What time works best time for Livestream? Remember, all times listed are in Pacific Time (UTC−08:00)

MCOC TeamMCOC Team Administrator, Admin [en] Posts: 635
edited March 5 in General Discussion
Greetings Summoners!

Since our first livestreams in Jan. 2023 we have almost always streamed on Fridays at 9am PT. This time slot was based on a number of factors and its consistency has allowed us to grow our audience month over month.

However, we know that many Summoners are unable to view the stream at this time due to a number of factors, be it school, work, family, sleep, etc. While the nature of our global audience means we will not be able to find the perfect timeslot for every single Summoner, we do want to take some time, two years in, to reevaluate and see if a different time slot would serve us better going forward.

As a part of that process we want to hear from you! Please select which option you think is the best time slot from the options below. While we cannot promise the winning time will be the new time moving forward, it will be a strong data point as we consider whether or not to move the time of the stream.

What time works best time for Livestream? Remember, all times listed are in Pacific Time (UTC−08:00) 159 votes

Early Morning ( Between 9-10am as we do currently)
GroundedWisdomGamerMegaSkater67RaganatorRiddler91benshbcaptaincushNewman0067Grootman1294acchakkoOurobørossxlbstverliebtBowTieJohnDaywalkerXElthanZeezoosOGAvengerShreddnessscaptain_rogersBamajd 78 votes
Late Morning (11am-12pm)
AjisdopeRagnarok13MagrailothosThatGuyYouSaw235Sw0rdMasterCyaenScopeotoe987GhostboytjieGarrettNItsClobberinTimeToyota_2015ericong77spj86Ben_15455Lemon_Man44waterboy_222WhatsGoodEnglishDarkNihilusCFCSports17Sharrkan 21 votes
Afternoons (12-3pm)
Snizzbarccrider474QmonStellarAleorGkevery21butmic2DannyBMCOCHazzaYodabolt21ribsandbbqbeef69pegman999MadGuyFrumpy_geezerKabam (Osaurus) RexCandyCane2 16 votes
Late Afternoon (4-6pm)
DrZolaquando213RockypantherxSoundwarpMoeyTehrQwerty12345Doctor_Strange19WeaponX2112DahMastahTx_Quack_Attack6589spidyjedi84WadeWattsAndremlopesThe_0wenpusThe_OverlordDirtysnowmanTrongNovNinosanCaptainmike420 19 votes
Evening (7-9pm)
stlormTimEMasterduxspiderknight616brucef8bringerDRTORayven5220OwlkitSunRiceAyden_noah1ChrisBosioSerdar16CoaxmetalFerahgoPaper_CipxenchiefSir_GlobalotJuanmiDarthMysticManbatn 25 votes


  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,789 ★★★★★
    Early Morning ( Between 9-10am as we do currently)
    works perfectly fine for a good audience
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,760 ★★★★★
    Early Morning ( Between 9-10am as we do currently)

    Don't fix things that doesn't need a fix.

    Spoken by someone who's timezone isn't 4am currently for these.
    I get it 10:30 PM, quite comfortable for me. If they go by your suggestion, it'll be 4am for me lol.
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 963 ★★★★
    edited March 5
    Evening (7-9pm)
    I would much rather have them in the afternoon or evening so I can me at home for them.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,734 Guardian
    Either ALTERNATE the time (like between the earliest, and latest, for Kabam office times) back-n-forth every month.
    So while some people still won’t be able to get them all, at least they can get every other month's.

    ** OR **
    Is it possible to do a 2nd STREAM (the later time slot) as an actual REPLAY (Live, but just a Replay the first one's feed), where viewers can still participate in all the normal “Live” submission of whatever they need to do to receive Giveway stuff during that 2nd “Live” stream instead.

    I don’t know what the current limitations are for people viewing it at a later time (if that's even currently possible or not, watching it like a recording) but where they can NOT currently get the Giveaways because it is watching later on (on the viewer's timetable).

    But if Kabam made it into an ACTUAL NEW LIVESTREAM (technically not Live, but as far as the streaming platform is concerned, you would be streaming something Live (again) even though it would just be a replay of original.

    *would that work to allow secondary viewers to do all the Live Giveway stuff during that 2nd Stream ??

    **and I’m sure Kabam's system could track whether someone watched BOTH of them (as in, tried to get the Giveaways from both) that your game servers should be able to just distribute the Giveaways items just once to them.
    (that could actually allow people to do 1 with their Primary, and the 2nd stream with an Alt.Account, which would be nice too).
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,113 ★★★★★
    Early Morning ( Between 9-10am as we do currently)
    People voting make sure you guys calculate your local times, the hours are on a Canadian clock.
  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 715 ★★★
    Afternoons (12-3pm)

    Either ALTERNATE the time (like between the earliest, and latest, for Kabam office times) back-n-forth every month.
    So while some people still won’t be able to get them all, at least they can get every other month's.

    ** OR **
    Is it possible to do a 2nd STREAM (the later time slot) as an actual REPLAY (Live, but just a Replay the first one's feed), where viewers can still participate in all the normal “Live” submission of whatever they need to do to receive Giveway stuff during that 2nd “Live” stream instead.

    I don’t know what the current limitations are for people viewing it at a later time (if that's even currently possible or not, watching it like a recording) but where they can NOT currently get the Giveaways because it is watching later on (on the viewer's timetable).

    But if Kabam made it into an ACTUAL NEW LIVESTREAM (technically not Live, but as far as the streaming platform is concerned, you would be streaming something Live (again) even though it would just be a replay of original.

    *would that work to allow secondary viewers to do all the Live Giveway stuff during that 2nd Stream ??

    **and I’m sure Kabam's system could track whether someone watched BOTH of them (as in, tried to get the Giveaways from both) that your game servers should be able to just distribute the Giveaways items just once to them.
    (that could actually allow people to do 1 with their Primary, and the 2nd stream with an Alt.Account, which would be nice too).

    I like this. Tbf I just clicked a time and would be happy with any of the bar current but just running it again to get the drops still would be good as well.
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,569 ★★★★★
    Evening (7-9pm)

    People voting make sure you guys calculate your local times, the hours are on a Canadian clock.

    Bro, we have 4 different time zones in Canada, lol

    For instance, their 9 AM is noon for me in Ontario.

    Speaking of that, when I voted evening, I meant evening my time, not theirs. 😭

    I'm giving you a little Canadian time zone lesson and forgot about them when I voted. Haha 🤣🤣🤣
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,113 ★★★★★
    edited 12:38AM
    Early Morning ( Between 9-10am as we do currently)

    People voting make sure you guys calculate your local times, the hours are on a Canadian clock.

    Bro, we have 4 different time zones in Canada, lol

    For instance, their 9 AM is noon for me in Ontario.

    Speaking of that, when I voted evening, I meant evening my time, not theirs. 😭

    I'm giving you a little Canadian time zone lesson and forgot about them when I voted. Haha 🤣🤣🤣
    Well you know what I mean the region of HQ lol you don't need to make to more confusing for people 🤣
    I guess the UTC was a hint; but MCoC players don't read nodes, even less timezone markings.
  • krystolixkrystolix Member Posts: 118 ★★
    Would be nice to repeat the live streams a couple times and be able to get codes/drops after watching them. Some people work jobs without access to phones or computers.
  • EluxElux Member Posts: 73
    Make streams shorter they drag on way too long
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    Late Morning (11am-12pm)
    Working as I do on Greenwich Mean Time, moving it just an hour or two later would mean I could watch it after work...
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  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,188 ★★★★★
    Early Morning ( Between 9-10am as we do currently)
    Current is time even though if it is around 3am on my end (Japan) because I'm a nocturnal. Lol.
  • slothsan050slothsan050 Member Posts: 35
    Early Morning ( Between 9-10am as we do currently)
    If it happens one hour earlier than last few months it would be really great. I don't know if that was special case but I think I attended few livestreams like that.
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