New AI nerfed Gladiator !?

When kabam buffed Gladiator he was able to punish the opponents block with no problem, just add intimidate and carefully hit your opponent's block so you could ramp up confidence and end your attack with a heavy. Now with the new AI improvements they can dash back and evade your heavy attacks making it even more difficult to ramp up your confidence. Kabam you keep messing up with Gladiator at this point just hand out rank down tickets and lets forget about Gladiator forever....
IF Gladiator cant ramp up his confidence safely then the champion lost like 50% of his value. WHy play a risky champ if there is other Amazing cosmic options and less risk.All of this is sad cuz the character started growing on me since he wasn't OP but had a fun kit... looks I will have to go back to Herc or Hulkling 🤷🏻♂️
Gladiator can ramp up his confidence very well - after the update. There was no "silent nerf."
As others have stated, launching wild heavies in the middle of the field was never the most optimal way to ramp his confidence - in the corner, sure.
Not a big mantis player so it could be normal but it seems odd.
What I'm saying is that neither Hulkling's or Mantis' intimidate match that above description in action (which is subjective I will admit) or text.
In text their intimidate don't state percentages but only block proficiency reduction - you can't use the numbers in their description to calculate chance for AI to block, and how they perform is at a much higher rate than the 30% we see with Gladiator (if you assume all intimidate buffs are 30% like his is stated to be)
Neither Hulkling or mantis' intimidate description state a percentage - they just state the reduction of block proficiency, which by logic (ie you read the text, and you read what the intimidate buff is defined as in game) implies their intimidate guarantees a 100% chance of blocking.
The way the AI interacts with these 3 champs from my limited experience does not imply a consistent-across-the-table chance of the AI blocking. If they are all 30% chance to block, then they all should be updated accordingly, and most importantly they should all perform that way.
From all my time playing with gladiator it seems his intimidate is less effective than Hulkling's and many get the same impression (in my alliance, here on the forums, random youtuber comments).
To me the more important aspect of an intimidate buff is the blocking action of the AI not the block penetration/reduction in block proficiency. If that isn't working correctly, then the champion becomes hindered and less enjoyable to use.
It increases the chance to block as the standard effect - and then it separately reduces their block proficiency by the given potency. That's what the glossary effect means.
Mantis & Hulkling both show a value for the Block Prof reduction via numbers, whereas Gladiator does via percentage. They all have the same "chance to block."
Gladiator keeps the Opponent intimidated for his entire ramp, so the effect is active more often than with the other Champs you listed - which would attribute to you feeling as if his is less consistent, especially with limited testing.
Taunt works the same way - the chance to throw specials is increased, and then the potency is the weakness attached.