job done, and I think even Karate Mike can agree that the sig 200 is more important for black widow and thor than is the rank 4.

    Which brings me to why my issue is with Zemo. With him, you have to do the whole entire quest with just him. Nobody else is there to even the load. Which makes it more of a necessity to r4 him over any one of those avengers.

    The same can be said with Mojo if one wasn't blessed with having the 7 star and needs to rank 4 and max sig the 6 star.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,906 ★★★★★
    Any secret tips on getting a 5* Zemo? I'm at 320k dual mutant/skill crystals opened searching for him and no luck.

    It's the only thing (5* shards) that I'm buying in the BG store right now.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,174 ★★★★★

    Any secret tips on getting a 5* Zemo? I'm at 320k dual mutant/skill crystals opened searching for him and no luck.

    It's the only thing (5* shards) that I'm buying in the BG store right now.

    I pointed this out as another flaw in the design up above , is if one was missing another rarity, but of course, no response. I opened 500k dual crystals and still have not gotten him, and his arena is months apart.

    This is a recipe for disaster as you sacrifice iso that you could have used for another class, and with woe and carina challenges, you want to be strategic with it.
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,581 ★★★★★

    I’m itching to try the challenges, mainly Mike’s but I need sig stones. And a lot of them.

    Kabam! Where are the $9.99/50 generic stone offers again?!

    Lol, I hear that! I have them all, but only my r3 thor is max sig, BW and Antman aren't even awakened yet, Iron man is sig 1 from me using a tech gem on him after the buff, and I can either use my 7r1 unduped Hawkeye or rank my 6* sig 80 up from rank 1 to at least 3.

    It's gonna take forever to get these sigged! 😅

    So in the meantime, now that I have experienced necropolis in all it's glory and become Valiant a couple weeks ago, and I have a new found love for end game type content, I'm gonna tackle the gauntlet with a normal team a couple times to use some of the keys I have and I guess use those sig stones to help sig up my avengers.

  • JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Member Posts: 1,283 ★★★★
    Anyone who completed his avengers challenge was all 5 needed? Or was there a champ you didn’t even use? I’d like to not make unnecessary rank ups
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,174 ★★★★★

    Anyone who completed his avengers challenge was all 5 needed? Or was there a champ you didn’t even use? I’d like to not make unnecessary rank ups

    Black widow is only used for 3 fights so the sig investment kind of hurts for her. Thor also wants the max sig and I think he only takes vision, terrax and KM.
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,338 ★★★★★
    I'm here to just say I love my Zemo. he's one of my favorite champs to use. no regerts at all about the rank up pre-rootnerf

    *exits but not before I just point out this content still isn't fun 😂. ... too much? ok bye. lol
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,174 ★★★★★
    edited February 2024
    Wicket329 said:

    Polygon said:

    Wicket329 said:

    Polygon said:

    Milan1405 said:

    ChriissR said:

    His challenges were never even that bad. People really just needed someone to complain about. Fintech definitely has the hardest challenges. People really forget how awful Carinas Vol 1 & 2 were 😂

    However, I disagree with design philosophy of his other challenge which requires a highly ranked Zemo. I R5ed and ascended my zemo so hopefully it shouldn't be too bad for me if I skill up with him. But I really don't like challenges that force you to use 1 singular champion, because if you don't like playing them (which is completely understandable in a game with 200+ champions) is it really fair to ask someone to rank them up highly and possibly ascend them to do a challenge that they will do worse at anyway because they don't even like playing them?

    For example, I don't really like playing antman or black widow, so I'll just use them where absolutely necessary and then use iron man, thor and hawkeye for all other possible fights, and I really enjoy playing all of them. That seems fair enough to me. But I don't get KarateMike's reasoning that: "allowing players to bring a team of this champion of x other champion(s) wouldn't fit the theme of carina challenges". Yes, they have always been specific, but I do think there is such a thing as 'too specific'. I really don't see anything wrong with a challenge saying use either a team containing only baron zemo or a team containing some other specific champion.

    Lagacy, you smashed it out the park though mate.
    I agree with you and I think Mike completely missed the mark with his Zemo objective because of how it forces you to invest in one single champ. If it was at least a good champ like Tigra, it wouldn’t be as bad. But most people with common sense would r5 a Kate, Nick, Valkyrie,Aegon (for Necro), Stealthy for (BGs) before a champ that isn’t even close to being the best at anything. Hell, I’d even rank 5 my 6* korg before zemo.

    We get it, the Zemo propaganda has been an ongoing thing, but just because you enjoy the champ, doesnt mean it should be imposed on us. Let us at least be able to use another champ. I’m pretty sure MSDs was high ranked and he still used a lot of revives doing the challenge

    Also, I seriously think people are overstating how easy it is to get r4 mats. I’m valiant and i still need to buy them from BGs shop because I have a lot of champs I need to rank.

    We could’ve at least had r4 mats in the challenges to offset the mandatory ranking of Zemo
    Genuine question: why is it harder to invest in one champ than it is in five? Truly, can somebody answer that? I’ve heard people say they just don’t like Zemo’s playstyle and okay, that’s personal preference, I get it. But why is taking a fight with an r3 Zemo somehow worse than r3 Black Widow or Antman or Thor? Like, if you’re okay with taking fights with an r3 Avenger, why is it suddenly ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to take Zemo any higher?

    Also, this “Zemo propaganda” thing is deranged. What? Why? What kind of conspiracy theory is this? The original Zemogate thing was a theory that some people had gotten advance notice that Zemo would excel in Necropolis and so they ranked him in advance. Welp, Necropolis has been out now since November. Soooooo what’s the conspiracy now? It feels like you just saw a YouTuber get angry about Zemo once and decided to make it a personality trait.

    I don’t know why people seem to *want* to be mad about this. There are genuine issues that could be brought up around this content that could be used to tune future challenges, but instead the forums are inundated with this drivel about zEmO pRoPaGaNdA.

    I’m sorry I’m going off on you specifically here. You probably don’t deserve it, and this is a frustration about the discourse around these challenges generally boiling over. But good god this is just an unabashedly bad take.
    If you’re serious about this question then i suggest trying to give the answer a shot yourself. To me personally, I think its a retoracle question. I'll just give you the answer regardless.

    With 5 champions, the load is distributed amongst those 5, making the need to rank any one of those particular champs less important.

    For the Avengers challenge, I've heard that even a team of 6* rank 3 can get the job done, and I think even Karate Mike can agree that the sig 200 is more important for black widow and thor than is the rank 4.

    Which brings me to why my issue is with Zemo. With him, you have to do the whole entire quest with just him. Nobody else is there to even the load. Which makes it more of a necessity to r4 him over any one of those avengers.

    The same can be said with Mojo if one wasn't blessed with having the 7 star and needs to rank 4 and max sig the 6 star.
    Right but interrogate that for a second and the logic falls apart. “Distribute the load” doesn’t make any sense in a 1v1 fighting game. If the counter to a particular fight is Black Widow, you’re using Black Widow for every attempt at that fight. There’s no distribution of the burden happening here. If you lose any fight, you’re reviving that champion and using them again.

    You may be thinking “Nuh uh, I can use either X or Y on this fight!” Okay, cool, if they both get knocked out are you gonna use two revives or just pick the better one and revive them, and then revive the other one who is a better counter for a different fight later on anyway? The logic does not hold up.

    What you’re looking at as a problem is actually a benefit. Rather than having to invest in five champs to get the benefits of bringing a team of high rank champs, you only need to invest in one to get that same effect.
    But my point is Even if you revive the same champ, that champ wont be doing that many fights since theres 5 different slots on the team.

    From my understanding thor and black widow take 3 fights each. In the grand scheme of the Carinas, thats not much. Perhaps with the 6* duped BW relic , black widow would be used in more than just the 3 im thinking of. @Karatemike415 would know better than me.

    Zemo and Mojo would be on their own and taking the most fights so an argument can be made to prioritize r4ing them first
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★

    I’m itching to try the challenges, mainly Mike’s but I need sig stones. And a lot of them.

    Kabam! Where are the $9.99/50 generic stone offers again?!

    Lol, I hear that! I have them all, but only my r3 thor is max sig, BW and Antman aren't even awakened yet, Iron man is sig 1 from me using a tech gem on him after the buff, and I can either use my 7r1 unduped Hawkeye or rank my 6* sig 80 up from rank 1 to at least 3.

    It's gonna take forever to get these sigged! 😅

    So in the meantime, now that I have experienced necropolis in all it's glory and become Valiant a couple weeks ago, and I have a new found love for end game type content, I'm gonna tackle the gauntlet with a normal team a couple times to use some of the keys I have and I guess use those sig stones to help sig up my avengers.

    I luckily have Mojo, Antman, and Hawkeye as 7r1, but they’re all unawakened. I’m set with Iron Man as he’s awakened 7r2, and Zemo is already r5 max sig (also have the 3/4/5 versions). The rest are all r3 currently, but Thor’s sig 20, BW is sig 60, Jabari and Tigra are sig 80.

    I have like 125 sig stones currently, and another 100 once the extra WoW point drops. But the new featured 6* crystal will be dropping soon and I would rather take Kushala or Bullseye to r5 max sig if I get either one of them on day 1 opening. The struggle 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • Milan1405Milan1405 Member Posts: 952 ★★★★

    I’m itching to try the challenges, mainly Mike’s but I need sig stones. And a lot of them.

    Kabam! Where are the $9.99/50 generic stone offers again?!

    Lol, I hear that! I have them all, but only my r3 thor is max sig, BW and Antman aren't even awakened yet, Iron man is sig 1 from me using a tech gem on him after the buff, and I can either use my 7r1 unduped Hawkeye or rank my 6* sig 80 up from rank 1 to at least 3.

    It's gonna take forever to get these sigged! 😅

    So in the meantime, now that I have experienced necropolis in all it's glory and become Valiant a couple weeks ago, and I have a new found love for end game type content, I'm gonna tackle the gauntlet with a normal team a couple times to use some of the keys I have and I guess use those sig stones to help sig up my avengers.

    I luckily have Mojo, Antman, and Hawkeye as 7r1, but they’re all unawakened. I’m set with Iron Man as he’s awakened 7r2, and Zemo is already r5 max sig (also have the 3/4/5 versions). The rest are all r3 currently, but Thor’s sig 20, BW is sig 60, Jabari and Tigra are sig 80.

    I have like 125 sig stones currently, and another 100 once the extra WoW point drops. But the new featured 6* crystal will be dropping soon and I would rather take Kushala or Bullseye to r5 max sig if I get either one of them on day 1 opening. The struggle 🤷🏻‍♂️
    I think the general consensus is to use an awakened 6 star antman over an unduped 7 star one btw as that pause on your debuffs is very important.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,714 ★★★★★
    Polygon said:

    Wicket329 said:

    Polygon said:

    Wicket329 said:

    Polygon said:

    Milan1405 said:

    ChriissR said:

    His challenges were never even that bad. People really just needed someone to complain about. Fintech definitely has the hardest challenges. People really forget how awful Carinas Vol 1 & 2 were 😂

    However, I disagree with design philosophy of his other challenge which requires a highly ranked Zemo. I R5ed and ascended my zemo so hopefully it shouldn't be too bad for me if I skill up with him. But I really don't like challenges that force you to use 1 singular champion, because if you don't like playing them (which is completely understandable in a game with 200+ champions) is it really fair to ask someone to rank them up highly and possibly ascend them to do a challenge that they will do worse at anyway because they don't even like playing them?

    For example, I don't really like playing antman or black widow, so I'll just use them where absolutely necessary and then use iron man, thor and hawkeye for all other possible fights, and I really enjoy playing all of them. That seems fair enough to me. But I don't get KarateMike's reasoning that: "allowing players to bring a team of this champion of x other champion(s) wouldn't fit the theme of carina challenges". Yes, they have always been specific, but I do think there is such a thing as 'too specific'. I really don't see anything wrong with a challenge saying use either a team containing only baron zemo or a team containing some other specific champion.

    Lagacy, you smashed it out the park though mate.
    I agree with you and I think Mike completely missed the mark with his Zemo objective because of how it forces you to invest in one single champ. If it was at least a good champ like Tigra, it wouldn’t be as bad. But most people with common sense would r5 a Kate, Nick, Valkyrie,Aegon (for Necro), Stealthy for (BGs) before a champ that isn’t even close to being the best at anything. Hell, I’d even rank 5 my 6* korg before zemo.

    We get it, the Zemo propaganda has been an ongoing thing, but just because you enjoy the champ, doesnt mean it should be imposed on us. Let us at least be able to use another champ. I’m pretty sure MSDs was high ranked and he still used a lot of revives doing the challenge

    Also, I seriously think people are overstating how easy it is to get r4 mats. I’m valiant and i still need to buy them from BGs shop because I have a lot of champs I need to rank.

    We could’ve at least had r4 mats in the challenges to offset the mandatory ranking of Zemo
    Genuine question: why is it harder to invest in one champ than it is in five? Truly, can somebody answer that? I’ve heard people say they just don’t like Zemo’s playstyle and okay, that’s personal preference, I get it. But why is taking a fight with an r3 Zemo somehow worse than r3 Black Widow or Antman or Thor? Like, if you’re okay with taking fights with an r3 Avenger, why is it suddenly ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to take Zemo any higher?

    Also, this “Zemo propaganda” thing is deranged. What? Why? What kind of conspiracy theory is this? The original Zemogate thing was a theory that some people had gotten advance notice that Zemo would excel in Necropolis and so they ranked him in advance. Welp, Necropolis has been out now since November. Soooooo what’s the conspiracy now? It feels like you just saw a YouTuber get angry about Zemo once and decided to make it a personality trait.

    I don’t know why people seem to *want* to be mad about this. There are genuine issues that could be brought up around this content that could be used to tune future challenges, but instead the forums are inundated with this drivel about zEmO pRoPaGaNdA.

    I’m sorry I’m going off on you specifically here. You probably don’t deserve it, and this is a frustration about the discourse around these challenges generally boiling over. But good god this is just an unabashedly bad take.
    If you’re serious about this question then i suggest trying to give the answer a shot yourself. To me personally, I think its a retoracle question. I'll just give you the answer regardless.

    With 5 champions, the load is distributed amongst those 5, making the need to rank any one of those particular champs less important.

    For the Avengers challenge, I've heard that even a team of 6* rank 3 can get the job done, and I think even Karate Mike can agree that the sig 200 is more important for black widow and thor than is the rank 4.

    Which brings me to why my issue is with Zemo. With him, you have to do the whole entire quest with just him. Nobody else is there to even the load. Which makes it more of a necessity to r4 him over any one of those avengers.

    The same can be said with Mojo if one wasn't blessed with having the 7 star and needs to rank 4 and max sig the 6 star.
    Right but interrogate that for a second and the logic falls apart. “Distribute the load” doesn’t make any sense in a 1v1 fighting game. If the counter to a particular fight is Black Widow, you’re using Black Widow for every attempt at that fight. There’s no distribution of the burden happening here. If you lose any fight, you’re reviving that champion and using them again.

    You may be thinking “Nuh uh, I can use either X or Y on this fight!” Okay, cool, if they both get knocked out are you gonna use two revives or just pick the better one and revive them, and then revive the other one who is a better counter for a different fight later on anyway? The logic does not hold up.

    What you’re looking at as a problem is actually a benefit. Rather than having to invest in five champs to get the benefits of bringing a team of high rank champs, you only need to invest in one to get that same effect.
    Zemo and Mojo would be on their own and taking the most fights so an argument can be made to prioritize r4ing them first
    You’re so close to getting it, you’re just looking at it from the wrong perspective. If you have a finite amount of resources to rank champs for these challenges, it makes sense to prioritize the champs who will be taking the most fights. Because then, as I said previously, you get the benefit of an entire high rank team with the cost of just one champ.

    If there were only one Antman fight (I know there’s more than one, but just bear with me), would you leave him at r1? It’s only one fight, why rank him up for so little when you have four other champs? No, you rank him up because to leave him at r1 would make that one fight an absolute revive sink. So you take him to what I think could fairly be considered a minimum useful rank, r3. But he’s still going to have a harder time than if he was r4. It will still cost more resources than it would otherwise, whether that be revives, healing, boosts, or sanity.

    The same is true for the other four champions on the team. Their fights will be easier if they are ranked up, harder if not. You have five weights you need to try to raise to useful levels. Whereas with the Zemo challenge, you’ve only got one. Which makes it feasible to raise it even higher than the others, but by no means necessary.
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,581 ★★★★★

    I’m itching to try the challenges, mainly Mike’s but I need sig stones. And a lot of them.

    Kabam! Where are the $9.99/50 generic stone offers again?!

    Lol, I hear that! I have them all, but only my r3 thor is max sig, BW and Antman aren't even awakened yet, Iron man is sig 1 from me using a tech gem on him after the buff, and I can either use my 7r1 unduped Hawkeye or rank my 6* sig 80 up from rank 1 to at least 3.

    It's gonna take forever to get these sigged! 😅

    So in the meantime, now that I have experienced necropolis in all it's glory and become Valiant a couple weeks ago, and I have a new found love for end game type content, I'm gonna tackle the gauntlet with a normal team a couple times to use some of the keys I have and I guess use those sig stones to help sig up my avengers.

    I luckily have Mojo, Antman, and Hawkeye as 7r1, but they’re all unawakened. I’m set with Iron Man as he’s awakened 7r2, and Zemo is already r5 max sig (also have the 3/4/5 versions). The rest are all r3 currently, but Thor’s sig 20, BW is sig 60, Jabari and Tigra are sig 80.

    I have like 125 sig stones currently, and another 100 once the extra WoW point drops. But the new featured 6* crystal will be dropping soon and I would rather take Kushala or Bullseye to r5 max sig if I get either one of them on day 1 opening. The struggle 🤷🏻‍♂️
    It really can be a struggle, for sure.

    I'm really in no rush, but definitely gonn work on getting gigs into the champs I need them in, once I max sig my Nimrod at least.
  • Hickdog27Hickdog27 Member Posts: 142 ★★
    Just finished both of the KM challenges this morning. They were well thought out and a lot of fun.

    Managed to complete both without exhausting my stash. Total item expenditure for both was less than the first time fighting gauntlet Korg.

  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,910 ★★★★★
    Well the question is, is it really worthy to do those challenges?
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    Milan1405 said:

    I’m itching to try the challenges, mainly Mike’s but I need sig stones. And a lot of them.

    Kabam! Where are the $9.99/50 generic stone offers again?!

    Lol, I hear that! I have them all, but only my r3 thor is max sig, BW and Antman aren't even awakened yet, Iron man is sig 1 from me using a tech gem on him after the buff, and I can either use my 7r1 unduped Hawkeye or rank my 6* sig 80 up from rank 1 to at least 3.

    It's gonna take forever to get these sigged! 😅

    So in the meantime, now that I have experienced necropolis in all it's glory and become Valiant a couple weeks ago, and I have a new found love for end game type content, I'm gonna tackle the gauntlet with a normal team a couple times to use some of the keys I have and I guess use those sig stones to help sig up my avengers.

    I luckily have Mojo, Antman, and Hawkeye as 7r1, but they’re all unawakened. I’m set with Iron Man as he’s awakened 7r2, and Zemo is already r5 max sig (also have the 3/4/5 versions). The rest are all r3 currently, but Thor’s sig 20, BW is sig 60, Jabari and Tigra are sig 80.

    I have like 125 sig stones currently, and another 100 once the extra WoW point drops. But the new featured 6* crystal will be dropping soon and I would rather take Kushala or Bullseye to r5 max sig if I get either one of them on day 1 opening. The struggle 🤷🏻‍♂️
    I think the general consensus is to use an awakened 6 star antman over an unduped 7 star one btw as that pause on your debuffs is very important.
    That's a good point. I checked after your post and didn't realize how horrible Ant-Man's sig scales after an initial awakening. A whole 3 seconds from only sig 20 gaining only 1 second by going to sig 200. That's reason enough it migh just be the smarter move to r3 my 6* since he's already sig 40, unless I awaken my 7* anytime soon.
  • DarkGuardianDarkGuardian Member Posts: 206 ★★
    I got a question, doea Iron Man need to be awakened for this challenge? Im asking cause im wondering if i should prioritize 6* or 7* Iron man
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