New Community Team 1 Month Check-in



  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,928 ★★★★★
    Can we have these June and July events and announcements un-pinned on the forum while we're at it? It's nearly September and we still have pins from June.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,857 ★★★★★
    Kabam is the balance update for Serpent and Destroyer coming tomorrow?
  • MoconquerorMoconqueror Member Posts: 6
    KabamDORK said:

    Greetings Summoners

    So It's been a month now with a new Community team in place here. So far it's been a blast coming back, but not without its challenges. There is still much to learn for myself and my team, so I just wanted to come out with it and ask. Where and how can we support you better, where are we falling short, and what would you like to see more of in the future?

    Thanks everyone!

    Please give us all a chance to autoplay at arenas…ı fed up playing 500 tours of arena every week
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,857 ★★★★★
    Guys will there be a livestream tomorrow?
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    Guys will there be a livestream tomorrow?

    Think so
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,871 ★★★★★
    KabamDORK said:

    EdisonLaw said:

    Guys will there be a livestream tomorrow?

    Think so
    Yes, absolutely, 9am PT!
    Hope to watch in time the stream.

    One forum issue right now ,is the Epic Meme Thread.

    When we click goes to page 367 , and there's nothing.

    Last page is 296, only acessible by this link

    Please let someone knows

    Thanks and Repaaaarrryyyyyyyyy
  • TBKlannTBKlann Member Posts: 82

    The return of Super event , daily and 7hr objectives are depressing me

    This right here, the 7 and 22 hr events are boring me away from wanting to play. I may log in long enough for calendar but the rest is a waste and rewards suck for those events.
  • ST4RL0RD08ST4RL0RD08 Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2024
    When are you guys going to redo the apothecary? It’s been over a year of this absolute trash! Level 1 health potions and 1 revive for exploration without even an option to auto complete?! It’s beyond a joke. EOP runs and Carina challenges are nigh on impossible now, even more so in combination with the state of Ai and dropped inputs as they are. Rework this please, the community HATED the change when you implemented it, but you didn’t listen. If you carry on this way (just blindsiding and trying to shaft the community at every opportunity,) you will just kill the game. You guys never give the community even a tiny win. It’s always pure greed and trying to shaft us. LISTEN TO YOUR PLAYERS FOR GOD SAKE!
  • XtremecoolXtremecool Member Posts: 1
    Thanks a lot for noticing, there are a lot of good suggestions on the first post on this
  • Force23Force23 Member Posts: 23
    Dónde puedo mencionar sobre los raids, nosé porque ponen personajes que no sirven como tigresa blanca no ganas cargas, no gana poder, contra la mujer invisible
  • Serdar16Serdar16 Member Posts: 7
    Görünmez kadını acilen düzeltin
  • Gambit3125Gambit3125 Member Posts: 26
    @kabam crashed i dont know wether it is gonna work or not but i am gonna still try my issues with log in and long fights has remained unresolved from last 3 months i am not an expert in progamming but i belive that you ppl have nerfed auto fighting which has cross reacted with the longer gormat fight like eop and your ai is reading any fight that takes more than 5 mins as an auto fight and disconnects which has now been happening to from the latest alliance war showcase in addition to that the log in issues are there game is not working on wifi
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,928 ★★★★★
    Have to say, you still have FAR too many pinned discussions.

    11 currently.

    It's getting out of hand.
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,963 ★★★★★

    Have to say, you still have FAR too many pinned discussions.

    11 currently.

    It's getting out of hand.

    I mean they are necessary, even if they are taking space they need people to follow the rules.
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,928 ★★★★★
    kvirr said:

    Have to say, you still have FAR too many pinned discussions.

    11 currently.

    It's getting out of hand.

    I mean they are necessary, even if they are taking space they need people to follow the rules.
    When a new Month's events come, the old ones should be unpinned. There was a point when there was an event that had expired two months ago that was still up there recently. There are multiple pinned things for events that have expired already.
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★

    kvirr said:

    Have to say, you still have FAR too many pinned discussions.

    11 currently.

    It's getting out of hand.

    I mean they are necessary, even if they are taking space they need people to follow the rules.
    When a new Month's events come, the old ones should be unpinned. There was a point when there was an event that had expired two months ago that was still up there recently. There are multiple pinned things for events that have expired already.
    You can unpin them yourself
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,963 ★★★★★

    kvirr said:

    Have to say, you still have FAR too many pinned discussions.

    11 currently.

    It's getting out of hand.

    I mean they are necessary, even if they are taking space they need people to follow the rules.
    When a new Month's events come, the old ones should be unpinned. There was a point when there was an event that had expired two months ago that was still up there recently. There are multiple pinned things for events that have expired already.
    Like @JLordVileJ said, you can unpin them, also which ones are 2 months old…? There aren’t any that I can see
  • ElFenomenoTvElFenomenoTv Member Posts: 19

    I have an idea that will help players a lot especially that who need a new alliance. Can you make a new chat under Global that will be called “Recruiting”. I feel like Global is full of spam all the time and you should rework a little bit the chat zone.
    A timer for the message, for example If you looking for an alliance, you send a message and should be able to put another message in that chat after 2-3 hours, to be much cleaner than global with all that boots that search and try to scam people with that “free units websites”.

    Hope is a good idea and you can consider.

    Thank you.
  • JestroJestro Member Posts: 105
    the beta has just dissaperd for me and alot of t=other players. and i really wanted to test it. and you guys are just quite about the issue. please fix it bru. @kabamdork
  • Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 1,707 ★★★★
    Where's the beta @KabamDORK?
  • Gordon_X602Gordon_X602 Member Posts: 118
    edited November 2024
    Idea 1: Introducing longer paths, for champions, such as for the awaking of Horseman (Apocalypse choosing a mutant), Herald(Gala choosing a cosmic), and others (Spot, Moondragen, Mr. Fantastic, etc). I'm not referring to the quest such as the "Special Quest (legends)" where the health is just not not okay. Longer paths which reasonably opponent health & strength such as the Chrono-versary event (speaking as an Uncollected not TB or V).

    Idea 2: A need for more Relics. We know the developing team and everyone who makes the game possible does their best with two monthly champions. When I started this game it used to be 3 a month but I understand that there is a lot that needs to be done on the game, what about every 4 months at least 4 or 3 no relics will be nice to introduce if it's not too much to ask.
    Idea 3: Please include us all. The royal hunt was a slap on the face when I was told it's only for higher TB summoners and not for the little summoners such uncollected & conqueror who get excited only to find out we are excluded from gaining more experience & a fun hunting.

    Also: No one has addressed the 3rd Special attack being blank when clicking it battles. The damage is there when the screen goes blank (black). I put it under bugs but no one addressed it for weeks now.
  • Rahul97Rahul97 Member Posts: 44
    Please provide mcoc players an id numbers option like other game for easy search friends bcz many peoples using stylish font in id names so it's difficult to search them🐸
  • deadheatdeadheat Member Posts: 21
    - In-game chat translation.
    - Searchable champs for Deuling.
    - A reward system for leaders to reward players that participate consistently.
  • Viraj12Viraj12 Member Posts: 10
    Anyone please help me to complete zone 15 sec 7 please
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,660 ★★★★★
    deadheat said:

    - In-game chat translation.
    - Searchable champs for Deuling.
    - A reward system for leaders to reward players that participate consistently.

    Leaders don't deserve extra rewards for what they do, don't be selfish.
    A good leader helps the entire alliance get and push for better rewards.
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