Kabam Miike said: Are you that guy that was in the Twitch chat whose message was automoderated and I couldn't read it out loud?
Are you that guy that was in the Twitch chat whose message was automoderated and I couldn't read it out loud?
Priyabrata said:Is this Omniman's alt?
Is this Omniman's alt?
Ercarret said:I'd also smash her but I think we're thinking of two different definitions of the word.(For real, though, she looks cool as heck. I love her design.)
I'd also smash her but I think we're thinking of two different definitions of the word.(For real, though, she looks cool as heck. I love her design.)
Cmon guys you can’t be this down bad
There’s already a thread on this
OP looking at Shathra
Level: Impossible
Nah fr tho touch some grass
(For real, though, she looks cool as heck. I love her design.)