karatemike's challenges recap , i find it actually the most well designed

Well, i might get hated a lot for saying this, but i have just finished both avengers(3r4 high sig, hawkeye and zemo(r5, unascended) in under 50 rev combined (31 and 18 respectively). And that number is because i am terrible and fked up a lot. Zemo literally have a way to deal with every single bosses. Literally no boss should take you 3 or more revive if played perfectly .
Btw, thank you a lot @Karatemike415 , i got this beautiful dude from completing your challenges. And as i did it in 17 revives only (terrax, sgwen, korg, domino, ibom, apoc, void take 1 each) (vis, dragonman 2 each) and sassy + killmonger 3 each, rest are solo, i hope you will buy me a drink if we somehow meet each other irl lol

Btw, thank you a lot @Karatemike415 , i got this beautiful dude from completing your challenges. And as i did it in 17 revives only (terrax, sgwen, korg, domino, ibom, apoc, void take 1 each) (vis, dragonman 2 each) and sassy + killmonger 3 each, rest are solo, i hope you will buy me a drink if we somehow meet each other irl lol

With the avengers challenge, its not as critical as its not like 1 single champ has to do every fight, the fights are shared and even team revives are valuable here. Hell, someone even told me rank 3 6*’s work for the avengers challenge.
Not to mention, what if youre missing the 5* version of Zemo? His arena isnt out for months. You could hope to pull him from 5* dual crystals, but youre just throwing iso from other classes down the drain, and you need that iso for other WoW / Carina challenges .
Fyi, These aren’t really questions for you more like flaws in the design of the challenge
Zemo seems like a fair champ to do this with. You were given a free Zemo at Cyber Week so a lot of people looking to do this challenge would have the six star. You could also not have one or more of the Avengers. It's okay to have to open crystals to get champs especially for high level summoners. Not having a five star is much less of a barrier than not having a six star.
Getting all these avengers up to at least R3, some R4 is taking lots of catalysts though.
Hoping for a 7 star Ironman from the valentine crystal. 6 is R3. Just got Thor to R4, BW up to sig 200 and R3. Have a sig 40 7R1 hawkeye.
Antman is lagging behind right now... just running out of catalysts lol
Have team revives expiring in 9 days... guess I'll be spending all my different store currencies
Next is mojo 7r1, 6r4 200, then
Going to finish this week
6r3 200 widow
6r3 200 thor
6r3 60 Hawkeye
6r3 60 antman
6r3 100 IM
6r3 140(atm) Zemo
5r5a 200 Zemo
Willing to dump items if I don't have to upgrade Zemo. Have saved 30% boosts.
I do agree that Mike's challenges are not as bad as Fintechs (which are too difficult and specific) but I think Mike's avengers challenge is actually a decent idea in theory, but I am speaking as an endgame player with all those champs at sig 200 and I can rank 4 them quite easily, as well as 7 star Iron man and hawkeye, both duped, so I completely understand if most players feel the rewards do not justify doing them. However, that isn't Mike's fault - if we got 15k 7 star shards, 5k titan shards and a R1-2 gem I think it would be seen as a fair challenge.
However, I disagree with design philosophy of his other challenge which requires a highly ranked Zemo. I R5ed and ascended my zemo so hopefully it shouldn't be too bad for me if I skill up with him. But I really don't like challenges that force you to use 1 singular champion, because if you don't like playing them (which is completely understandable in a game with 200+ champions) is it really fair to ask someone to rank them up highly and possibly ascend them to do a challenge that they will do worse at anyway because they don't even like playing them?
For example, I don't really like playing antman or black widow, so I'll just use them where absolutely necessary and then use iron man, thor and hawkeye for all other possible fights, and I really enjoy playing all of them. That seems fair enough to me. But I don't get KarateMike's reasoning that: "allowing players to bring a team of this champion of x other champion(s) wouldn't fit the theme of carina challenges". Yes, they have always been specific, but I do think there is such a thing as 'too specific'. I really don't see anything wrong with a challenge saying use either a team containing only baron zemo or a team containing some other specific champion.
However, I am much more looking forwards to having a crack at Mike's challenges (I believe the avenegers one should be possible in theory to even do with zero revives if you have the champions at the correct rank and some luck) than Fintech's ones. The Mojo one in particular seems miserable and the tigra one that requires a decently high ranked Jabari panther if I'm not lucky enough to get her as a 7 star and then will not only R5 and ascend my tigra, but also have to learn how to play her well which takes a lot of time and effort, in order to even be able to consider doing said challenge in under 20 revives.
Lagacy, you smashed it out the park though mate.
I don't really enjoy using Stark Spidey. Does that mean the challenge is poorly designed? Not at all. Zemo can handle every single fight in gauntlet with careful play so I don't think it is fair to say that the challenge is bad. Completing LOL with a team of 4* or beating the Collector with only a 3* Cyclops... now that is a badly designed challenge.
Awesome work, my man!! Absolutely love to see it.
Finally as I said, what makes Mike's challenges bad, mainly is the rewards to effort ratio. As I've said numerous times, this is NOT his fault. If it offered a 7 star plus some titan shards, 7star 1-2 gem etc that would feel fair and more people would think ranking these champs is reasonable and probably have a decent time.
I did an initial pass last week to familiarize myself. Out of the 9 fights I took with Zemo he soloed 8 of them. Only had to revive him on Dragon Man because that is one he cannot solo. Took me 4 revives because his combat power rate go too high. I must admit the AI was very cooperative with me. However, 4 revives for a fight that is BS whether you use Zemo or not is completely fine. There will be fights where you need to revive and that's not a bad thing, but the majority of the fights in Gauntlet can be soloed by Zemo. If you're afraid the R4 might be too squishy, you can use boosts.
Plus, him being Stun Immune opens the door to parry & stack Furies for a mega Special 3.